Delegation to Committees. The Board may, from time to time, delegate to one or more Directors such authority and duties as the Board shall determine. Any such delegation shall be (i) in writing, and (ii) revocable at the will of the Board at any time.
Delegation to Committees. 100.1 The Board may delegate any of its powers, authorities and discretions (with power to sub-delegate) for such time on such terms and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit to any committee consisting of one or more Directors and (if thought fit) one or more other persons provided that:
(a) a majority of the members of a committee shall be Directors; and
(b) no resolution of a committee shall be effective unless a majority of those present when it is passed are Directors or alternate Directors.
100.2 The Board may confer such powers either collaterally with, or to the exclusion of and in substitution for, all or any of the powers of the Board in that respect and may revoke, withdraw, alter or vary any such powers and discharge any such committee in whole or in part. Insofar as any power, authority or discretion is so delegated, any reference in these Articles to the exercise by the Board of such power, authority or discretion shall be construed as if it were a reference to the exercise of such power, authority or discretion by such committee.
Delegation to Committees. 122 (A) The Directors may delegate any of their powers, authorities and discretions (with power to sub-delegate) to any committee, consisting of such person or persons (whether or not a Director or Directors) as they think fit.
Delegation to Committees. 91.1 The Board may delegate any of its powers, authorities and discretions (with power to sub-delegate) to any committee consisting of such person or persons as it thinks fit (whether a member or members of its body or not) by a resolution of the Board carried unanimously; provided that the majority of the members of the committee are Directors. Subject to any restriction on sub-delegation imposed by the Board, any committee so formed may exercise its power to sub-delegate by sub-delegating to any person or persons (whether or not a member or members of the Board or of the committee). Subject to any regulations imposed on it by the Board, the proceedings of any committee consisting of two or more members shall be governed by the provisions in these Articles for regulating proceedings of the Board so far as applicable except that no meeting of that committee shall be quorate for the purpose of exercising any of its powers, authorities or discretions unless a majority of the committee present at the meeting are Directors. A member of a committee shall be paid such remuneration (if any) in such manner as the Board may decide, and, in the case of a Director, either in addition to or in place of the Director’s ordinary remuneration as a Director.
91.2 The power to delegate contained in this Article shall be effective in relation to the powers, authorities and discretions of the Board generally and shall not be limited by the fact that in certain of these Articles, but not in others, express reference is made to particular powers, authorities or discretions being exercised by the Board or by a committee authorised by the Board.
Delegation to Committees. The Shareholder’s Board may delegate any or all of its powers to a committee or committees of the Shareholder’s Board comprised of such persons and subject to such conditions as the Shareholder’s Board may determine.
Delegation to Committees. The Board may from time to time by resolution constitute, dissolve or reconstitute standing committees and other committees consisting of such persons as the Board may determine. Every committee constituted by the Board will have the powers and duties delegated to it by the Board (subject always to the supervision by the Board) and will conform to the policies imposed upon it by the Board.
Delegation to Committees. (A) The Directors may delegate any of their powers, authorities and discretions (with power to sub-delegate) to any committee, consisting of such person or persons (whether or not a Director or Directors) as they think fit.
(B) Any committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers, authorities and discretions so delegated, conform to any regulations which may be imposed on it by the Directors. The meetings and proceedings of any committee consisting of two or more members shall be governed by the provisions contained in these articles for regulating the meetings and proceedings of the Directors so far as the same are applicable and are not superseded by any regulations imposed by the Directors.
(C) The power to delegate contained in this article shall be effective in relation to the powers, authorities and discretions of the Directors generally and shall not be limited by the fact that in certain articles, but not in others, express reference is made to particular powers, authorities or discretions being exercised by the Directors or by a committee authorised by the Directors.’ Unilever Articles of Association 65 At the Annual General Meeting of the Company duly convened and held on the 3rd May, 1995, the following Resolutions were duly passed as Special Resolutions:– That the Articles of Association of the Company be and are hereby altered as follows:–
Delegation to Committees. 5.1 The Board may appoint standing and/or ad hoc committees from among its members, which are charged with tasks specified by and shall be composed as determined by the Boards from time to time, provided that:
(i) such committee comprises (unless otherwise agreed) one Director appointed by RBS, one Director appointed by Santander and one Director appointed by the State (or their respective proxies);
(ii) the Director appointed by RBS or his proxy, shall be the chairman of such committee and shall have a casting vote;
(iii) no more than half of the members of such a committee shall be resident for tax purposes in the United Kingdom; and
(iv) the proceedings of such a committee shall be conducted in accordance with Schedule 5 Part C.
