Access and Information Sample Clauses

Access and Information. The Company, on the one hand, and Parent and Acquisition Corp., on the other hand, shall each afford to the other and to the other’s accountants, counsel and other representatives full access during normal business hours throughout the period prior to the Effective Time to all of its properties, books, contracts, commitments and records (including but not limited to tax returns) and during such period, each shall furnish promptly to the other all information concerning its business, properties and personnel as such other party may reasonably request, provided that no investigation pursuant to this Section 6.01 shall affect any representations or warranties made herein. Each party shall hold, and shall cause its employees and agents to hold, in confidence all such information (other than such information that (a) is already in such party’s possession or (b) becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by such party or its directors, officers, managers, employees, agents or advisors or (c) becomes available to such party on a non-confidential basis from a source other than a party hereto or its advisors, provided that such source is not known by such party to be bound by a confidentiality agreement with or other obligation of secrecy to a party hereto or another party until such time as such information is otherwise publicly available; provided, however, that (i) any such information may be disclosed to such party’s directors, officers, employees and representatives of such party’s advisors who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating the transactions contemplated hereby (it being understood that such directors, officers, employees and representatives shall be informed by such party of the confidential nature of such information), (ii) any disclosure of such information may be made as to which the party hereto furnishing such information has consented in writing and (iii) any such information may be disclosed pursuant to a judicial, administrative or governmental order or request; provided, further, that the requested party will promptly so notify the other party so that the other party may seek a protective order or appropriate remedy and/or waive compliance with this Agreement and if such protective order or other remedy is not obtained or the other party waives compliance with this provision, the requested party will furnish only that portion of such information that is legally required and will exerc...
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Access and Information. 14.1 The Contractor shall provide access at all reasonable times to the Department's internal auditors or other duly authorised staff or agents to inspect such documents as the Department considers necessary in connection with this Contract and where appropriate speak to the Contractors employees.
Access and Information. (a) From the date of this Agreement until the Closing, subject to any applicable Laws, Seller shall afford Buyer and its representatives reasonable access, during regular business hours and upon reasonable advance written notice, to the Assigned Contracts, the Transferred Books and Records and the officers of the Transferred Business, as Buyer shall from time to time reasonably request in writing and otherwise as mutually agreed (including pursuant to the Cutover Plan Support Agreement). Seller shall use its reasonable best efforts to afford Buyer and its representatives reasonable access, during regular business hours and upon reasonable advance written notice, to (i) accountants’ work papers relating to the Transferred Books and Records and access to auditors of Seller or any of its Affiliates and (ii) properties of the Transferred Business to the extent that circumstances arise that could reasonably be expected to result in a material environmental Liability, provided that Buyer or its representatives, during such access, shall not conduct any invasive procedures, including sampling of soil, groundwater, surface water or other media; it being understood and agreed that in no event shall Buyer have access to (i) any information that (x) Seller’s counsel advises (after consultation in good faith with Buyer’s counsel) that sharing such information would create any potential Liability under applicable Laws, including U.S. Antitrust Laws, (y) in the reasonable judgment of Seller would violate any obligation of Seller or any of its Subsidiaries with respect to disclosure of information or confidentiality or eliminate or reduce the benefit of any legal privilege of Seller or any of its Subsidiaries (if, with respect to confidentiality, Seller has made commercially reasonable efforts to obtain a waiver regarding the possible disclosure from the third party to whom it owes an obligation of confidentiality), provided that Seller shall in good faith use its commercially reasonable efforts to provide such information in a manner and form that would not reasonably be expected to violate any such obligation with respect to disclosure of information or confidentiality or eliminate or reduce the benefit of any such legal privilege, or (z) that constitutes Customer Proprietary Network Information (other than as permitted by the rules and regulations of the FCC); provided further that in the case of competitively sensitive information, Seller and Buyer shall agree upon m...
Access and Information. From the date hereof until the earlier of the Closing Date and the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, the Buyer and its Affiliates shall be entitled, including through its and their Representatives, to make such investigation of the Transferred Assets, Assumed Liabilities and services to be provided pursuant to the Transition Services Agreement and the MNSA and such examination of the Records to the extent related thereto, and to receive such information, including financial information (including the information set forth on Schedule VI), as it reasonably requests and to make extracts and copies of such Records, including reasonable access to customary supporting information, data and documentation necessary for the preparation of the Buyer’s financial reports. Any such investigation and examination shall be conducted after reasonable advance notice under reasonable circumstances and shall be subject to any restrictions under applicable Law and this Agreement. The Sellers shall, and shall cause their controlled Affiliates and Representatives to, cooperate with the Buyer and its Affiliates and their Representatives in connection with such investigation and examination, and the Buyer and its Affiliates and Representatives shall cooperate with the respective Representatives of the Sellers and shall use their reasonable best efforts to minimize any disruption to the business. This Section 5.8 shall not entitle Buyer or its Representatives to contact any Third Party doing business with Sellers, access the properties or Records of any such Third Party or access the properties of the Seller or its controlled Affiliates, in each case without Seller’s prior written consent. No investigation or notice under this Section 5.8 or otherwise shall (i) alter any representation or warranty given hereunder by Sellers, any condition to the obligations of the Parties under this Agreement or Buyer’s right to indemnification hereunder or (ii) modify any section of the Disclosure Schedules. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Section 5.8, in no event shall the Sellers be required to prepare any financial statements with regard to the Business, the Transferred Assets or the Assumed Liabilities, whether prior to or following the Closing.
