Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. As outlined in this Agreement and required by SMC 20.30.355.C.1, the Project is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The City finds that development of the Property in conformity with the Existing Zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. As of the Effective Date, Swire is conducting an extensive analysis of the Public Facilities available to serve the Project. In the event that the Existing Zoning and/or the Comprehensive Plan require Swire to provide additional Public Facilities to accommodate the Project, Swire will provide such Public Facilities consistent with the timing requirements of Section 163.3180, Florida Statutes (2010). Swire shall be bound by the City impact fees and assessments in existence as of the Effective Date of this Agreement.
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The City finds that development of the SAP is in conformity with the Existing Zoning and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In the event that the Existing Zoning or the Comprehensive Plan requires the School to provide additional Public Facilities to accommodate the Project, the School will provide such Public Facilities consistent with the timing requirements of Section 163.3180, Florida Statutes (2010). The School shall be bound by the City impact fees and assessments in existence as of the date of obtaining a building permit, per chapter 13 of the City Code.
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The City hereby finds that the development of the Properties in conformity with the Existing Zoning is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan designation as of the Effective Date and shall not be subject to any future changes to the City's Land Development Regulations and Comprehensive Plan designation after the Effective Date; provided, however, the City may apply subsequently adopted laws and policies affecting the Park West District generally to the extent authorized by, and solely pursuant to the procedures of, Section 163.3233(2), Florida Statutes.:
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The City finds that development of the Miami River SAP is in conformity with the Existing Zoning and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In the event that the Existing Zoning or the Comprehensive Plan requires the Developer to provide additional Public Facilities to accommodate the Project, the Development will provide such Public Facilities consistent with the timing requirements of Section 163.3180, Florida Statutes (2014). The Developer shall be bound by the City impact fees and assessments in existence as of the date of obtaining a building permit, per Chapter 13 of the Code.
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. Policy U2.6 Water Supply. Pursue a combination of strategies to extend existing water supplies and obtain additional new sources of water supply, which balances the environmental and economic cost, including but not limited to:
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. T-2; Coordinate land use planning with public transportation service to provide opportunities that reduce transportation demand City-wide. T-10; Maintain a capital improvement program that improves existing substandard roadways to current standards, provides a balanced system of automobile, nonmotorized and HOV facilities and recognizes road improvements that are needed to improve traffic flow and High Accident Locations and meet transportation needs and concurrence requirements. T-12; Provide a seamless roadway and nonmotorized transportation system through implementation of the Roadway, Transit, Nonmotorized 20-year plans and the Sidewalk priority criteria. use transit service within the city boundaries to connect major commercial centers, neighborhoods and regional transportation facilities. T-13; Adequately fund, design and build the roadway network in accordance with the 20-year roadway plans shown in Figure 20 (Volume 1) in order to achieve the desired roadway classifications. T-14; Complete missing links, sidewalks, and other enhancements in the existing street system to provide more effective use of existing roads through implementation of the Roadway, Transit, Bicycle and Shared Use Maps and Sidewalk Inventory Map and Sidewalk priority criteria. T-15; Design arterials to be consistent with their roadway and transitway classifications shown in the Roadway and transitway Classification Maps. New roadways must be included in the 20-year transportation plan prior to design so that the design is consistent with its roadway and transitway classifications. T-23; All roadway projects shall be consistent with the Nonmotorized Corridor Map unless physical obstacles present significant difficulties or budget constraints are present. If either of the exceptions apply, attempts to design alternative routs must be considered in the project design.
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. Objective U-7 Solid Waste Management: Manage the collection and disposal of solid waste, inclusive of garbage, recyclable materials and yard debris, in order to protect public health and safety, provide efficient and reliable levels of service and preserve environmental quality through pollution prevention and resource conservation. Encourage solid waste reduction, reuse and recycling throughout the City and with new construction and development. Policy U-7.2 Solid Waste: Provide a cost-effective, safe and responsible solid waste collection system for all areas of the City. Policy U-7.4 Environmental Health: Minimize or eliminate contamination of land, water or air by solid waste. Require the proper handling and disposal of solid waste, including hazardous waste, to protect public health and safety. Policy U-7.6 Waste Reduction and Recycling Programs: Develop targeted waste reduction and recycling programs to reduce solid waste stream disposal including: waste prevention, packaging waste reduction, construction, demolition and land-clearing debris recycling, single and multifamily residential and business recycling in order to achieve City goals. King County Solid Waste Management Plan – adopted by inter-local agreement. Multiple policies. GOAL L-2: Sustainable community development and climate change initiatives: Develop a Climate Action Plan in collaboration with local and regional partners that provides direction for Issaquah’s reduction of City-wide greenhouse gas emissions while supporting sustainable community development principles. Goal L-2.4. Include strategies and implementation measures for reducing emissions, including but not limited to the adoption of best available practices for land use, transportation, utilities and public services, green building, urban tree canopy retention and other areas of sustainable development.
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. Goal L-1.5. Requiring multi-modal transportation as a key to a successful land use pattern which concentrates development, emphasizes pedestrian orientation, supports transit service, reduces the consumption of fuel and land, and reduces emissions which contribute to climate change.
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. Use of funds provided by the Ecology grant programs is consistent with the following policies of the Utilities elements of the Comprehensive Plan: