WORK ACCESS Sample Clauses

WORK ACCESSThe Association shall provide a current, written list of its Association Representatives to all heads of departments, offices, or bureaus represented herein and the CAO. The Association shall be responsible for keeping the list current. An Association Representative shall have access to department, office, or bureau facilities where Unit members are employed during regular working hours to assist employees covered under this MOU in addressing grievances when such Association assistance is requested by a grievant(s) or to investigate matters arising out of the application of the provisions of this MOU. The Association Representative shall request authorization for such visits by contacting the designated Management representative of the head of the office, department, or bureau. In the event immediate access cannot be authorized, the designated Management representative shall inform the Association Representative as to the earliest time when access can be granted. This Article shall not be construed as a limitation on the power of the head of a department, office, or bureau to restrict access to areas designated for security or confidential purposes.
WORK ACCESS. ‌ Union Staff Representatives, Local Union Officers, Executive Board Members, and Local Union Stewards, who are members of this Unit, shall have access to the facilities of the departments, offices, or bureaus represented in this MOU during working hours for the purpose of assisting employees covered under this MOU in the presenting of grievances when Union assistance is requested by the grievant(s) or when investigating matters arising out of the application of the provisions of this MOU. The Union representative shall request authorization for such visit by contacting the designated Management representative of the head of the department, office, or bureau. In the event immediate access cannot be authorized, the designated Management representative shall inform the Union representative as to the earliest time when access can be granted. Union shall give annually to all heads of departments represented in this MOU and the City Administrative Officer a written list of its Union Staff Representatives, Local Union Officers, Executive Board Members and Local Union Grievance Representatives which list shall be kept current by Union. This Article shall not be construed as a limitation on the power of the head of a department, office, or bureau to restrict access to areas designated as security or confidential.
WORK ACCESS. A full-time Association Staff Representative shall have access to the facilities of the departments, offices or bureaus represented herein during working hours for the purpose of assisting employees covered under this MOU in the adjusting of grievances when such Association assistance is requested by the grievant(s), or investigating matters arising out of the application of the provisions of this MOU. Said representative shall request authorization for such visit by contacting the designated representative of the head of the department, office or bureau of the facility that the representative desires to visit. In the event immediate access cannot be authorized, the Association staff representative shall be informed as to the time when access can be granted. The Association shall give to all heads of departments, offices or bureaus represented herein and to the City Administrative Officer a written list of its full-time Association Staff Representatives, which shall be kept current by the Association. This Article shall not be construed as a limitation on the power of the head of a department, office or bureau to restrict access to areas designated as security or confidential.
WORK ACCESS. A. An authorized Association representative shall have access to City facilities or work sites during working hours for the purpose of assisting employees covered under this MOU relative to their identified role in addressing grievances when such Association assistance is requested by the grievant(s), or investigating matters arising out of the application of the provisions of this MOU. Said representative shall request authorization for such visit by contacting a designated management representative of the department, office, or bureau for the work site. In the event immediate access cannot be authorized, the designated representative shall inform the Association representative as to the earliest time when access can be granted. B. The Association shall provide Management a written list of its authorized Association representatives, which shall be kept current by the Association. C. This Article shall not be construed as a limitation on the power of Management to restrict access to areas designated as security or confidential.
WORK ACCESS. ‌ Authorized Union representatives will be given access to work locations during working hours to investigate and process grievances or post bulletins on the bulletin board. Union representatives desiring access to a work location shall state the purpose of the visit and request the department head’s or designee’s authorization within a reasonable amount of time before the intended visit. Union shall give to each affected department head and the Director of Labor Relations a written list of authorized Union Representatives. Only those people whose names appear on the current list shall be granted access under this provision.
