Class Specifications Sample Clauses
Class Specifications. The Human Resources Division shall determine:
A. job titles;
B. relationship of one classification to the others; and
C. job specifications. The Employer shall provide the Union with a copy of the class specification of each title covered by the Agreement for which such a specification exists.
Class Specifications. In the event class specifications for classifications covered in this Unit are revised, the County agrees to provide the Union with copies of the revised specifications as soon as they are promulgated. Such copies shall serve as notice to the Union relative to impact bargaining. At the Union’s request, the County will meet and confer on the impact of changes to class specifications for classifications covered by this Unit.
Class Specifications. The Employer shall prepare and maintain class specifications describing the duties, responsibilities and requirements of all positions covered by this Agreement and shall provide the Union with copies of same.
Class Specifications. A. The Employer shall provide the Union with a copy of the class specification of each title covered by this contract for which such a specification exists.
B. Each employee in the bargaining unit shall be permitted by the Employer to have access to examine his or her class specification.
Class Specifications. A. The College shall provide the Union with a copy of the class specification of each title covered by this Agreement for which such a specification exists.
B. Each employee in the bargaining unit shall be permitted by the College to have access to examine his or her class specification.
Class Specifications. When a new classification is created, not listed in Appendix A, the Employer shall consult with the Union prior to drafting a job description for that position and shall provide to the Union a completed job description and its classification subject review by the Joint Job Evaluation Committee prior to posting. (See Letter of Understanding.)
Class Specifications. In the event that any new or revised class specification which is developed as a direct and necessary result of a newly-established qualification requirement which may prevent employees from continuing in their present positions, the Employer will meet with the Union to discuss and review the impact of such requirement. Such conference shall be conducted in accordance with Article 19 of this Agreement, Labor-Management Meetings.
Class Specifications. 35 In the event that any new or revised class specification which is developed as a direct 36 and necessary result of a newly established qualification requirement which may prevent 37 employees from continuing in their present positions, the Employer will meet with MSEA 38 to discuss and review the impact of such requirement. Such conference shall be 39 conducted in accordance with Article 19 of this Agreement, Labor-Management Meetings.
Class Specifications. Class specifications shall include a class title, and a description of the duties and responsibilities of the work.
Class Specifications. The Employer shall provide the Association with a copy of the class specification of each title covered by this Agreement for which such a specification exists.