Extended Metering Services. Extended Metering Services are Metering Services a User requests and Horizon Power provides under this Agreement. Extended Metering Services are not a component of Reference Services. They are provided in response to a specific request under this Agreement. Extended Metering Services are not cyclic and are referred to as ‘off cycle’. The costs of Extended Metering Services are not recovered in Reference Tariffs and a Fee is charged under this Agreement. These Fees are detailed in Schedule 5. The Extended Metering Services are:
(a) Service 11 - Increase / Decrease contract maximum demand – A process to increase or decrease the supply capacity to a Customer’s Metering Installation.
(b) Service 15 - Notification of Temporary Discon/Recon – A field service to disconnect the premise at the Connection Point to enable Customer works and to reconnect the premise when complete.
Extended Metering Services. The Company shall provide “read only” telephone access to the Company’s metering equipment allowing the Supplier to retrieve interval data directly from the meter through the Supplier’s own software at the rate specified in the Terms and Conditions. The Supplier shall arrange for the installation and ongoing charges associated with the phone service necessary to access the Company’s metering equipment.
Extended Metering Services. Extended Metering Services are Metering Services a User requests and Western Power provides under this Agreement. Extended Metering Services are not a component of Reference Services. They are provided in response to a specific request by the User under this Agreement. Extended Metering Services are not cyclic and are referred to as ‘off cycle’. The costs of Extended Metering Services are not recovered in Reference Tariffs and a payment is made under this Agreement. These payments are detailed in Schedule 5. The Extended Metering Services are:
(a) De-energise (manual) (MS-7);
(b) Re-energise (manual) (MS-8);
(c) Meter Exchange (MS-9);
(d) Meter investigation (MS-10);
(e) Communications Link installation (MS-11);
(f) Communications Link deactivation (MS-12);
(g) Meter test (laboratory) (MS-13);
(h) Meter test (on-site) (MS-14);
(i) Meter reconfiguration (MS-15);
(j) Enablement of signal pulse outputs (MS-16);
(k) Remove Meter (MS-17);
(l) Verify Meter Energy Data (MS-18); and
(m) Non-scheduled special Meter Reading (MS-19);and
(n) Meter read route change (MS-20). This section describes these Extended Metering Services.
4.1. De-energise (Manual) (MS-7)
(a) Monday to Thursday9 (excluding public holidays); and
(b) between 7:30am and 2:00pm (WST). The User may request this Extended Metering Service to be provided:
(a) without a ‘preferred date’ or ‘appointment time’;
(b) with a ‘preferred date’ but without an ‘appointment time’. The timeframe specified in the Service Standard will be the minimum notice period for the ‘preferred date’;
(c) with a ‘preferred date’ and an ‘appointment time’ of either between 7.00a.m. and 11.59a.m. on any Business Day or noon and 5.00p.m. on any Business Day. The timeframe specified in the Service Standard will be the minimum notice period for the ‘preferred date’. This Extended Metering Service will not be performed by Western Power on the Business Day before a public holiday. Fees and Service Standards for this Extended Metering Service are defined in Schedule 4 and 5, as applicable to the User’s requirements. Due to the complex and variable requirements associated with High Voltage Metering Points, High Voltage De-energise Metering Services will be priced on application in accordance with the quotation methodology defined in Schedule 5. A De-energise Service Order in accordance with the Communication Rules. 9 Friday is deemed a Non-Business Day for this Metering Service.
4.2. Re-energise (Manual) (MS-8)
(a) without a ‘preferre...
Extended Metering Services. Extended Metering Services are Metering Services a User requests and PRE provides under this Agreement. Fees for Extended Metering Services are payable under this Agreement. The range of Extended Metering Services are described in section 3 of Schedule 2. The fees for Extended Metering Services are set out in Schedule 4.
Extended Metering Services. Extended Metering Services are Metering Services a User requests and PRE provides under this Agreement. Extended Metering Services are different to Standard Metering Services. The costs of Extended Metering Services are not recovered under the Access Contract and a payment is made under this Agreement. These payments are detailed in Schedule 4. The Extended Metering Services are:
(a) Meter Establishment and Energisation (EMS-1);
(b) De‐energise (on-site) (EMS‐2);
(c) Re‐energise (on-site) (EMS‐3);
(d) Meter investigation (EMS‐4);
(e) Remove Meter (EMS- 5);
(f) Remotely collected schedule meter reading (daily) (EMS - 6);
(g) Non‐scheduled special Meter Reading (EMS‐7);
(h) Verify Meter Energy Data (EMS‐8);
(i) Meter test (laboratory) (EMS‐9);
(j) Meter test (on‐site) (EMS‐10);
(k) Meter reconfiguration (EMS-11);
(l) Historical Data Provision (EMS-12); and
(m) Standing Data Provision (EMS-13). This section describes these Extended Metering Services.