WORK ACCESS. A. A Union Staff Representative, with the prior approval of Management, shall be admitted to City facilities or work sites during working hours to assist employees in adjusting their grievances, or to investigate complaints concerning working conditions. If access cannot be permitted at the time requested, the Union Staff Representative will be given the date and time when such access will be permitted. It is mutually understood that only the minimum amount of time necessary to handle complaints or grievances will be utilized by the Union Staff Representative. B. A Union Staff Representative may also be admitted to City facilities or work sites, at reasonable intervals, for the purpose of communicating with Unit members who are off duty. Such communications shall be limited to an exchange of information concerning the lawful and legitimate activities of the Union and/or its membership. Authorization to make such visits shall be obtained by contacting either the person that has been designated by Management to grant access to a specific City facility or work site, or the Management Representative of the department, office or bureau affected. C. The Union shall provide Management with a list of its Union Staff Representatives. Management will provide the Union with a list of persons designated to grant access to specific City facilities or work locations. D. The provisions of this Article shall not be deemed to be a limitation on the authority of Management to deny access to facilities or work sites designated "security" or "confidential.”
WORK ACCESS. Association Staff Representatives, Association Officers, Association Executive Board Members, and Association Stewards, who are members of this Association shall have access to the facilities of the departments, offices or bureaus represented herein during working hours for the purpose of assisting employees covered under this MOU in the adjusting of grievances when such Association assistance is requested by the grievant(s), or investigating matters arising out of the application of the provisions of this MOU. Said representative shall request authorization a minimum of 8 business hours prior to such visit by contacting the designated representative of the head of the department, office, or bureau of the facility that the representative desires to visit. In the event immediate access cannot be authorized, the Association staff representative shall be informed as to the time when access can be granted. The City will make efforts to allow use of available space to which they have access in a leased facility in accordance with the lease agreement and/or building rules and regulations. The Association agrees to abide by the limitations established by the building management. The Association shall give to all heads of departments, offices, or bureaus represented herein and to the CAO a written list of its full-time Association Staff Representatives, which shall be kept current by the Association. This Article shall not be construed as a limitation on the power of the head of a department, office, or bureau to restrict access to areas designated as secure or confidential.
WORK ACCESS. ‌ An Association staff representative shall have access to the facilities of the Office of the City Attorney during working hours for the purpose of assisting employees covered under the MOU in the presenting of grievances, in investigating complaints about working conditions or in investigating matters arising out of the application of the provisions of this MOU. Said representative shall request authorization for such visit by contacting the designated representative of the City Attorney. In the event immediate access cannot be authorized, the designated representative shall inform the Association staff representative as to the time when access can be granted. The Association shall give to the Office of the City Attorney and the CAO a written list of its staff representatives and shall keep such list current. This Article shall not be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Attorney or his designee to restrict access to areas designated as secure or confidential.
WORK ACCESS. ‌ A Union representative shall be granted access to Library facilities during working hours for the purpose of assisting employees covered under this MOU, in adjusting their grievances when such assistance is requested by the grievant(s) or when investigating grievances arising out of the interpretation and/or application of the provisions of this MOU. The Union representative shall request permission to access Library facilities by contacting the designated Management representative of the Library Department. In the event immediate access cannot be granted, the Union representative shall be informed as to the time when access can be granted. The Union shall provide a list of its representatives to the head of the Library Department and shall keep the list of representatives current. Management will provide upon request special Central Library access cards for: the Librarians’ Guild President, Executive Vice- President, the two (2) Chief Stewards, and Vice-President of Health, Safety and Welfare. This Article shall not be construed as a limitation on the authority of Management to restrict access to areas designated as secure or confidential.
WORK ACCESS. A. A representative authorized by the Association shall have access to City facilities or work sites during working hours for the purpose of (1) assisting bargaining Unit members with addressing grievances when such Association assistance is requested by the Unit member or (2) investigating matters related to the application of the provisions of this MOU. The Association representative shall request authorization for such visit by contacting a designated Department representative. In the event immediate access cannot be authorized, the Department representative shall inform the Association representative as to the earliest time when access can be granted. B. The Association shall provide the Department and Management a written list of its authorized Association representatives, which shall be kept current by the Association. C. This Article shall not be construed as a limitation on the power of the Department to restrict access to areas designated as secure or confidential.