Data and Information Exchange Sample Clauses
Data and Information Exchange. In support of coordinated system planning, each Party shall provide the other with the following data and information. Unless otherwise indicated, such data and information shall be provided as requested by either Party and as available, on a mutually agreed to schedule but no longer than 60 days from the date of such request.
(a) Data required for the development of load flow cases, short-circuit cases, and stability cases, including ten year load forecasts, and all critical assumptions that are used in the development of these cases.
(b) Fully detailed planning models (up to the next ten (10) years), as requested by either Party and on a mutually agreed schedule as a part of the development of any joint planning studies provided for under this Article IX or as otherwise agreed to.
(c) The regional plan document produced by the Party, any long-term or short-term reliability assessment documents produced by the Party, and any operating assessment reports produced by the Party.
(d) The status of expansion studies, system impact studies and generation interconnection studies, such that each Party has knowledge that a commitment has been made to a system enhancement as a result of any such studies.
(e) Transmission system maps for the Party’s bulk transmission system and lower voltage transmission system maps that are relevant to the coordination of planning between the two systems.
(f) Contingency lists for use in load flow and stability analyses, including lists of all single contingency events and multiple facility tower line contingencies, as well as breaker diagrams for the portions of the Party’s transmission system that are relevant to the coordination of planning between the two systems.
(g) The timing of each planned enhancement, including estimated completion dates and project mobilization schedules, and indications of the likelihood a system enhancement will be completed and whether the system enhancement should be included in system expansion studies, system impact studies and generation interconnection studies, and all related applications for regulatory approval and the status thereof. This information shall be provided annually and from time to time upon changes in status.
(h) Identification of and status of interconnection requests that have been received and any long-term firm transmission services that have been approved that may impact the operation of a Party’s system in a manner that affects the other Party’s system, shared on the earlier...
Data and Information Exchange. When mutually agreeable, each Party shall provide the other Party with the following data and information.
9.2.1 Data required for the performance of a CTPS including the development of load flow cases, short-circuit cases, and stability cases, including the timing of planned enhancements.
9.2.2 Transmission system maps of the Party’s bulk transmission system and lower voltage transmission system maps that are relevant to the coordination of planning between or among the systems.
9.2.3 As studies are needed, load flow, short-circuit, and stability data will be exchanged in a format acceptable to both Parties.
Data and Information Exchange. Each Party shall provide the other PartiesParty with the following data and information for its Planning Coordinator area, as applicable, as follows.. Unless otherwise indicated, such data and information shall be provided as requested by either Party and as available, on a mutually agreed to schedule but no longer than 60 days from the date of such request. Data required for the development of load flow cases, short-circuit cases, and stability cases for the Parties’ Planning Coordinator areas, as applicable, including ten- year load forecasts, including all critical assumptions that are used in the development of these cases. Fully detailed planning models (up to the next ten (10) years) for the Parties’ Planning Coordinator areas, as applicable, as requested by any of the Parties and on a mutually agreed schedule as a part of the development of any joint planning studies provided for under this Article EightNine or as otherwise agreed to. The regional plan document produced by the Party, any long-term or short- term reliability assessment documents produced by the Party, and any operating assessment reports produced by the Party. The status of expansion studies, System Impact Studies,system impact studies and generation interconnection studies, such that each Party has knowledge that a commitment has been made to a system enhancement as a result of any such studies. Transmission system maps for the Party’s bulk transmission system and lower voltage transmission system maps that are relevant to the coordination of planning between or among the systems. Contingency lists for use in load flow and stability analyses, including lists of all single contingency events and multiple facility tower line contingencies, as well as breaker diagrams for the portions of the Party’s transmission system that are relevant to the coordination of planning between or among the systems. The timing of each planned enhancement, including estimated start and completion dates and project mobilization schedules, and indications of the likelihood a system enhancement shallwill be completed and whether the system enhancement should be included in system expansion studies, System Impact Studies,system impact studies and generation interconnection studies, and all related applications for regulatory approval and the status thereof. This information shall be provided annually and from time to time upon changes in status.