3.1 Meter Establishment and Energisation (EMS‐1) Eligibility Criteria
3.2 De‐energise (on-site) (EMS‐2) Eligibility Criteria:
3.3 Re‐energise (on-site) (EMS‐3) Eligibility Criteria:
3.4 Meter Investigation (EMS‐4)
Extended Metering Services. 46
4.1. De-energise (Manual) (MS-7) 47
4.2. Re-energise (Manual) (MS-8) 48 4.3. Meter Exchange (MS-9) 49
Extended Metering Services. 45
4.1. De-energise (Manual) (MS-7) 46
4.2. Re-energise (Manual) (MS-8) 47
4.3. Meter Exchange (MS-9) 48 4.4. Meter Investigation (MS-10) 49 4.5. Communications link installation (MS-11) 50 4.6. Communications link deactivation (MS-12) 51 4.7. Meter test (laboratory) (MS-13) 52 4.8. Meter test (on-site) (MS-14) 53 4.9. Meter reconfiguration (MS-15) 54 4.10. Enablement of Signal Pulse Outputs (MS-16) 56 4.11. Remove Meter (MS-17) 57 4.12. Verify Meter Energy Data (MS-18) 58 4.13. Non-Scheduled Special Meter Reading (MS-19) 59
Extended Metering Services. Extended Metering Services are Metering Services a User requests and Western Power provides under this Agreement. Extended Metering Services are not a component of Reference Services. They are provided in response to a specific request under this Agreement. Extended Metering Services are not cyclic and are referred to as ‘off cycle’. The costs of Extended Metering Services are not recovered in Reference Tariffs and a payment is made under this Agreement. These payments are detailed in Schedule 5. The Extended Metering Services are:
(a) De‐energise (manual) (MS‐7);
(b) Re‐energise (manual) (MS‐8);
(c) Meter exchange (MS‐9);
(d) Meter investigation (MS‐10);
(e) Communications link installation (MS‐11);
(f) Communications link deactivation (MS‐12);
(g) Meter test (laboratory) (MS‐13);
(h) Meter test (on‐site) (MS‐14);
(i) Meter reconfiguration (MS‐15);
(j) Enablement of signal pulse outputs (MS‐16);
(k) Remove Meter (MS‐17);
(l) Verify Meter Energy Data (MS‐18); and
(m) Non‐scheduled special Meter Reading (MS‐19). This section describes these Extended Metering Services.
4.1. De‐energise (Manual) (MS‐7)
Extended Metering Services. MS‐7 De‐energise (Manual) A Low Voltage supply 53.19 116.61 B High Voltage supply POA POA MS‐8 Re‐energise (Manual) A Standard – Low Voltage supply 53.19 116.61 B Urgent – Low Voltage supply 147.83 215.68 High Voltage Supply POA POA MS‐9 Meter exchange A Single phase whole current meter 64.55 137.05 B Three phase whole current meter 64.55 137.05 C Current transformer meter 64.55 137.05 MS‐10 Meter investigation 178.01 257.46 MS‐11 Communications link installation A Radio frequency communications link 64.55 137.05 B Cellular communications link 324.34 396.84 MS‐12 Communications link deactivation 64.55 137.05 MS‐13 Meter test (laboratory) A Single phase whole current meter 453.01 559.73 B Three phase whole current meter 563.43 681.19 MS‐14 Meter test (on‐ site) A Single phase whole current meter 340.31 435.99 B Three phase whole current meter 465.43 572.15 C Current transformer meter 549.97 662.22 MS‐15 Meter reconfiguration A Manual 64.55 137.05 B Remote 20.02 20.02 MS‐16 Enablement of signal pulse outputs 307.50 397.67 MS‐17 Remove Meter 127.91 204.27 MS‐18 Verify Meter Energy Data 6.51 6.51 MS‐19 Non‐scheduled special Meter Reading A Accumulation Meter (Manual with or without Nomination Date) 9.87 41.47 B Interval Meter (Manual with or without Nomination Date)) 13.66 52.76 37 The fee for this service forms part of the reference tariff. 38 The fee for this service forms part of the reference tariff. 39 The fee for this service forms part of the reference tariff. ID Service Description Fee ($ per unit unless otherwise stated) C Interval Meter (Remote) 0.60 0.60 D Appointment ‐ Accumulation Meter (Manual) 16.62 117.19 E Appointment ‐ Interval Meter (Manual) 22.88 158.90 MS‐20 One off manual Interval Read 17.66 44.91 Western Power will waive, or refund or offset as appropriate, the Fee for any Metering Service that is shown to have been incurred due to erroneous information supplied by Western Power.
Extended Metering Services. MS-7 De-energise (Manual) A Low Voltage supply 53.19 116.61 B High Voltage supply POA POA MS-8 Re-energise (Manual) A Standard – Low Voltage supply 53.19 116.61 B Urgent – Low Voltage supply 147.83 215.68 C High Voltage Supply POA POA MS-9 Meter exchange A Single phase whole current meter 64.55 137.05 B Three phase whole current meter 64.55 137.05 C Current transformer meter 64.55 137.05 MS-10 Meter investigation 178.01 257.46 MS-11 Communications link installation A Radio frequency communications link 64.55 137.05 B Cellular communications link 324.34 396.84 MS-12 Communications link deactivation 64.55 137.05 MS-13 Meter test (laboratory) A Single phase whole current meter 453.01 559.73 B Three phase whole current meter 563.43 681.19 MS-14 Meter test (on- site) A Single phase whole current meter 340.31 435.99 B Three phase whole current meter 465.43 572.15 C Current transformer meter 549.97 662.22 MS-15 Meter reconfiguration A Manual 64.55 137.05 B Remote 20.02 20.02 MS-16 Enablement of signal pulse outputs 307.50 397.67 MS-17 Remove Meter 127.91 204.27 MS-18 Verify Meter Energy Data 6.51 6.51 MS-19 Non-scheduled special Meter Reading A Accumulation Meter (Manual) 9.87 32.16 B Interval Meter (Manual) 13.66 40.91 33 The fee for this service forms part of the reference tariff. 34 The fee for this service forms part of the reference tariff. 35 The fee for this service forms part of the reference tariff. ID Service Description Fee ($ per unit unless otherwise stated) C Interval Meter (Remote) 0.60 0.60 MS-20 One off manual Interval Read 17.66 44.91 Western Power will waive, or refund or offset as appropriate, the Fee for any Metering Service that is shown to have been incurred due to erroneous information supplied by Western Power.