Duplication of Coverage Sample Clauses
Duplication of Coverage. Where more than one (1) member of a household is employed by the Board, only one (1) family policy or two (2) single policies shall be provided. Provided, however, that each employee shall receive life insurance coverage regardless of whether other family members are employed by the Board. Employees affected by this provision shall notify the Treasurer which family member is to be enrolled in the family plan.
Duplication of Coverage. In the event that both spouses (or a parent and their eligible dependent) are employed by the District, the District will be obligated to provide only one insurance plan for the spouses and their eligible dependents, as defined by 15 V.S.A. Chapter 23, and 18 V.S.A. Chapter 106, as a unit (e.g., two-person or family plan).
Duplication of Coverage. In the event that both spouses are employed by the District, the Board will be obligated to provide only one insurance policy for the couple as a unit (e.g., two-person or family plan) under the District’s medical and dental insurance plans.
Duplication of Coverage. To reduce duplicating of coverage for benefits under Article 10, subsections 10.01 (a) and (b), the Company and the Union may make alternate arrangements for any temporary Employee for the purposes of granting coverage for those benefits. The parties must mutually agree before such arrangements become effective. The parties agree to establish a system to provide for the exchange of the data in respect to dental coverage for temporary relief Employees, in order to minimize the problem of double payment.
Duplication of Coverage. In the event an Employer now individually provides insurance, pensions or other welfare benefits for its own employees, such employees shall choose either the bene- fits so provided or the benefits of a generally similar nature available under the NYSA-ILA Welfare Plan, the NYSA- ILA Medical and Clinical Services Plan, the NYSA-ILA Pension Plan or the NYSA-ILA Money Purchase Pension Plan. The intent of this provision is to eliminate duplica- tion of coverage.
Duplication of Coverage. The Access Client shall not secure services from the Attorney for the same matter under more than one Agreement and may not secure the services of more than one attorney on any given subject.
Duplication of Coverage. 1. If, as the result of an error, there is a duplication of regularly scheduled Flight Attendants on a given trip, the Flight Attendant(s) who does not fly such trip shall be paid and credited on a scheduled basis for such trip provided such Flight Attendant attempts to recover the time lost through make-up flying request. To qualify for this error protection, a Flight Attendant should make an effort to fly any trip for which s/he is legal and available which originates up to eight (8) hours after the scheduled termination time of the duplicated trip.
2. A Flight Attendant who declines the opportunity to make up a trip as provided in 1. above, shall forfeit trip error pay.
3. A Flight Attendant who successfully makes up a trip, but in so doing is paid and credited with less time than was contained in the original trip, shall be paid and credited with the difference between the trip flown and trip for which s/he was protected.
4. Pay protection is limited to the hours scheduled to be flown during the contractual month in which the trip was scheduled to originate.
5. The make-up obligation/make-up flying shall not extend beyond the contractual month in which the trip sequence was scheduled to originate.
Duplication of Coverage. You may only purchase one Policy from Travel Underwriters for each covered trip . If you do purchase more than one Policy for a specific covered trip, the maximum limit of coverage payable will be specified in the Policy with the highest level of benefits .
Duplication of Coverage. Employees electing the health insurance coverage, as provided for in this Agreement, must guarantee that double coverage does not exist. Double coverage is considered to occur where two
Duplication of Coverage. The following are not covered:
A. Services for which the member has obtained a payment, settlement, judgment, or other recovery for future payment intended as compensation.
B. Services received by a Member incarcerated in a prison, jail, or other correctional facility at the time Services are provided, including care provided outside of a correctional facility to a person who has been arrested or is under a court order of incarceration.