Evening Meal Allowance. In circumstances where an employee’s attendance at a meeting prevents the employee concerned returning home for the normal evening meal, a meal allowance of $11.56 is payable.
Evening Meal Allowance. In circumstances where a principal's attendance at a meeting prevents the principal concerned returning home for the normal evening meal, a meal allowance of $11.56 is payable.
Evening Meal Allowance. 52.1. Evening Meal Allowance A Non-Sessional Officer required to work overtime that extends beyond 5.00 pm and a Sessional Officer required to remain on duty after 6.00 pm on a sitting day: shall be paid a meal allowance in accordance with the provisions of clause 22, Overtime, of the Public Service Award 1992; and where a meal of a reasonable standard is provided by the House at no cost to the Officer, then the meal allowance provided for in subparagraph (i) of this subclause shall not apply. Officers cannot claim an evening meal allowance or meal while working flexitime.
Evening Meal Allowance. (i) Where a second meal break is scheduled such that work continues after this break, then the evening meal allowance shall not be paid if subsidised canteen facilities are available or the Company provides a meal. Where no second meal break is given or where it is scheduled to take place after production or rehearsal has ended then the evening meal allowances shall be paid.
(ii) Dancers It can be mutually agreed at local level that dancers, who do not take their evening meal during the evening meal break before they are scheduled to perform, shall be paid the evening meal allowance.
(iii) Any payments due under sub-clauses (i) and (ii) above shall be paid at the rates applied by the Company under local agreements.
Evening Meal Allowance. 24.4.1 Employees will be reimbursed for evening meal expense of $6.00 if the employee works in excess of eleven (11) hours that day without a meal break during the last session. This Section shall not apply to employees receiving per diem expenses, or to employees eligible for evening or night premium.