Work Interruptions Sample Clauses
Work Interruptions. 9.1 The Union shall not, under any circumstances, or for any reason, or in sympathy with, or in support for other employees or unions, call, encourage, authorize, ratify or engage in any strike, slowdown, boycott or other job action resulting in an interruption of work during the term of this Agreement.
9.2 The City will not lock out employees covered by this Agreement.
9.3 The City shall have the right to discipline, up to and including discharge, any employee who instigates, encourages, participates in or is otherwise involved in any strike, slowdown, boycott or other job action against the City or who takes any action to curtail work, restrict services or interfere with any operations of the City.
Work Interruptions. Employees who are prevented from working due to interruptions or suspension of normal work operations will be assigned to other work where possible. If other work is not available, the employee may be excused or placed on leave at the discretion of Management. Where employees are excused, management will notify employees.
Work Interruptions. If a stoppage of work occurs due to a cause over which the employees have no control, full pay will continue unless the employees are sent home. Employees sent home before the end of their regularly scheduled shift will receive four (4) hours pay or actual hours worked, whichever is greater.
Work Interruptions. An employee who has been employed at a company for at least 30 days, and who due to weather conditions cannot carry out planned work, and cannot be assigned to other work, shall be entitled to normal hourly wages multiplied by the working hours norm for the day in question, even if the lay-off occurs at the beginning of normal working hours.
Work Interruptions. In view of the organized procedure for settling grievances, no employee shall go on strike, the Union shall not declare or authorize a strike by any of its members and the Company agrees not to declare or order a lock-out against any employee until the requirements dictated by Canada Labour Code have been met. the parties agree to refrain from any pressure: tactics through the duration of this agreement. For the purpose of this article, the terms “strike” and have the same meaning as those used by the Canada Labour code. It is that neither the Union nor the employees shall interrupt work due to a dispute or a between individuals, companies, Union or associations that have not signed this as long as the Company takes the necessary steps to ensure the safety of its employees at all times such conflicts.
Work Interruptions. I I The parties to the Agreement mutually recognize that the services performed by the Agreement are services essential to public welfare. The Union therefore agrees that there shall be no interruption of these services for any cause whatsoever by the employees it represents, nor shall there be any concerted failure by them to report for duty, nor shall they absent themselves from their work, stop work or abstain in while or in I part from the full, faithful and proper performance of the duties of their employment. Any violation of the foregoing may be made the subject of disciplinary action or I discharge from employment or cancellation of this Agreement by the Board. I
Work Interruptions. The parties to this Agreement mutually agree that the services performed by employees covered by this Agreement are essential to the public health, safety, and welfare. The Union, therefore, agrees that there shall be no interruptions of these services for any cause whatsoever by the employees it represents nor shall they absent themselves from work or abstain in whole or in part from the full and proper performance of their duties. The Union and the Employer agree that violation of this section may result in discipline up to and including discharge for violation of this section.
Work Interruptions. 3.1. The Union shall not, under any circumstances or for any reason, or in sympathy with, or in support for other employees or Unions, call, encourage, authorize, ratify or engage in any strike, slowdown, boycott, sick-out, or other job action resulting in an interruption of work during the term of this Agreement.
Work Interruptions. If the work is interrupted by the contractor's employees, the contractor must keep ONDRAF/NIRAS/Belgoprocess updated and provide details of the steps it intends to take to secure its working area and to protect materials entrusted to it and deliveries for which installation is in progress. The striking staff may not, under any circumstances: ♦ remain on the site; ♦ inflict any damage, particularly to buildings and materials. The contractor must inform XXXXXX/NIRAS/Belgoprocess of the strike as soon as possible. ONDRAF/NIRAS/Belgoprocess may involve the police if the striking employees break the law.
Work Interruptions. 2.3.1 The Association, its officers or agents, or the employees, must not call, sponsor, advocate, engage in, or assist in any strike, slowdown, or work stoppage.
2.3.2 If an employee, either singly or in concert with other employees or persons, does or threatens to do any act mentioned in paragraph 2.3.1 of this Agreement, the Association must, at the District's request:
(1) Give the Superintendent written notice signed by an authorized representative that it has not done or threatened to do any such act and that it disavows such act or threat, and
(2) Instruct the employees and persons concerned in writing to cease doing such act or threatening to do it and give to the District a copy of such instructions.