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ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. Determine item is exempt pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 15060 (c)(2). In accordance with this section, an activity is not subject to CEQA if it will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. The ownership, OM&R, use, interconnections, financial responsibilities, and sharing of responsibilities at Xxxx Substation, as described in the Eldorado Xxxx OM&R Agreement, will not result in any physical change in the environment; therefore, this activity is not subject to CEQA. City Administrative Officer (CAP) Report The CAO Report dated November 21,2017 is attached.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATIONThe project will include an environmental determination, anticipated to be a Simple Written Record. Work Element 2: Specification Package Development Task 2.1 Engineer’s Design Report (EDR) – SEH will complete an engineer’s design report sharing project justification, equipment acquisition intent, cost estimates, schedule, and project budget analysis. The EDR will follow steps required in AC 150/5220-20A on selection of components and recommended specification sections. The existing EDR prepared for previous equipment will be updated with current information. Task 2.2 Specification Bidding Documents – SEH will develop and compile the specifications and bidding documents for procurement for CFME unit. The specification package will include a table of contents, advertisement for bids, proposal documents, schedule of prices, State, Federal, and City of Minot requirements, wage rates, technical specifications, and newly published federal provisions. SEH will complete 90% and 100% design documents. Consideration will be given on delivery time for equipment associated with penalties. Documents will include at a minimum; instruction to bidders, clauses, procurement contract agreement, bonds, state, federal, and city provisions, and Buy American process and forms. Work Element 3: FAA Specifications/Buy American Review Task 3.1 – FAA Coordination – SEH will coordinate with the FAA on submitting a 90 percent complete set of specifications for FAA review.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. The Economic Development Assistance Program for Office Depot and the Sales Tax Sharing Agreement are not “projects” for the purposes of CEQA, as that term is defined by the California Environmental Quality Act. The Office Depot development has been properly mitigated and controlled by prior development approvals and precise plans. There is sufficient office space for the 13 additional employees, as well as on-site parking. Reviewed by: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Attachments:
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. As part of a larger permitting effort for all maintenance work conducted by Department of Public Works (DPW) staff for maintenance and emergency services response efforts, City staff will contract with a professional services consultant to complete all environmental monitoring, assessments and impact analysis studies required of any state, local, and federal permitting agency to conduct the work prescribed in the maintenance agreement. At this time, City staff have found there to be no environmental impact from routine vegetation and sediment management or debris removal work conducted by DPW maintenance crews in the prescribed work areas. City staff worked closely with Zone 6 staff and Board members to draft a new five-year maintenance agreement.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. A Categorical Exclusion (CE) for the project was signed by FRA on May 5, 2014 and a subsequent NEPA Re-Evaluation Form was signed by FRA on July 3, 2014.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. Specification Package Development 2.1 Engineer's Design Report 2 4 2 2.2 Specification Bidding Documents 4 6 1 4 3.1 FAA Coordination 2 4 2 3.2 Review and Address FAA Comments 2 2 3.3 Coordinate Buy American Compliance, Review and 4 4 4.1 Construction and Manage Bidding Documents 2 12 4.2 Bid Opening 1 1 2
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. ◾ The Santa Xxxxx Xxxxxx School District has adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project ◾ The main CEQA issue for this project is whether the provision of potable water services to Xxxxxx School would cause growth inducing impacts. The extension can be found to Not be growth inducing: ◾ The extension of water line will be a private two-inch diameter service connection to the site; ◾ Private line extension from run 1.7-miles north along Black Road from the City of Santa Xxxxx Wastewater Treatment Plant to the intersection of Black Road and West Main Street, and then extending west to the intersection of West Main Street and Xxxxxx School Road; ◾ School is already receiving waters and developed, no new housing or development associated with extension; ◾ Services to Xxxxxx School site would be limited to the property listed. ◾ The Commission will file a Notice of Determination following approval of the proposal and environmental determination. SANTA XXXXXXX LAFCO xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx xxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx ◆ xxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx ◾ Commission policy states that when property may ultimately be annexed to a city or a district, approval of an Out-of-Agency Service Agreement should require the landowners to agree to annex the territory with a consent to annex form ◾A condition of approval has been added ◾ Both City & Property owner have also consented to the Out-of-Agency Service Agreement SANTA XXXXXXX LAFCO xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx xxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx ◆ xxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx 9
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATIONThis Resolution is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 2100, et seq., “CEQA”) and CEQA regulations (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq.) because it establishes rules and procedures to implement government funding mechanisms; does not involve any commitment to a specific project which could result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment; and constitutes an organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. Accordingly, this Resolution does not constitute a “project” that requires environmental review (see specifically 14 CCR § 15378(b)(4-5)).
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATIONConsultant will conduct an initial environmental review of the project and complete an Initial Study (I/S) checklist in compliance with local requirements, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements (Public Resources Code 21000 et. seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Section 15000 et. seq.).