EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME. It is agreed that effective July 29, 2000, an EAP will be implemented. The Company’s cost per employee will not exceed the projections in the proposal.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME. The Employer agrees in consultation with the Association to establish an Employee Assistance Programme in the Public Service to provide general counselling and social services to its employees.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME. Access to the Te Whatu Ora Employee Assistance Programme for the employee and their whānau / family will be made available as necessary.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME. 15.1 A confidential, professional counselling service is available to help employees resolve personal or work related problems. Details of how to access the Employee Assistance Programme are on the intranet.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME. An employee assistance program is in place to provide counselling and ongoing support to employees with personal or work related problems.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME. 34.1 The Employer agrees to set up an Employee Assistant Program to provide the necessary counseling for employees who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome due to encounters that they may have experienced during the performance of their duties. This program should also provide general counseling and other social services to assist officers in managing stress.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME. (EAP) SCEA shall pay for up to three free confidential sessions for each staff member per year with a counselling service approved by SCEA. SCEA may accept a recommendation from the counselling service to increase the number of sessions to a maximum of six in one year on a case by case basis. This service is self-referred and confidential. The counselling services are independent and SCEA is not told which staff members have used the service or the nature of the services provided to any individual. Details of this programme are available on the Staff Module tab of the Association’s website.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME. 5.5.1 Te Whatu Ora is committed to the wellbeing of its employees.
5.5.2 EAP can assist employees with issues such as (but are not limited to those listed below):
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME. Employee assistance is available to all employees and their immediate families. It represents the Ministry’s commitment to the welfare of all employees and the promotion of a healthy working environment. It is recognised that individuals may have personal or other problems that affect their work and the employee assistance programme provides a means for these problems to be identified and resolved. Employees are encouraged to access this confidential service early if the need should arise and participation will not affect an employee’s promotional opportunities or employment security. Information about this service, including how to access the programme, is available in the workplace and on the Ministry’s intranet.