Environmental Analysis Sample Clauses

Environmental Analysis. The Forest Service shall supervise the preparation of the environmental analysis associated with the application in compliance with applicable legal requirements, including public review of the analysis, analysis of public comments, and decision documentation. In exercising this responsibility, the Forest Service shall endeavor to xxxxxx cooperation among other agencies involved in the process, and to integrate National Environmental Policy Act requirements and other environmental review and consultation requirements to avoid, to the fullest extent possible, duplication of efforts by those agencies. However, the Forest Service shall not delegate to any other agency its authority over the scope and content of the environmental analysis, or approval or denial of the application. <Carefully estimate the processing fee to minimize underpayment or overpayment. Ensure that there is sufficient documentation of the costs.> <Select the appropriate set of C.3 and C.4. clauses and delete the other set.> <If the estimated processing fee is less than $10,000, use the following C.3 and C.4 clauses.>
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Environmental Analysis. The Forest Service shall supervise the preparation of the environmental analysis associated with the application in compliance with applicable legal requirements, including public review of the analysis, analysis of public comments, and decision documentation. In exercising this responsibility, the Forest Service shall endeavor to xxxxxx cooperation among other agencies involved in the process, and to integrate National Environmental Policy Act requirements and other environmental review and consultation requirements to avoid, to the fullest extent possible, duplication of efforts by those agencies. However, the Forest Service shall not delegate to any other agency its authority over the scope and content of the environmental analysis, or approval or denial of the application.
Environmental Analysis. It is anticipated this project will be either an exempt project or a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to, the following:
Environmental Analysis. The purpose and need for the project will be established utilizing existing project information provided by the Sponsor and as documented in the Airport Master Plan or other sources. In addition, it will be necessary for KHA to provide detailed information regarding construction activities, as identified above in Task 3.1. Internet and resource database searches will then be conducted to analyze the potential for extraordinary circumstances related to the project and to provide a basis for the CatEx conclusions. Fresno County is in nonattainment for two criteria pollutants under federal ambient air quality standards. This Scope of Services includes the calculation of construction emissions and/or vehicular operations using an approved air quality emissions model specific to California (such as the latest version of CalEEMod). However, the Proposed Action will not change aircraft operations at the airport. Therefore, this Scope of Services assumes that quantitative air analysis or noise modeling efforts for long-term aircraft operations will not be necessary.
Environmental Analysis. After an agreement to initiate an exchange is signed, the authorized officer shall undertake an environmental analysis in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4371), the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and Forest Service environmental policies and procedures (Forest Service Manual Chapter 1950 and Forest Service Handbook 1909.15). In making this analysis, the authorized officer shall consider timely written comments received in response to the exchange notice published pursuant to § 254.8 of this subpart. (h) Reservations or restrictions in the public interest. In any exchange, the authorized officer shall reserve such rights or retain such interests as are needed to protect the public interest or shall otherwise restrict the use of Federal lands to be exchanged, as appropriate. The use or development of lands conveyed out of Federal ownership are subject to any restrictions imposed by the conveyance documents and all laws, regulations, and zoning authorities of State and local governing bodies. (i) Hazardous substances—(1) Federal lands. The authorized officer shall determine whether hazardous substances are known to be present on the Federal lands involved in the exchange and shall provide notice of known storage, release, or disposal of hazardous substances on the Federal lands in the contract agreement and in the conveyance document, pursuant to 40 CFR part 373 and 42 U.S.C. 9620. For purposes of this section, the notice of hazardous substances on involved Federal lands in an agreement to initiate an exchange or an exchange agreement meets the requirements for notices established in 40 CFR part 373. Unless the non-Federal party is a potentially responsible party under 42 U.S.C. 9607(a) and participated as an owner, or in the operation, arrangement, generation, or transportation of the hazardous substances found on the Federal land, the conveyance document from the United States must contain a covenant warranting that all remedial action necessary to protect human health and the environment with respect to any such substances remaining on the property has been taken before the date of transfer and that any additional remedial action found necessary after the transfer shall be conducted by the United States, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 9620(h)(3). The conveyance document must also reserve to the United States the right of access to the conveyed property if remedial or corrective action ...
Environmental Analysis. Environmental Analysis" means an interview ---------------------- and analysis conducted by NMS with representatives of a Participating Account to determine current enrollment, financial, and customer service processes for applicable coverage benefits sponsored by such Participating Account, as described in Section 2.1 below.
