Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent that reductions are not achieved through attrition, reductions will be achieved by layoff. Layoff shall mean that a teacher will be placed in an inactive state of employment from an active state of employment. Where layoffs of members of the bargaining unit occur, the process described in Article 6.5.1 and areas of certification shall be the exclusive criteria in determining such layoffs. The least senior teacher in each affected area of certification by Group shall be laid off first, except that teachers holding valid continuing contracts shall be given preference over those with limited contracts. A teacher granted a continuing contract after April 30 shall be considered to hold such continuing contract for the succeeding school year.
6.5.1. Each bargaining unit member who is subject to layoff shall be given written notice of and written reasons for said layoff along with written notice of his/her recall rights. The Board shall take action on all known layoffs in May prior to the school year the layoffs are to be effective. Subsequent layoffs will occur after the Superintendent determines that additional layoffs will be recommended.
Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent that reductions are not achieved through attrition, or whose limited contracts are not renewed for reasons unrelated to a planned RIF, reductions will be achieved by suspension of teaching contracts. “
Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent that reductions are not achieved through attrition or the nonrenewal of limited contracts for performance reasons, reductions will be achieved by layoff. Layoff shall mean that a teacher will be placed in an inactive state of employment from an active state of employment through the procedures set forth in this Article.
Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent that reductions are not achieved through attrition, reductions shall be achieved by non-renewing limited contracts of employment as opposed to suspensions under Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.17, in accordance with ORC Section 3319.11. A teacher, whose contract term has not expired, shall be suspended for the balance of that term and placed on the RIF list and then he shall be non-renewed, subject to the qualification of the preceding sentence. Contracts may also be suspended in part, meaning that a full-time employee can be reduced to part-time status or a part-time employee reduced in hours through the reduction-in-force process.
1. Seniority shall be determined by placing all teachers on seniority lists within their area or areas of certification. If two or more teachers on any seniority list have the same length of continuous service, seniority shall be:
a. the first determiner is the date of the Board meeting at which the teacher was hired; and then
b. the second determiner is the effective date; and then
c. the third determiner is total teaching experience. The length of continuous service shall not be interrupted by authorized leaves of absence.
2. Reduction in Force Lists - Teachers selected for suspension or non- renewal under this Agreement, shall immediately be placed on a RIF List and such list shall be given to the SEA. Teachers non-renewed for reasons other than those enumerated in the opening paragraph to this Section, shall not appear on this list. No new teachers shall be employed by the Board while there are teachers on the RIF List who are certified for any opening, unless the administration can show that valid program needs or the education goals of the system make it demonstrably necessary for the Board to fill the position with a new teacher. No teacher on a continuing contract will lose recall rights by declining recall to a position providing fewer hours of work than the employee had been working.
Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent that reductions are not achieved through attrition or the non-renewal of limited contracts through the evaluation instrument, reductions will be achieved by suspending contract(s).
Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent that reductions are not achieved through attrition or the non-renewal of limited contracts due to performance, reductions will be achieved by the suspensions of teaching contracts. Suspensions shall mean that a teacher shall be placed in an inactive state of employment from an active state of employment. In suspending contracts of teachers within each teaching field affected by the reduction in force. Teachers holding limited contracts in the area of certification/licensure shall be suspended first, followed by teachers holding continuing contracts. No preference for seniority shall be given except when making a decision between teachers who have comparable evaluations.
Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent that reductions are not achieved through attrition, and circumstances permit, reductions may be achieved by suspension of contract. The Superintendent shall determine the specific areas of certification/licensure and the specialties, as well as the specific positions and/or work locations to be affected by the reduction in force. At least one (1) week prior to the meeting of the Board of Education where action is taken on a reduction in force, the Superintendent and/or designee shall meet with the Association President or designee to discuss the pending reduction in force.
Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent that reductions are not achieved through attrition or non-renewal of limited contracts, reductions shall be achieved by the suspension of teaching contracts in accordance with O.R.C. 3319.17 and this Agreement. Within each area of certification/licensure affected, any reduction in force not achieved by attrition will be accomplished by first, suspending the teaching contract of teachers with limited teaching contracts and second, by suspending continuing teaching contracts. The Board shall not give preference to any teacher based on seniority except when making a decision between teachers who have comparable evaluations. For purposes of reduction in force decisions made prior to June 15, 2014, all teachers will be deemed “comparable”. Reduction in force decisions made on/after June 15, 2014, will look at comparable evaluations within the specific overall evaluation category received by the affected teacher (i.e., limited contract teachers in the affected area of licensure who received an overall rating of ineffective will be laid off before a limited contract teacher with an overall rating of developing, and within the category of ineffective, the most junior teachers will be laid off before the more senior).
Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent reductions are not achieved through attrition, reductions shall be achieved in accordance with the following procedures:
Reduction Other than by Attrition. To the extent reductions are not achieved through attrition, reductions shall be achieved by renewing limited contacts of employment then suspending the contract in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.17 and implemented as set forth herein. When it is necessary to implement a reduction in force the affected member shall be notified not later than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the reduction that the District intends to reduce the member’s position. RIF could be at anytime during the school year. Notification will be as soon as possible.