COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. Leaders in policy-making and decision-making, including elected officials (e.g., mayor, members of city councils, members of school boards), leaders of non- governmental organizations (e.g., American Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army), and other community organizations (e.g., U.S. National Council on Disability, Lion’s Club, Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, and the Junior League). This sector also includes leaders or representatives of tribal groups.
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COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. 1. Regional planning to identify goals for opioid reduction and support efforts or to identify areas and populations with the greatest needs for treatment intervention services.
COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. Mayor’s Commission, City Council, Mayors Office, Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce, State Representatives: Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx;
COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. The Deputy Principal is responsible for: Students Overseeing the wellbeing and behaviour support of all students ensuring the implementation of relevant processes and procedures, including attendance and induction. Working with relevant staff in developing, implementing and reviewing pastoral care and wellbeing practices. Liaising with relevant staff to identify and support students “at risk”. Conducting school assemblies and parent meetings on matters relating to student wellbeing or issues relating to student management. Promoting restorative practices within the school. Providing support to relevant staff in student transition processes. Staff Providing professional and pastoral care support to all staff through supervision and mentoring. Providing support and assistance for teachers in positive classroom management strategies. Assisting the Principal in the processes and procedures for the appointment of staff and the ongoing appraisal of staff.
COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. Issues The Parties agree the key issue to be addressed is: • The ongoing development of community and civic leaders within the Glenorchy City area Strategies The Parties agree the strategies they will employ are: • The identification of external funding sources to assist in the implementation of programs designed to promote community and civic leaders from within the Glenorchy municipal area • The Department of Education through TAFE will develop a Community Leaders Training Program, incorporating varying levels of leadership and approaches, as well as the development of student leaders and the Youth Taskforce, in the area Performance Indicators The Parties agree the indicators to be used are: • Within three months of signing this Agreement, the Parties will have established a reference group to work with existing structures of the Council to identify community and civic leadership opportunities • Within three months of signing this Agreement, the Parties will have identified funding opportunities to assist in the development and implementation of civic and community leadership programs • Within six months of signing this Agreement, funding applications will have been completed and forwarded to relevant organisations • By the end of June 2001, a Community Leaders Training Program will be in place


  • Community Services a) Grantee shall provide the community-based services outlined in Texas Health and Safety Code Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter § 534.053, as incorporated into services defined in Information Item G, incorporated by reference and posted at: xxxxx:// services-providers/behavioral-health-provider-resources/community-mental-health- contracts.

  • Community Service Service to the wider community includes active participation in a wide variety of governmental, societal and community institutions, programs and services, where such participation is based on the candidate’s academic or professional expertise.

  • Community Development 1. Support the mission of Residence Life & Housing in building a strong community on all levels.