Data and Information Exchange. 4.1 Purpose of Data and Information Exchange
Data and Information Exchange. Procedures for data and information exchange are needed to assess the factual water use situation in each country. Data on water uses of the riparian countries are needed to properly carry out the balancing of interests and uses under the equitable utilisation principle. Data and information exchange is also of great importance in relation to the principle of not causing substantial harm. In applying article 7 and 8 of the Agreement it is essential to know where the pollution stems from. It should be fully in the interest of the Lower Mekong Countries to include China and Myanmar in the cooperation. An agreement on information exchange has been instated between China and the MRC over water level and rainfall data to aid in flood forecasting.232 Information on dry season flow, which is of critical importance to downstream countries, has however been left out of the present agreement.233 The procedures for data and information sharing and exchange do not seem to provide for data and information sharing with third parties. The objectives of the procedures 232 Following a technical cooperation agreement signed between the MRC and China in April 2002, which was implemented in 2003. (xxxx:// 2004-10-28) only refer to exchange “among the four MRC member countries.”234 It is unclear, from the procedures, if third parties such as China and external donors are entitled to access to the database.235 An issue closely related to public participation is the right to information. Not only states, but also the public should be given the right and possibility to gain information on operations in the river. This has been deemed an “essential prerequisite to the exercises of the right to take legal or other action to protect his interests”.236 In relation to water pollution, the public should be given access to information on what substances are discharged into the river, and what injury, inconvenience or damage discharges may cause.237 A flood warning system is now publishing daily updated water level information on the MRC webpage, as a mean of warning the public of rising water levels.238 In relation to water flow the public should also be provided with information on releases from hydropower stations. It has been reported (from Cambodia) that hydropower dams in Vietnam have released water without prior warning, killing people and damaging agriculture and livestock in downstream Cambodia.239 Public access to info...
Data and Information Exchange. As can be seen in the previous section, the MRC has a long history of water monitoring. However, in the past the information exchange among the riparian nations has not been satisfactory.195 The Procedures for Data and Information Exchange and Sharing were developed to implement Article 24 of the Agreement, “to regularly obtain, update and exchange information and data necessary to implement this Agreement”, one of the main functions of the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee is also the body appointed to oversee the effective implementation of the Procedures as required by the Mekong Agreement.196 The objectives of the Procedures are to: “Operationalise data and information exchange among the member countries; Make available, upon request, basic data and information for public access as determined by the NMCs concerned; and to promote “understanding and cooperation among the MRC member countries in a constructive and mutually beneficial (xxxx:// 2005-03-27).
Data and Information Exchange. Exchange of data and information is closely related to the topic of cooperation and can be regarded as part of the general obligation to cooperate. It is also an important feature in performing the obligations of equitable utilisation and the ‘no harm’ rule.123 Data exchange is recommended by the Helsinki rules and required in Article 9 of the 1997 water Convention as well as in Principle 9 of the Rio Declaration. Xxxxxx and Xxxxx conclude that the concept has gained substantial enough support by the international community to include it as an obligation of international law.124
(a) See also the Code of Conduct on Accidental Pollution of Transboundary Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, adopted by the Economic Commission for Europe in 1990 (E/ECE/1225-ECE/ENVWA/16) which adopts the same definition. 119 ILC draft, 2001, commentary (4) to article 7 120 Xxxxxx and Xxxxx, 2002, p. 131. The concept of EIA is included in e.g. 1991 Espoo Convention; ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation of Nature; Rio Convention (Principle 121 1997 Convention, Article 12. 122 ILC 2001 draft commentary (4) to Article 7. 123 Xxxxxx and Xxxxx, 2002, p. 322. 124 Xxxxxx and Xxxxx, 2002, p. 322.
Data and Information Exchange. When mutually agreeable, each Party shall provide the other Party with the following data and information. Effective Date: 9/17/2010 - Docket #: ER10-2746-000
9.2.1 Data required for the performance of a CTPS including the development of load flow cases, short-circuit cases, and stability cases, including the timing of planned enhancements. Effective Date: 9/17/2010 - Docket #: ER10-2746-000
9.2.2 Transmission system maps of the Party’s bulk transmission system and lower voltage transmission system maps that are relevant to the coordination of planning between or among the systems. Effective Date: 9/17/2010 - Docket #: ER10-2746-000
9.2.3 As studies are needed, load flow, short-circuit, and stability data will be exchanged in a format acceptable to both Parties. Effective Date: 9/17/2010 - Docket #: ER10-2746-000 Effective Date: 9/17/2010 - Docket #: ER10-2746-000
Data and Information Exchange. 2.1.- Data sharing
Data and Information Exchange