Access and Information. (a) During the period from the date of this Agreement and continuing until the earlier of the termination of this Agreement in accordance with Section 11.1 or the Closing (the “Interim Period”), subject to Section 8.17, to the extent permitted by applicable Law and solely for the purpose of facilitating the consummation of the Transactions, each of the Company and Holdings shall give, and shall cause its Representatives to give, SPAC and its Representatives, at reasonable times during normal business hours and at reasonable intervals and upon reasonable advance notice, reasonable access to all offices and other facilities and to all employees, properties, Contracts, books and records, financial and operating data and other similar information (including Tax Returns, internal working papers, client files, client Contracts and director service agreements), of or pertaining to the Target Companies or Holdings, as SPAC or its Representatives may reasonably request regarding the Target Companies or Holdings and their respective businesses, assets, Liabilities, financial condition, operations, management, employees and other aspects and cause each of the Representatives of the Company to reasonably cooperate with SPAC and its Representatives in their investigation; provided, however, that SPAC and its Representatives shall conduct any such activities in such a manner as not to unreasonably interfere with the business or operations of the Target Companies or Holdings. SPAC hereby agrees that, during the Interim Period, it shall not contact any employee (other than executive officers), customer, supplier, distributor or other material business relation of any Target Company regarding any Target Company, its business or the Transactions without the prior written consent of the Company (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company shall not be required to provide access to any information (i) that is personally identifiable information of a third party which is prohibited from being disclosed pursuant to the terms of a written confidentiality agreement with a third party, (ii) the disclosure of which would violate any Law, (iii) the disclosure of which would jeopardize the protection of attorney-client, attorney work product or other legal privilege or (iv) that is directly related to the negotiation and execution of the Transactions (or any transactions that are or were alternatives to the Transac...
Access and Information. 5.2.1 During the period commencing on the Execution Date and ending on the earlier to occur of (a) the Closing and (b) the termination of this Agreement in accordance with ARTICLE 9 (the “Pre-Closing Period”), upon reasonable notice, Seller shall, at Purchaser’s sole cost and expense: (i) afford Purchaser, its Representatives and potential financing sources reasonable access to the properties and the Product Records Controlled by Seller to the extent related to the Product Business, the Purchased Assets, the Assumed Liabilities or the Product Inventory; and (ii) furnish to Purchaser, its Representatives and potential financing sources such additional financial and operating data and other information regarding the Product Business (or copies thereof) Controlled by Seller as Purchaser, its Representatives and potential financing sources may from time to time reasonably request, in each case (A) to facilitate the Financing; or (B) as may be agreed by Purchaser and Seller as useful and allowable for post-Closing integration planning; provided, however, that such access shall not unreasonably disrupt Seller’s ordinary course operations; provided, further, that Seller shall not be required to furnish any information to Purchaser’s financing sources to facilitate the Financing that is not publicly available unless and until such financing sources are bound by a confidentiality agreement, in a form reasonably acceptable to Seller, to keep all such information acquired from Seller confidential. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Seller shall not be required to disclose any information or provide any such access if such disclosure or access would reasonably be expected, in the reasonable judgment of Seller’s outside counsel, to (i) violate applicable Law, including applicable antitrust Laws; (ii) jeopardize any attorney/client privilege or other established legal privilege; (iii) violate any term or confidentiality obligations owed to Third Parties; or (iv) disclose any Trade Secrets not included in Seller Intellectual Property; provided, however, that to the extent any such information is withheld pursuant to any the reasons set forth in clauses (i) through (iii) of this sentence, Seller shall provide to Purchaser, to the extent permissible based on the advice of Seller’s outside counsel, written summaries of such withheld information.
Access and Information. (a) The Company shall give, and shall direct its Representatives to give, the Purchaser and its Representatives, at reasonable times during normal business hours and upon reasonable intervals and notice, access to all offices and other facilities and to all employees, properties, Contracts, agreements, commitments, books and records, financial and operating data and other information (including Tax Returns, internal working papers, client files, client Contracts and director service agreements), of or pertaining to the Target Companies, as the Purchaser or its Representatives may reasonably request regarding the Target Companies and their respective businesses, assets, Liabilities, financial condition, prospects, operations, management, employees and other aspects (including unaudited quarterly financial statements, including a consolidated quarterly balance sheet and income statement, a copy of each material report, schedule and other document filed with or received by a Governmental Authority pursuant to the requirements of applicable securities Laws, and independent public accountantswork papers (subject to the consent or any other conditions required by such accountants, if any)) and instruct each of the Company’s Representatives to reasonably cooperate with the Purchaser and its Representatives in their investigation; provided, however, that (A) the Purchaser and its Representatives shall conduct any such activities in such a manner as not to unreasonably interfere with the business or operations of the Target Companies; and (B) nothing herein shall require the Company to provide access to, or to disclose any information to, the Purchaser or any of its Representatives if such access or disclosure, in the good faith reasonable belief of the Company, (x) would waive any legal privilege or (y) would be in violation of applicable laws or regulations of any Governmental Authority (including any Antitrust Laws) or the provisions of any agreement to which a Target Company is a party (taking into account the confidential nature of the disclosure). Other than as expressly provided in this section, Purchaser is not authorized to and shall not (and shall cause its employees, agents, representatives and Affiliates not to) contact any officer, director, employee, customer, supplier, joint-venture partner, lessor, lender or other material business relation of the Target Companies prior to the Effective Time without the prior written consent of the Company, such c...