  • Community Mental Health Center Services Assertive Community Treatment Staffing Full Time Equivalents Community Mental Health Center March 2021 December 2020 Nurse Masters Level Clinician/or Functional Support Worker Peer Specialist Total (Excluding Psychiatry) Psychiatrist/Nurse Practitioner Total (Excluding Psychiatry) Psychiatrist/Nurse Practitioner 01 Northern Human Services - Wolfeboro 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 6.81 0.27 8.27 0.25 01 Northern Human Services - Berlin 0.34 0.31 0.00 0.00 3.94 0.14 4.17 0.14 01 Northern Human Services - Littleton 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 3.28 0.29 3.31 0.29 02 West Central Behavioral Health 0.60 1.00 0.00 0.00 5.40 0.30 5.90 0.30 03 Lakes Region Mental Health Center 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 5.00 0.40 7.00 0.38 04 Riverbend Community Mental Health Center 0.50 1.00 6.90 1.00 10.40 0.50 10.50 0.50 05 Monadnock Family Services 1.91 2.53 0.00 1.12 11.17 0.66 10.32 0.62 06 Greater Nashua Mental Health 1 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 7.65 0.15 8.50 0.15 06 Greater Nashua Mental Health 2 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 8.65 0.15 8.50 0.15 07 Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester-CTT 1.33 10.64 2.00 0.00 19.95 1.17 21.61 1.21 07 Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester-MCST 1.33 9.31 3.33 1.33 19.95 1.17 25.27 1.21 08 Seacoast Mental Health Center 1.00 1.10 5.00 1.00 10.10 0.60 10.10 0.60 09 Community Partners 0.50 0.00 3.40 0.88 7.28 0.70 7.41 0.70 10 Center for Life Management 1.00 0.00 2.28 1.00 6.71 0.46 6.57 0.46 Total 12.51 29.03 29.91 9.33 126.29 6.96 137.43 6.96 2b. Community Mental Health Center Services: Assertive Community Treatment Staffing Competencies Community Mental Health Center Substance Use Disorder Treatment Housing Assistance Supported Employment March 2021 December 2020 March 2021 December 2020 March 2021 December 2020 01 Northern Human Services - Wolfeboro 1.27 1.27 5.81 6.30 0.00 0.40 01 Northern Human Services - Berlin 0.74 0.74 3.29 3.29 0.00 0.23 01 Northern Human Services - Littleton 1.43 1.29 2.14 2.14 1.00 1.00 02 West Central Behavioral Health 0.20 0.20 4.00 0.40 0.60 0.60 03 Lakes Region Mental Health Center 1.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 2.00 2.00 04 Riverbend Community Mental Health Center 0.50 0.50 9.40 9.50 0.50 0.50 05 Monadnock Family Services 1.69 1.62 4.56 4.48 0.95 1.18 06 Greater Nashua Mental Health 1 6.15 7.15 5.50 6.50 1.50 1.50 06 Greater Nashua Mental Health 2 5.15 5.15 6.50 6.50 0.50 0.50 07 Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester-CCT 14.47 15.84 13.96 15.62 2.66 2.66 07 Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester-MCST 6.49 7.86 15.29 19.28 1.33 2.66 08 Seacoast Mental Health Center 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 09 Community Partners 1.20 1.20 4.50 4.50 1.00 1.00 10 Center for Life Management 2.14 2.14 5.42 5.28 0.29 0.29 Total 44.43 49.96 90.37 99.39 13.33 15.52 Revisions to Prior Period: None. Data Source: Bureau of Mental Health CMHC ACT Staffing Census Based on CMHC self-report. Notes: Data compiled 04/26/2021. For 2b: the Staff Competency values reflect the sum of FTEs trained to provide each service type. These numbers are not a reflection of the services delivered, but rather the quantity of staff available to provide each service. If staff are trained to provide multiple service types, their entire FTE value is credited to each service type.

  • Community Outreach Please describe all community outreach efforts undertaken since the last report.

  • Community Engagement The HSP will engage the community of diverse persons and entities in the area where it provides health services when setting priorities for the delivery of health services and when developing plans for submission to the LHIN including but not limited to CAPS and integration proposals. As part of its community engagement activities, the HSPs will have in place and utilize effective mechanisms for engaging families, caregivers, clients, residents, patients and other individuals who use the services of the HSP, to help inform the HSP plans, including the HSP’s contribution to the establishment and implementation by the LHIN of geographic sub-regions in its local health system.

  • Community Service Leave Community service leave is provided for in the NES.

  • Washtenaw Community College Eastern Michigan University Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx College of Engineering & Technology Student Services BE 214; 734.487.8659 734.973.3398

  • Management; Community Policies Owner may retain employees and management agents from time to time to manage the Property, and Owner’s agent may retain other employees or contractors. Resident, on behalf of himself or herself and his or her Guests, agrees to comply fully with all directions from Owner and its employees and agents, and the rules and regulations (including all amendments and additions thereto, except those that substantially modify the Resident’s bargain and to which Resident timely objects) as contained in this Agreement and the Community Policies of the Property. The Community Policies are available at xxxxx:// or on request from the management office and are considered part of this Agreement.

  • Community We live and work in country communities. We are invested in the health, wellness and viability of country communities and the vibrancy, diversity and future of country WA.

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