Environmental Analysis. The Forest Service shall supervise the preparation of the environmental analysis associated with the application in compliance with applicable legal requirements, including public review of the analysis, analysis of public comments, and decision documentation. In exercising this responsibility, the Forest Service shall endeavor to xxxxxx cooperation among other agencies involved in the process, and to integrate National Environmental Policy Act requirements and other environmental review and consultation requirements to avoid, to the fullest extent possible, duplication of efforts by those agencies. However, the Forest Service shall not delegate to any other agency its authority over the scope and content of the environmental analysis, or approval or denial of the application.
Environmental Analysis. It is anticipated this project will be either an exempt project or a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Prepare Initial Study (IS), consistent with CEQA Guidelines.
B. If IS results in any impacts, prepare MND or any other applicable environmental document as necessary.
C. Prepare the Draft IS and Draft MND for public circulation as necessary, respond to questions and comments, and finalize the environmental process.
D. Coordinate with Caltrans for work within Caltrans R/W for required environmental review and approval.
Environmental Analysis. The purpose and need for the passenger terminal expansion will be established utilizing existing project information provided by the Sponsor and as documented in the Airport Master Plan or other sources. In addition, it will be necessary for KHA to provide detailed information regarding construction activities, as identified above in Task 1.1. Internet and resource database searches will then be conducted to analyze the potential for extraordinary circumstances related to the project and to provide a basis for the CatEx conclusions. Fresno County is in nonattainment for two criteria pollutants under federal ambient air quality standards. This Scope of Services includes the calculation of construction emissions and/or vehicular operations using an approved air quality emissions model specific to California (such as the latest version of CalEEMod). However, the Proposed Action will not change aircraft operations at the airport. Therefore, this Scope of Services assumes that quantitative air analysis or noise modeling efforts for long-term aircraft operations will not be necessary.
Environmental Analysis. After an agreement to initiate an exchange is signed, the authorized officer shall undertake an environmental analysis in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4371), the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and Forest Service environmental policies and procedures (Forest Service Manual Chapter 1950 and Forest Service Handbook 1909.
Environmental Analysis. Environmental Analysis" means an interview ---------------------- and analysis conducted by NMS with representatives of a Participating Account to determine current enrollment, financial, and customer service processes for applicable coverage benefits sponsored by such Participating Account, as described in Section 2.1 below.
Environmental Analysis. Following completion of any necessary envi- ronmental analysis, the Secretary may enter into an agreement or contract with the Indian tribe as described in paragraph (1).
Environmental Analysis. The Environmental Analysis sections will provide vital supporting information for the conclusions rendered for the Environmental Checklist. In accordance with Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, this section includes a detailed review of the following issues: • Aesthetics • Mineral Resources • Agricultural and Forestry Resources • Noise • Air Quality • Population/Housing • Biological Resources • Public Services • Cultural Resources • Energy • Recreation • Transportation • Geology/Soils • Tribal Cultural Resources • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Utilities/Service Systems • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology/Water Quality • Wildfire • Mandatory Findings of Significance • Land Use/Planning Each topical impact area will be analyzed in detail based upon existing information or technical analyses described above. The existing environmental setting related to each impact topic will be provided, and a summary of the project’s potential impacts will be discussed. Where necessary, project design features or mitigation measures will be provided to minimize impacts to a level below significance.
Environmental Analysis. (Not required as a part of this project.)
A. Prepare the necessary plans and applications for submission and approval of:
1. Environmental Assessment
2. Environmental Impact Statement
3. Wetlands Analysis
Environmental Analysis. Building on the Initial Study findings, Xxxxxx-Xxxx will conduct an analysis to evaluate the project's potentially significant effects on the environment. The environmental analysis will be based upon readily available data, the Technical Studies identified above, and results from additional research. The significance criteria/thresholds used to evaluate each issue will be identified and patterned after recently amended State CEQA Guidelines Appendix G. The environmental analysis will consider all project phases, including planning, acquisition, development, and operation. The analysis will consider the whole action involved with the proposed Project: on- and off-site, project- and cumulative-level, direct and indirect, and short- term construction and long-term operational. Explanations will be provided for all thresholds including "No Impact" responses, which will be supported by cited information sources. The environmental analysis will identify and focus on the project's significant environmental effects, as well as environmental issues raised during the scoping process (NOP responses, Public Scoping Meeting, and other relevant and valid informative sources). For each significant adverse impact, the environmental analysis will also identify feasible mitigation measures, which could avoid or reduce the impact. Preliminarily, the project's key environmental considerations are:
Environmental Analysis. CONSULTANT shall evaluate the project design elements with respect to determination of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. • CONSULTANT shall perform a preliminary red flag investigation in order to gain a quantitative analysis of infrastructure, water, hazardous materials, historic features, and other data within a half‐mile of the proposed project. • CONSULTANT shall perform a preliminary Waters of the United States analysis and determine the waterway permits which will likely be required for the project.