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Access and Information. (a) During the period from the date of this Agreement and continuing until the earlier of the termination of this Agreement in accordance with Section 8.1 or the Closing (the “Interim Period”), subject to Section 5.15, the Company shall give, and shall cause its Representatives to give, the Purchaser and its Representatives, at reasonable times during normal business hours and upon reasonable intervals and notice, reasonable access to all offices and other facilities and to all employees, properties, Contracts, agreements, commitments, books and records, financial and operating data and other information (including Tax Returns, internal working papers, client files, client Contracts and director service agreements), of or pertaining to the Target Companies, as the Purchaser or its Representatives may reasonably request regarding the Target Companies and their respective businesses, assets, Liabilities, financial condition, prospects, operations, management, employees and other aspects (including unaudited quarterly financial statements, including a consolidated quarterly balance sheet and income statement, a copy of each material report, schedule and other document filed with or received by a Governmental Authority pursuant to the requirements of applicable securities Laws, and independent public accountantswork papers (subject to the consent or any other conditions required by such accountants, if any)) and cause each of the Company’s Representatives to reasonably cooperate with the Purchaser and its Representatives in their investigation; provided, however, that the Purchaser and its Representatives shall conduct any such activities in such a manner as not to unreasonably interfere with the business or operations of the Target Companies.
Access and Information. (a) Upon reasonable notice and subject to applicable laws relating to the exchange of information, each of Purchaser and the Company, for purposes of verifying the representations and warranties of the other and preparing for the Merger and other matters contemplated by this Agreement, shall (and shall cause its respective Subsidiaries to) afford to the other party and its representatives (including, without limitation, officers and employees of the other party and its Affiliates and counsel, accountants and other professionals retained by the other party) such reasonable access during normal business hours throughout the period prior to the Effective Time to the books, records, contracts, properties, personnel, information technology services and to such other information relating to the other party and its Subsidiaries as may be reasonably requested, except where such materials relate to (i) matters involving this Agreement, (ii) pending or threatened litigation or investigations if, in the opinion of counsel, the presence of such designees would or might adversely affect the confidential nature of, or any privilege relating to, the matters being discussed, or (iii) matters involving an Acquisition Proposal; provided, however, that no investigation pursuant to this Section 5.3 shall affect or be deemed to modify any representation or warranty made in this Agreement. Neither party nor any of its Subsidiaries shall be required to provide access to or to disclose information where such access or disclosure would violate or prejudice the rights of its customers, jeopardize the attorney-client privilege of the entity in possession or control of such information or contravene any law, rule, regulation, order, judgment, decree, fiduciary duty or binding agreement entered into prior to the date of this Agreement. The parties will make appropriate and reasonable substitute disclosure arrangements under circumstances in which the restrictions of the preceding sentence apply.
Access and Information. (a) The Seller Parties shall permit, and shall cause each of the Company’s Subsidiaries to permit, Purchaser and the Representatives of Purchaser (including legal counsel and accountants) to have upon reasonable notice access to all properties, premises, books, records (including Tax records), Contracts, financial statements, accountants’ work papers, documents, suppliers, and other Persons having business relationships with the Company and its Subsidiaries, other than customers, those suppliers who purchase key words for the Company, and Marketing Affiliates; provided, that communications with suppliers and other Persons shall include the Company (so long as the Company is reasonably available at times suggested by Purchaser or at times reasonably suggested by the Company) and the Company shall use its reasonable best efforts to cause such Persons to communicate with Purchaser but cannot guarantee that such Persons will communicate with Purchaser. The Seller Parties shall, and shall cause the Company’s Subsidiaries to, compile and provide Purchaser and its representatives with such additional financial, operating and other data and information as Purchaser may reasonably request. The Company shall provide copies of all such documents to Purchaser and its representatives promptly upon request. During normal business hours, and with reasonable notice (which shall not require more than one day’s notice), Purchaser and its representatives also shall have access to the management and, with reasonable prior notice to the Company, employees of the Company and its Subsidiaries and to the Company’s other Representatives. Each Party shall comply with its obligations under the Confidentiality Agreement. No information or knowledge obtained in any investigation pursuant to this Section 6.07 or otherwise shall affect or be deemed to modify any representation or warranty contained in this Agreement or the conditions to the obligations of the Parties to consummate the Transaction or any other rights hereunder.
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