Extended Season Sample Clauses
Extended Season. An increment will be paid to the Coach(es) who are directly responsible for those athletes involved in either a league, regional, sectional, or state playoff. The increment will be $238 per week for ten (10) or more participants on a team and $119 per week for fewer than ten (10) participants. Designation of extended season coach(es) is subject to prior approval of the district.
Extended Season. 1. In order to recognize the extra work and time involved with an extended season due to post-season eligibility, Coaches / Sponsors shall be eligible for additional compensation beyond the base stipend for the sport, club or activity. In order to qualify as a week of extended season there must be a competition during the week. Such compensation will be awarded as follows:
a. $100 per week of extended season for each head coach / sponsor.
b. $100 per week per coach of extended season for three (3) assistant coaches for football.
c. $100 per week per coach of extended season for two (2) assistant coaches for basketball.
d. $100 per week of extended season for one (1) assistant coach for all other eligible sports or programs.
2. Extended season compensation is intended for, but not limited to, the following:
a. Athletic Teams
b. Forensics/Mock Trial c. Robotics d. CTSO Programs
Extended Season. 1. Coaches or advisors listed in Appendix B who are involved in Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) or other recognized state competition beyond the regular scheduled district level competition shall receive the following extended compensation:
a. All coaches and/or advisors of teams or groups involved in state competition will receive a weekly salary of ten percent (10%) of their extra-duty salary for each week of involvement in the state competition. If the involvement results in time increments less than one (1) week, daily compensation shall be equal to two percent (2%) of their extra-duty salary, not to exceed ten percent (10%) for a calendar week.
b. Coaches and/or advisors of students involved in a state competition shall be compensated for their involvement, subject to approval of the Superintendent.
2. The head coach and/or advisor in consultation with the District athletic director will determine the number of assistant coaches and advisors to be compensated for their involvement, subject to approval of the Superintendent.
Extended Season. Debate coaches whose teams participate in extended seasons because of the sanctioned post- season activities will be compensated in the following manner:
Extended Season. Band directors who take students to extended season contests for athletic teams because of WIAA sanctioned post-season activities will be compensated at a per diem rate based on his or her stipend divided by 45. Name _ School _ Stipend Position
Extended Season. Coaches/advisors listed in Section C who are involved in any Oregon School Athletics/Activities Association (OSAA) sponsored state competition beyond the regularly scheduled district-level competition shall receive the following extended compensation:
1. Coaches/advisors whose teams participate in state level competition will be paid an additional stipend of 10 percent of the coach's/assistant's/advisor's extra duty pay. For coaches of individual state competitors, the stipend shall be seven [7%] percent of the regular extra duty pay.
2. Compensation shall be limited to the head coach and the immediate assistant coach and any others recommended by the athletic director and building principal.
3. A coach/advisor who has both a team and individuals qualify for OSAA sponsored state competition shall receive the 10 percent additional stipend described in Section F1 above.
4. A coach/advisor in wrestling or track and field who has individuals qualify in 50 percent or more of the individual categories of a sport or activity in an OSAA sponsored state competition shall receive the 10 percent additional stipend as described in Section F1 above.
Extended Season. 1. In order to recognize the extra work and time involved with an extended season due to post-season eligibility, Coaches / Sponsors shall be eligible for additional compensation beyond the base stipend for the sport, club or activity. In order to qualify as a week of extended season there must be a competition during the week. Such compensation will be awarded as follows:
a. $100 per week of extended season for each head coach /sponsor.
b. $100 per week per coach of extended season for three (3) assistant coaches for football.