5.2 The Board remains collectively responsible for decisions made by committees. A committee may only exercise such powers as are explicitly attributed or delegated to it and may never exercise powers beyond those exercisable by the Board as a whole.
5.3 Each committee must inform the Board in a clear and timely way of the manner in which it has used delegated authority and of any major development in the area of its responsibilities. All Board members have unrestricted access to all committee meetings and records. The Board shall receive a report from each committee of its deliberations and findings. Part B
Delegation to Committees. (A) The Directors may delegate any of their powers, authorities and discretions (with power to sub-delegate) to any committee, consisting of such person or persons (whether or not a Director or Directors) as they think fit.
(B) Any committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers, authorities and discretions so delegated, conform to any regulations which may be imposed on it by the Directors. The meetings and proceedings of any committee consisting of two or more members shall be governed by the provisions contained in these articles for regulating the meetings and proceedings of the Directors so far as the same are applicable and are not superseded by any regulations imposed by the Directors.
(C) The power to delegate contained in this article shall be effective in relation to the powers, authorities and discretions of the Directors generally and shall not be limited by the fact that in certain articles, but not in others, express reference is made to particular powers, authorities or discretions being exercised by the Directors or by a committee authorised by the Directors.’ 62 Unilever PLC Articles of Association 2011 At the Annual General Meeting of the Company duly convened and held on the 3rd May, 1995, the following Resolutions were duly passed as Special Resolutions:– Resolutions That the Articles of Association of the Company be and are hereby altered as follows:–
(a) by deleting Article 14 and substituting therefor the following: 14 Every share certificate shall be executed under a seal or in such other manner as the Directors having regard to the terms of issue and any listing requirements may authorise and shall specify the number and class of shares to which it relates and the amount or respective amounts paid up on the shares. The Directors may by resolution decide, either generally or in any particular case or cases, that any signatures on any share certificates need not be autographic but may be applied to the certificates by some mechanical means or may be printed on them or that the certificates need not be signed by any person.’
(b) by deleting Article 128 and substituting therefor the following: 128 All or any of the Directors or members of any committee may participate in a meeting of the Directors or that committee by means of a conference telephone or any communication equipment which allows all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other. A person so participating shall be deemed to be present in person at the me...
Delegation to Committees. In the case of delegation to committees: the resolution making that delegation shall specify those who shall serve or be asked to serve on such committee although the resolution may allow the committee to make co-options up to a specified number; the composition of any such committee shall be entirely in the discretion of the Directors and may comprise such of their number (if any) as the resolution may specify; the deliberations of any such committee shall be reported regularly to the Directors and any resolution passed or decision taken by any such committee shall be reported promptly to the Directors and for that purpose every committee shall appoint a secretary; all delegations under this Article shall be variable or revocable at any time; the Directors may make such regulations and impose such terms and conditions and give such mandates to any such committee as they may from time to time think fit; and no committee shall knowingly incur expenditure or liability on behalf of the Club except where authorised by the Directors or in accordance with a budget which has been approved by the Directors. For the avoidance of doubt, the Directors may delegate all financial matters to any committee and may empower such committee to resolve upon the operation of any bank account according to such mandate as it shall think fit whether or not requiring a signature of any Director. The meetings and proceedings of any committee shall be governed by the Articles regulating the meetings and proceedings of the Directors so far as applicable and not superseded by any regulations made by the Directors. Articles 85 to 87 shall apply to all members of the Senior Committee and Junior Committee, with references in such Articles (and in the definition of a “Conflict of Interest”) to a “Director” or “Directors” being deemed to be to the relevant member or members of the Senior Committee or Junior Committee (as the case may be).