Environmental Analysis. This analysis will assess the impacts of mode shift, vehicle and person throughput, increased speeds, reductions in idling, increases in transit ridership, and new telecommuters on the environment. The environmental analysis addresses air quality and energy (fuel consumption). Table 4-12 lists the hypotheses and questions for the environmental analysis. The focus will be on air quality as it relates to changes in travel behavior. Air quality benefits are often cited as a positive impact from pricing, transit, telecommuting, and some technology projects. The second hypothesis refers to perceptions of the public and stakeholders as to the overall environmental impacts of the projects. The third hypothesis involves the potential for energy savings from mode shifts, changes in freeway operating conditions, and the use of alternative fuels. The details of the air quality analysis are still being developed. At a high level, the approach will be to calculate emissions before and after the UPA deployment by multiplying observed, roadway link VMT (at specific speeds) by appropriate emission rates. U.S. DOT has requested that the evaluation utilize the EPA MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator) model, which is capable of both producing emission factors and, when supplied with observed VMT, speed and other data, calculating emissions. The details of the air quality analysis approach will be worked out in partnership between U.S. DOT, the local partners, and the national evaluation team as the Environmental Test Plan is developed over the next few months. The impacts of the UPA projects on energy consumption will be examined using VMT data from the congestion analysis. The energy savings from reductions in VMT will be estimated. The energy savings from the use of alternative fueled transit buses will also be estimated based on a comparison of fuel use by route mileage and VMT for the various types of buses. Table 4-12. Environmental Analysis Approach Hypotheses/Questions Measures of Effectiveness Data  What are the impacts of the UPA strategies in the SR 520 corridor on air quality?  Reductions in VMT  VMT changes from traffic analysis and emissions factors  Travelers’ reported mode shift  Travelers’ reported access mode to new transit servicesOperational data for changes in speed, fleet composition, etc.  What are the impacts on perceptions of overall environmental quality?  Perceived changes in environmental quality  Users’ and non-users’ perceptions of...
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Environmental Analysis. The Consultant will compile information obtained from the ETDM Screening, GIS analyses, field observations, existing conditions report, land suitability mapping, and utilize the MM criteria to evaluate potential environmental impacts to natural, cultural, social and physical environment for each alternative. The Consultant will consider conceptual avoidance and minimization measures following identification of impacts and concerns. For each resource or group of resources reviewed, the Consultant will document (in the ACER) the level of detail and the method of review; anticipated project impacts; issues that may require further analysis during PD&E; and potential mitigation requirements that would be addressed during PD&E. The Consultant will list environmental resources that were not reviewed in this study and indicate whether the resources will need to be reviewed in the subsequent PD&E study. The Consultant will summarize results from coordination with various agencies performed through the ETDM Screening events and additional correspondences.
Environmental Analysis. This action implements the approvals analyzed and considered by the Sunshine Vista Environmental Impact Report and its associated Addendums (State Clearinghouse Number: 2017032041). Any potentially significant effects have been adequately analyzed and have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR and Addendums, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. In addition, none of the conditions described in California Code of Regulations, Section 15162, exist. Therefore, no further action is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). STRATEGIC PLAN: This project is consistent with Strategic Plan Priority: 1 – Housing
Environmental Analysis. This task involves writing the Analysis of the affected environment for each technical discipline to be addressed in the EA. During this activity, the Consultant will summarize the additional available pertinent literature, results from field work, and other resource information on the physical, biological and socioeconomic conditions for the analysis area that have been compiled. The technical specialists will identify direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts based on the alternatives and the cumulative activities established in earlier work in Task 11. The Forest Service will provide direction on the depth of analysis and the topics that will require analysis for the EA. Consistent with 40 CFR 1508.9(b), the goal is to prepare “brief discussions…of the environmental impacts”. The following is a list of resources that may be considered in the Analysis if relevant: • Access and Transportation • Botanical Resources, including threatened, endangered, proposed, and sensitive species, and species of local concern (SOLC) • Climate and Air QualityCultural Resources (Heritage Resources) • Geology, Geohydrology and Geochemistry • Hydrology • Fisheries and Wildlife, including threatened, endangered, proposed, and sensitive species, SOLC, and management indicator species (MIS) • Rangeland/Non-native Invasive Species • Recreation/Travel Management • Socioeconomics • Vegetation and Timber Resources Biological Assessments or Evaluations may also need to be written for this project for wildlife, fish, and botanical species. Forest Service specialist will have 30 working days (Monday-Friday) to review and comment on Assessments or Evaluations. Forest Service specialists will have the final approval and sign the reports. Any technical reports will be prepared using qualified personnel who have demonstrated successful experience in the subject matter. Methodologies to formulate effects analysis will be documented. Literature used in the Analysis will be cited and an electronic copy of each article provided to the Forest Service. All reports should be in full compliance with law, regulation, and policy and consider the following, but not limited to: • Federal Clean Water Act; Clear Air Act; National Historic Preservation Act; Archeological Protection Act; Endangered Species Act; Environmental Justice (EO 12898); Floodplain Management Act (EO 11988) and Protection of Wetlands (EO 11990). • State Water Quality Standards/Regulations (BMPs) • FSH 2509.22 (Soil and Water Cons...
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