Christmas Holiday requirements. With respect to the five (5) dates between December 23rd and January 3rd Christmas Holiday period, employees shall declare their availability for at least three (3) consecutive days inclusive of either Christmas Day/Boxing Day or December 31st/New Year’s Day. Availability for Christmas Day/Boxing Day or December 31st/New Year’s Day will be on an alternating basis from year to year, based on the requirements of the previous year. When a dispute arises, seniority shall be the determining factor.
Christmas Holiday requirements. Casual employees shall make themselves available for at least three (3) dates between the December 23rd and January 3rd Christmas holiday period. With respect to the three (3) dates between December 23rd and January 3rd Christmas Holiday period, employees shall declare their availability for at least three (3) consecutive days inclusive of either Christmas Day / Boxing Day or December 31st / New Years Day. New