County Maintenance Sample Clauses

County Maintenance. Except to the extent set forth herein, the County shall continue to be responsible for maintenance of street improvements including the asphalt paved portions of the public ROW described in the Plats and dedicated to the County, including, but not limited to repairs, striping and re-paving.
County Maintenance. As long as Company is engaged in Full Production, County will place all of CR361 and CR26 on its summer maintenance schedule, subject to current County policies and standards, and subject to available funding. Winter Maintenance from the County for the Roads is limited to periodic assistance to Company and other property owners for repairs and support beyond the scope of normal snow removal pursuant to Resolution 2016-019, as amended. The County Superintendent agrees to request budgeting for available funds for support of summer and limited Winter Maintenance, subject to annual appropriations and approval of the Board of County Commissioners. Company acknowledges that budgeting and appropriation of funds notwithstanding, summer and other maintenance on the Roads remains subject to the availability of labor, materials, and the prioritization of work on the Road and Bridge schedule.
County Maintenance. As long as Company is actively mining, County will place all of CR361 and CR26 on its summer maintenance schedule, subject to current County policies and standards, and subject to available funding. Winter maintenance is limited to periodic assistance to Company and other property owners for repairs and support beyond the scope of normal snow removal. County agrees to budget available funds for support of summer and limited winter maintenance, subject to annual appropriations. Company acknowledges that budgeting and appropriation of funds notwithstanding, summer and other maintenance on the Roads remains subject to the availability of labor, materials, and the prioritization of work on the Road and Bridge schedule. The County shall have primary responsibility for maintenance and snow removal on CR 361 from its intersection with Highway 550 to the Senator Gulch gate.
County Maintenance. As long as Company is engaged in Full Production, County will place all of CR361 and CR26 on its summer maintenance schedule, subject to current County policies and standards, and subject to available funding. Winter Maintenance from the County for the Roads is limited to periodic assistance to Company and other property owners for repairs and support beyond the scope of normal snow removal pursuant to Resolution 2016-019, as amended. The County Superintendent agrees to request budgeting for available funds for support of summer and limited Winter Maintenance consistent with historical levels of funding and anticipated needs, subject to annual appropriations and approval of the Board of County Commissioners. Company acknowledges that budgeting and appropriation of funds notwithstanding, summer and other maintenance on the Roads remains subject to the availability of labor, materials, and the prioritization of work on the Road and Bridge schedule. Company shall in no instance be obligated to perform maintenance that is the County’s obligation.
County Maintenance. The County shall operate and maintain in good condition all components of the existing water, sanitary sewerage and storm water drainage facilities that lie outside the boundaries of the Premises. The County shall have no maintenance responsibility within the Premises. If any of such facilities are damaged or destroyed by the operations of the Lessee, the Department shall make the necessary repairs or replacements and shall xxxx the Lessee for the costs of same, plus 25% for administrative costs, in the manner specified in Article 4.06 (Failure to Maintain) hereof.
County Maintenance. The County shall maintain the existing water, sanitary sewerage and storm water drainage facilities that lie outside the boundaries of the Premises. The County shall have no other maintenance responsibility whatsoever for these premises.
County Maintenance. During the CP, the City shall allow the County to enter the Project area for maintenance activities related to the Broadway Bridge West Approach. In the event of an emergency, County personnel shall be granted immediate access to the Broadway Bridge West Approach within the Project area.
County Maintenance. The County shall provide reasonable notice and make reasonable efforts to minimize negative impacts of any required maintenance activities on the Project.
County Maintenance. Following completion of the Culvert Replacement, County will be responsible for any maintenance or repairs of the Culvert and immediate section of road crossing the Culvert that may be required from time to time, or in the alternative to provide a low water crossing if County decides not to replace the Culvert.
County Maintenance. The County shall clean, maintain and operate in good condition the Terminal Building, including, but not limited to, structural and system repairs, maintenance of electrical and mechanical systems, maintenance of walls and ceilings outside the leased Premises, and repair and maintenance of the roof. The County shall keep the public areas in the Terminal Building furnished and will provide therein adequate light, cold water and conditioned air. The County shall be responsible for the replacement of light bulbs, ballasts and tubes in the ticket counter space of the Premises. If any of the Terminal facilities are damaged or destroyed by the operations of the Lessee, the Department shall make the necessary repairs or replacements and shall bill the Lessee the cost thereof, plus 25% for administrative costs, in the manner specified in Article 4.06 (Failure to Maintain) hereof.