DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. In order to originate ACH Entries, Member Client must designate at least one Administrator. Administrator(s) shall be responsible for designating “Users” who Member Client authorizes to issue Entries on its behalf. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term User shall also include the Administrator. The Financial Institution shall be entitled to rely on the designations made by the Member Client’s Administrator(s) and shall not be responsible for matching the names of the company Users designated by the Administrator(s) to names or titles listed in Member Client’s banking resolutions. Member Client agrees that any such online Entries shall comply with Financial Institution’s Security Procedures, which are subject to change without notice to Member Client. Although Financial Institution is only required to act upon the instructions of the User(s), the Financial Institution may, in its sole discretion, execute debit or credit Entries initiated by any individuals authorized by Member Client to sign checks on Member Client accounts. The signature cards establishing the authorized signatories for Member Client deposit accounts are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof.
DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. In order to originate ACH Entries, Third-Party Sender must designate at least one Administrator. Administrator(s) shall be responsible for designating “Users” who Third-Party Sender authorizes to issue Entries on its behalf. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term User shall also include the Administrator. The Financial Institution shall be entitled to rely on the designations made by the Third-Party Sender’s Administrator(s) and shall not be responsible for matching the names of the company Users designated by the Administrator(s) to names or titles listed in Third-Party Sender’s banking resolutions. Third-Party Sender agrees that any such online Entries shall comply with Financial Institution’s Security Procedures, which are subject to change without notice to Third-Party Sender. Although Financial Institution is only required to act upon the instructions of the User(s), the Financial Institution may, in its sole discretion, execute debit or credit Entries initiated by any individuals authorized by Third-Party Sender to sign checks on Third-Party Sender accounts. The signature cards establishing the authorized signatories for Third-Party Sender deposit accounts are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof.
DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. Company must designate at least one Administrator. Administrator(s) shall be responsible for designating “Users” who Company authorizes to utilize the Wire Transfer service on its behalf. For the purposes of this Service Agreement, the term User shall also include the Administrator. The Bank shall be entitled to rely on the designations made by the Company’s Administrator(s) and shall not be responsible for matching the names of the company Users designated by the Administrator(s) to names or titles listed in Company’s banking resolutions. Company agrees that any such online Entries shall comply with Bank’s Security Procedures, which are subject to change without notice to Company. Although Bank is only required to act upon the instructions of the Users(s), the Bank may, in its sole discretion, execute debit or credit Entries initiated by any individuals authorized by Company to sign checks on Company accounts. The signature cards establishing the authorized signatories for Company deposit accounts are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof.
DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. In order to originate ACH Entries, Company must designate at least one Administrator. Administrator(s) shall be responsible for designating “Users” who Company authorizes to issue Entries on its behalf. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term User shall also include the Administrator. Glenwood State Bank shall be entitled to rely on the designations made by the Company’s Administrator(s) and shall not be responsible for matching the names of the company Users designated by the Administrator(s) to names or titles listed in Company’s banking resolutions. Company agrees that any such online Entries shall comply with Glenwood State Bank’s Security Procedures, which are subject to change without notice to Company. Although Glenwood State Bank is only required to act upon the instructions of the User(s), the Financial Institution may, in its sole discretion, execute debit or credit Entries initiated by any individuals authorized by Company to sign checks on Company accounts. The signature cards establishing the authorized signatories for Company deposit accounts are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof.
DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. The County hereby designated Xx. XxXxx X. Yamamoto, the Spokane County Transportation Demand Management Manager, as its designee for the purpose of administering and coordinating the County's responsibilities under the terms of this Agreement.
DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. In order to originate ACH Entries, you must designate at least one (1) Administrator. Administrator(s) shall be responsible for designating “Users” who you authorize to issue Entries on its behalf. For the purposes of this Addendum, the term User shall also include the Administrator. HVCU shall be entitled to fully rely on the designations made by your Administrator(s) and shall not be responsible for matching the names of your users designated by the Administrator(s) to names or titles listed in your banking resolutions. You agree that any such online Entries shall comply with HVCU’s Security Procedures, which are subject to change without notice to you. Although HVCU is only required to act upon the instructions of the User(s), HVCU may, in its sole discretion, execute debit or credit Entries initiated by any individuals authorized by you to sign checks on your Accounts. The signature cards establishing the authorized signatories for your deposit Accounts are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof.
DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. In order to use one or more Services described in this Agreement, Customer must designate at least one Administrator. Administrators shall be responsible for designating “Users” who Customer authorizes to issue Entries, and/or make payments, deposits, and/or any conduct any other transactions under this Agreement (“Transactions”) on its behalf. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term User shall also include the Administrator. The Bank shall be entitled to rely on the designations made by the Customer’s Administrators and shall not be responsible for matching the names of the Users designated by the Administrators to names or titles listed in Customer’s banking resolutions. Customer agrees that any such online Entries and/or Transactions shall comply with the User Manual(s), user guide(s) and/or operating instructions from time to time provided or made available by Bank to Customer, including any security procedures applicable to the Service(s), which are subject to change without notice to Customer. In addition to designating an Administrator, Customer may designate “Authorized Users” on the Enrollment Form attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. Bank shall enable the Authorized Users to gain access to the Service(s) and to perform other User functions. The term “Users” shall also include the agents authorized by Xxxxxxxx (“Authorized Agents”). Although Bank is only required to act upon the instructions of the Users(s), the Bank may, in its sole discretion, execute debit or credit Entries or Transactions initiated by any individuals authorized by Customer to sign checks on Customer accounts. The signature cards establishing the authorized signatories for Customer deposit accounts are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof.
DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. The Mayor may designate an administrator who shall have the exclusive authority to make determinations on behalf of the Village pursuant to GML 207-c. Absent this designation, the Village Administrator shall be the Administrator. (a) Notice of Disability or of Need For Medical or Hospital Treatment. A Member who alleges an injury or sickness eligible for the benefits afforded by GML 207-c shall notify their superior within 72 hours of either (i) an incident causing the injury or sickness; or (ii) an incident causing an injury or sickness that gives rise to a need for medical or hospital care; provided, however, that a Member taken sick allegedly as the result of a GML 207-c eligible sickness shall provide that notice as soon as they know or have reason to know that the sickness is so caused, but in no event later than 20 calendar days from the time the sickness should have been discovered to have been a GML 207-c eligible sickness. In the event of an inability of the Member to do so, the notice shall be made by another acting on behalf of the Member. The notice shall be in writing and describe the nature of the injury or sickness and the facts allegedly giving rise to same: 1. the time, date and place where the injury or illness-producing incident occurred; 2. a detailed statement of the particulars of the incident;
DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. COUNTY appoints the COUNTY Animal Protection Director or his/her designee as its agent for the purposes of administering the terms of this Agreement. COUNTY Animal Protection Director agrees to meet with CITY on a periodic basis agreeable to both Parties, but no less than one time per year, to review the services being provided herein. The Animal Protection Director or his/her designee will immediately notify the CITY Mayor or his/her designee of any Animal Protection emergency within CITY.
DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR. In order to originate ACH Entries, Company must designate at least one Administrator. Administrator(s) shall be responsible for designating “Users” who Company authorizes to issue Entries on its behalf. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term User shall also include the Administrator. The FI shall be entitled to rely on the designations made by the Company’s Administrator(s) and shall not be responsible for matching the names of the company Users designated by the Administrator(s) to names or titles listed in Company’s banking resolutions. Company agrees that any such online Entries shall comply with FI’s Security Procedures, which are subject to change without notice to Company