c. $100 per week per coach of extended season for two
Extended Season. An extended season stipend of 10% per week (Monday – Sunday) will be provided to all varsity coaches, declared at the start of the season, who directly coach athletes still in CIF-sanctioned playoff competition. <jYI PgN N <Q I[ j [GhI 7 0 P jI g QI EI ]Qhj h j j<jPI O[I <g [ Z E <<I Q[ I[G]<YI NgN qND PQ] I Igj[ <hII Y< j ENP j Q p I Z sdI IY h] I O q k P]Y]g < X g g Y Ps I<0 YPq NjI Qgj hQI ZEI ] hIj s ] d gj<] <NIgO < Qg h Z[ I E]G g d I g Z Q ] k Zj<Zh Q< [QN j [Qj Dj hIj [PsII I<I] j[ gIE QZ DpdI YkY Ij]h IQ G] <[ ´ ˙ ´ ˆ O k g Yd ]I [ [ < Gj Gg Q jE Qj ] j [ <Q []I G[I] j] jP[ <jEQIPO[ Igk I Q hhjI <PYhI gI]N E QP <I E] Z jZI I]Q I pj qQjg ] Ij h]E j[< EQ j[ Z ] I<x x[[ Gh j P<jgI E<OThgeQcoQmIm[ihtteOe will h E] Z jZI IQ Ij dq ]Q gY j Y ] j gP jI ] PQjj IgQQ I <[ <"ON]ZI gQ]hO [[j hG<EjNQQ G[] ]IO[ ggh < [j Q Z d j<Yj QI ] ]Z [I j [ P j I I <XXX xX]I <O<d ZYgg j P < [ G q ´ ˙ 0 P´ I < ´ Y! <I [GQE Q[ I jEh Qk d]g Y[ h< [ < ] []j[ Gdg Q ]Dk gk[ Qj Q<j ]Y [ YZ h I h P < Yj< Y Q [ DI] GIg Z<j <P[h EIQ I[ Q Qh sd[ Ih gk´ QNg ] ] k GOˆ P`s ˆ ´ <ˆ [ < k [ < ˆ `Effˆectˆive January 1, 2023, Tthe unit member’s tenthly cost for their contribution N] x x P NI Q jP I <d YY j< P[ Dh IP [< I Y Y D I + " !$ 9+ „ ¨ ¯ ˚ „ ´ ˆ „ ´ ¨ „ ˆ ˆ „ ¨ ¯ ˚ „ ´ ˆ „ ´ ¨ „ ˆ ˆ „ ˙ ˆ ˜ „ ´ ` „ ´ ¯ „ ´ ¨ „ ˙ ˘ ˚ „ ´ ´ „ ´ ˘ „ ´ ˚ $ "9 !$ 9+ Y k I E E I ! $ Y k I < Q h I Y k gI $ + " !$ 9+ !$ 9+ !$ 9+ !9 $ "9 / Y k I „ ` „ ˜ „ ˘ „ ¨ E ! E $ I $105.00 $165.00 $210.00 Y k I „ ˆ „ ¯ „ ˘ „ ¨ $373.80 $759.26 $1,062.24 $1,350.24 < Q h I „ ` „ ˜ „ ˘ „ ¨ $70.00 $110.00 $140.00 Y k gI „ ` „ ´ „ ˆ „ ˜
Extended Season. Athletic coaches of OSSAA sanctioned events whose season is extended due to advancement in the state playoff system shall receive an additional one hundred dollars ($100) for each week the season is extended. Fine Arts sponsors whose season is extended due to advancement in the competition system shall receive a one-time stipend of an additional three hundred dollars ($300) based on district criteria. (2023)
Extended Season. 1. Coaches or advisors listed in Appendix B who are involved in the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) or other recognized state competition beyond the OSAA cut-off date shall receive the following extended compensation:
a. All coaches and/or advisors of teams or groups involved in state competition will receive a daily salary of two percent (2%) of the extra-duty salary for each coaching day of practice and involvement in the state competition.
b. Coaches and/or advisors of students involved in a state competition shall be compensated for their involvement, subject to approval of the Superintendent or designee.
2. The head coach and/or advisor in consultation with the building principals will determine the number of assistant coaches and advisors to be compensated for their involvement, subject to approval of the Superintendent or designee.