ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP. Employees who enter a classification at a rate of pay at other than the first step shall advance one step upon completion of the one year required service. Further increments shall accrue following completion of the required service at this step and at each successive step.
ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP a. Employees who enter a classification at a rate of pay at other than the first step shall advance one step upon completion of the one year required service. Further increments shall accrue following completion of the required service at this step and at each successive step. 320. b. Apprenticeable Classes as defined in Article I.K. and related supervisory classes shall continue to be appointed at step 5.
ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP. Represented attorneys who enter a job code at a rate of pay at other than the first step shall advance one step no later than upon completion of two thousand eighty hours (2,080) paid service. Further increments shall accrue no later than following completion of the required service at this step and at each successive step.
ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP. 244. Employees who enter a classification at a rate of pay at other than the first step may advance one step upon completion of the one year required service. Further increments shall accrue following completion of the required service at this step and at each successive step.
ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP. Employees who enter a classification at a rate of pay at other than the first step shall advance one step upon completion of the one year required service. Further increments shall accrue following completion of the required service at this step and at each successive step. 218. a. Incumbents in Class 7371 Electrical Transit Mechanic shall advance to the next successive salary step upon satisfactory completion of the proficiency in-grade examination consistent with the proficiency level as appropriate. Each skill level is equivalent to one (1) salary step, with the maximum not to exceed the maximum step of the salary range.
ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP. Employees who enter a classification at a rate of pay at other than the first step shall advance one step upon completion of the one year required service. Further increments may accrue following completion of the required service at this step and at each successive step. Appendix C contains the list of represented classifications appointed at the Fifth (5th) Step.
ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP. 244. Employees who enter a classification at a rate of pay at other than the first step shall advance one step upon completion of the one year required service. Further increments may accrue following completion of the required service at this step and at each successive step. 245. Appendix C contains the list of represented classifications appointed at the Fifth (5th) Step. Class 7318 Electronic Maintenance Technician, 7482 Power Generation Technician II, 7484 Senior Power Generation Technician, and 7488 Power Generation Supervisor must be appointed at Step 3 or higher.
ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP. 238. The following classifications shall continue to be appointed at step 5: 7346 – Painter 7242 – Painter Supervisor I 7278 – Painter Supervisor II 239. Effective July 1, 2024, the first five steps of the 7242 Painter Supervisor I classification will be eliminated and steps 6-10 and corresponding salary rates will be the new steps 1-
ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP. Employees who enter a classification at a rate of pay at other than the first step shall advance one step upon completion of the one (1) year required service. Further increments shall accrue following completion of the required service at this step and at each successive step. 488. Employees with at least six months continuous service in their current classification, shall be eligible to receive annual salary step increments based on their length of service in their current classification. After six months of continuous service, employees at step one shall be eligible to advance to the second step in the salary grade. Thereafter, they shall receive subsequent salary increments on the anniversary dates of the first increment until they reach the fifth step. Non- permanent employees who receive a salary step increment and thereafter become permanent, shall receive subsequent salary increments on the anniversary date of the first increment until they reach the fifth step.
ENTRY AT OTHER THAN THE FIRST STEP. Employees who enter a classification at a rate of pay at other than the first step shall advance one step upon completion of the one year required 261. Date Increment Due. Increments shall accrue and become due and payable on the next day following completion of required service as an employee in the class, unless otherwise provided herein.