Clerk Craft Sample Clauses
Clerk Craft. 1. The employer and the union shall consult in December of each year to determine the categories and the number of employees in each designated facility to be granted annual leave at one time during the upcoming Choice Vacation Period.
2. By January 1st of each convention year, the union shall notify the employer of days to be reserved for delegates of the Local APWU who will be attending the National Convention. These days shall not exceed the allowed leave quota.
3. For delegates attending the State Convention, the employer will reserve Thursday - Sunday for the convention week on the Choice Vacation Chart. The number of delegates shall not exceed the allowed leave quota.
4. Delegates shall not have leave to attend State or National Conventions charged to their vacation selections.
Clerk Craft. 1. The employer and the union shall consult in January of each year to determine the number of employees in each facility to be granted annual leave at one time during the Choice Vacation Period.
2. As soon as possible of each convention year, the union shall notify the employer of days to be reserved for delegates of the Local APWU who will be attending the National Convention. These days shall not exceed the allowed leave quota.
3. For delegates attending the State Convention, the employer will reserve the convention week on the Choice Vacation Chart. The number of delegates shall not exceed the allowed leave quota.
4. Delegates shall not have leave to attend State or National Conventions charged to their vacation selections.
Clerk Craft. Preferred duty assignments shall not be posted for bid when:
1. Periodic minor route adjustments are made to the existing schemes.
2. Financial responsibility is changed. The incumbent shall have the option of accepting or declining the position as redescribed. However, if the incumbent declines the position as redescribed, he/she then becomes an unassigned regular and the position shall be posted for bid. If cumulative changes in the starting time of the preferred duty assignments exceeds one hour, but is not one and one-half hour, the duty assignment may be reposted at the incumbent's option. The incumbent shall not have the option of accepting the new reporting time when it exceeds one hour and one-half hour. The starting time of all preferred duty assignments presently in effect as of October 1, 1996, shall be the center point for the application of the radius. When the starting time of a preferred duty assignment is changed and the duty assignment is not required to be posted, the clerk holding the duty assignment and the APWU designee shall be notified of the time change in writing.
Clerk Craft. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. Definitions Seniority Posting, Bidding, and Application Unencumbered Employees Conversion/Part-Time Flexible Preference Anti-Fatigue Measures Scheme Committee Computerized Forwarding System Listing of Key and Standard Positions
Clerk Craft. 1. The employer and the union shall consult in January of each year to determine the categories and the number of employees in each designated facility to be granted annual leave at one time during the upcoming Choice Vacation Period. .
2. Delegates shall not have leave to attend State or National Conventions, State Conventions or Regional Conference charged to their vacation selections.
Clerk Craft. A. If the starting time of a full-time duty assignment in the clerk craft is changed more than one and one-half (1 ½ ) hours during the life of the 2010-2015 National Agreement, the incumbent shall have the option of accepting the new reporting. If the incumbent elects not to accept the new reporting time, the duty assignment will be reposted.
1. Any proposed changes will be provided in advance to the local union President and be subject to discussion between the REC Manager and local union President.
B. Seniority, reassignments and posting
1. Seniority lists (Article 37)
A. Seniority lists shall be updated on a quarterly basis. These lists shall be posted at the Salt Lake City Remote Encoding Center. A copy shall be given to the President and the REC Coordinator of the Salt Lake City Area APWU.
2. Reassignments (Article 12)
A. Reassignments within the Salt Lake City Remote Encoding Center will be in accordance with and subject to the basic principles and requirements of Article 12, Reassignments, of the 2010 National agreement.
B. The Union and Management agree to adhere to Article 12, section 4, of the 2010 National Agreement.
3. Posting (Article 12)
A. The following requirements must be completed for an absentee bid to be recognized:
1. Employee must be absent over one week due to military leave.
2. Employee may file with management an advance bid in writing showing which position(s) he/she desired to be considered for in the event it comes up for bid during the absence.
B. The following requirements must be completed for those Full-Time employees requesting a copy of an upcoming or currently posted Clerk vacancy report(s), aka Bid Sheet:
1. Employee must be absent over one week due to annual, sick, military, or off-site postal training.
2. Employee must provide a written request to management specifying which bid sheets they wish to receive.
3. If requesting copies via email, it is the responsibility of the requesting employee to provide a valid email address. If the employee requests the copies be sent by mail it is the employee’s responsibility to provide a current mailing address.
4. The employee will be responsible for submitting their bid(s) via the computerized bidding system via telephone or internet. In the event that the employee has a problem submitting a bid or if a bid is not accepted, it will be the employee’s responsibility to contact management to help address the situation.
C. The time an employee spends on a temporary assignment or det...
Clerk Craft. 1. The employer and the union shall consult in December of each year to determine the number of employees to be granted annual leave at, one time during the Choice Vacation Period.
2. Sufficient leave shall be granted to allow delegates to attend State and National Conventions of the APWU. Such leave shall not be considered as part of the choice period.
Clerk Craft. LEAVE (continued)
Clerk Craft. SECTION 2. LEAVE (continued)