Evaluation of Tender Sample Clauses
Evaluation of Tender. Bid Evaluation Committee: The compliance of commercial terms and documents submitted as part of the technical bids shall be scrutinized by a Bid Evaluation Committee constituted by MPEDA-RGCA The decisions of the Bid Evaluation Committee on whether the tenders are responsive or non-responsive or requiring clarifications will be intimated to respective bidders.
Evaluation of Tender. 29.1 Any items left blank, will be treated as incomplete bid and liable to be rejected.
29.2 Director will determine whether each bid is of acceptable quality, is generally complete and is substantially responsive to the tender document. For the purpose of this determination, a substantially responsive bid is one that conforms to all the terms, conditions & specifications of the tender document without any deviations, objections, conditionally or reservations.
29.3 Price Bid/Schedule of Rates shall be evaluated item wised and based on the lowest justifiable & acceptable cost.
Evaluation of Tender. After opening of Tender/ Technical bid (as the case may be), it will be evaluated by the constituted Tender Committee.
Evaluation of Tender. 1) Issuance of tender documents will not mean that such tenderers are automatically considered qualified for the entire tender process.
2) The WBPDCL reserves the right to itself to accept any tender or reject any or all tenders or cancel / withdraw the invitation for tender without assigning any reason for such decision. Such decision by the WBPDCL shall not be subject to question by any prospective bidders and the WBPDCL shall bear no liability consequent upon such decision and the prospective bidders shall have no claim in this regard against the WBPDCL.
3) Evaluation by the WBPDCL shall be based on the information and documentary evidence submitted by the prospective bidders in response to the tender documents. The requirements as stipulated in the tender notice and documents are the minimum and the WBPDCL has the right to request for additional information. The WBPDCL reserves its right to reject any tender, if in the opinion of the WBPDCL the qualification data / documentary evidence submitted by the prospective bidders are incomplete or prospective bidders is found not qualified to satisfactorily perform the work. The WBPDCL reserve the right to reject any tender if the prospective bidders is found to be disqualified by giving incorrect and / or false information.
4) The WBPDCL does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and also reserves the right to split the work amongst more than one prospective bidder and also reserves the right to reject any or all tender or cancel the tender without assigning any reason whatsoever.
5) Notwithstanding, anything stated above or elsewhere, the WBPDCL reserves the right to asses the capability and capacity of the prospective bidders, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the WBPDCL.
Evaluation of Tender. Pre-qualifying criteria:
a) The tenderer should be manufacturer/their authorized dealer/ established & reputed fabricators. They must submit the purchase order/Work Order of similar nature of stores during last two years.
b) Clientele served of similar nature of stores during last two years along with photocopies of orders and repeat orders and performance certificates, if any.
c) The tenderer who fails to furnish the prescribed EMD (as per clause 17(a) of Section- I) shall not be eligible for participation.
Evaluation of Tender. Tenders meeting the eligibility criteria will be evaluated on the basis of quoted cost of works as per the scope of works for providing the required complement of skilled/unskilled and supervisory personnel set out in this tender.
Evaluation of Tender. Pre-qualifying criteria:
a) The tenderer should be manufacturer/their authorized dealer/distributor /sub- dealer/ reputed suppliers. In case of authorized dealer/ sub dealer, furnish valid Authorization /Accreditation certificate from the manufacturer/ dealer and the reputed suppliers must submit the purchase order/Work Order of similar nature of stores during last two years.
b) Clientele served of similar nature of stores during last two years along with photocopies of orders and repeat orders and performance certificates, if any.
c) The tenderer who fails to furnish the prescribed EMD (as per clause 21(a) of Section- I) shall not be eligible for participation.
Evaluation of Tender. Techno-commercial bid shall be opened on online. Tenderers’ authorized representative shall be permitted to attend the tender opening only on submission of authorization letter. Purchaser will examine the Tender document to determine whether they fulfilled the qualifying requirement, whether they are complete and meet the requirements of this Tender specification. Tender submitted without fulfilling the qualification criteria shall be rejected and shall not be considered for price bid evaluation. Price bid of those tenderers meeting the qualifying requirement and requirements of Tender specification shall be opened on completion of Techno-commercial Evaluation. Date for price bid opening shall be notified at a later date through system-generated email.
Evaluation of Tender. 19.1 The DMRC will, keeping in view of below mentioned points will carry out technical evaluation of submitted technical proposals to determine that the tenderer has a full comprehension of the work of the contract. Where a tenderer’s technical submittal has a major inadequacy in his tender will be considered to be non-complaint and will be rejected & his Financial Bid will not be opened.
a) Tender Security (Demand Draft /Banker’s cheque drawn on a Scheduled Commercial Bank based in India and should be in favour of “Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd” payable at New Delhi) should be submitted with the tender documents as mentioned in Clause No.1.3 of ITT (Instructions to Tenderers).
b) The authorised signatory of the tenderer shall sign each page of tender. Power of Attorney in name of Authorized signatory on Non Judicial Stamp Paper board resolution in case of CO, in case the documents are signed by the authorized signatory of the tenderer, will be required to be furnished as detailed in Clause 12.0 of ITT (Instructions to Tenderers).
Evaluation of Tender