File Naming Convention. Files can be named using OCSE’s standard file naming convention or the organization’s file naming convention. The naming convention for PDF files is standard for this process:
File Naming Convention. 2.1. Reports are to be clearly labelled, with the following file naming convention to be applied:
File Naming Convention. All files submitted to the HCCD shall have a naming convention developed to facilitate file management without requiring access to the contents. All files names will follow the template:
a. Examples
i. TEST_0000_201606MEv01.txt ii. PROD_0000_201606MEv02.txt TESTorPROD – TEST for test files; PROD for production files Reporting EntityID – This is the Reporting Entity ID assigned to each submitter Period ending date expressed as CCYYMM (four-digit calendar year and two- digit month; for example, 201403 indicates a March 2014 end date). File Type – Member Eligibility (ME), Medical Claims (MC), Pharmacy Claims (PC), Provider (MP), Version number: This is used to differentiate multiple submissions of the same file. This will be important if a file needs to be resubmitted to resolve an issue such as a validation failure. The letter v should be used, followed by two digits, starting with v01. You must include the leading zero. Original submissions of all files should be labeled v01. The HCCD will not accept files that have the same name as an existing file. File extension (.txt)
File Naming Convention. When there are files that we are going to go back and forth on, I use “filename_v1.pdf”, “filename_v2.pdf” etc. This way we are clear of which file is newest, as it’s always at the bottom. With files that require dates, I use the Year/Month/Day format: “filename_2017-10-18.pdf”. I will work hard to complete all projects in a timely manner. I’ll keep you in the loop throughout the project with status updates, answers to any of your questions, or maybe even with questions of my own in the process. However, a timely launch depends wholly on mutual cooperation in providing necessary assets, including text, images and other information as and when needed, and in the format requested. With timely reviews, feedback and sign-off approval, I’ll be able to meet my estimated time frame. Deadlines work two ways, and provided that both sides are able to meet mutually agreed upon deadlines, the site will be launched in stated time frame.
File Naming Convention. Naming convention CORPORATE_CDR_YYYYMMDD_NN.DAT where CORPORATE Char 8 Corporate Name MTN Mandatory YYYYMMDD Date 8 File creation date MTN Mandatory YYYY is year of 0000 to 9999 MM is month of 01 to 12 DD is day of 01 to 31 NN Number 2 File number MTN Defines the number of files per day DAT Char 3 File extension MTN Mandatory Constant
File Naming Convention. Offerors shall name files using the naming conventions mentioned in the Proposal Organization table above. Each file must be stored in a folder that corresponds to the proposal volume it represents. The files within the folder must be named in an unambiguous manner, using plain text language, which facilities accessing the files for evaluation. Offerors shall insert the file name in the header of each document.
File Naming Convention. Offerors shall name files using the naming conventions mentioned in the Proposal Organization table above. Each file must be stored in a folder that corresponds to the proposal volume it represents. The files within the folder must be named in an unambiguous manner, using plain text language, which facilities accessing the files for evaluation. Offerors shall insert the file name in the header of each document. A date shall be placed on each page of the proposal corresponding to the date of the initial proposal. If a Final Proposal Revision (FPR) is required as a result of discussions, all revised pages shall contain revision numbers and corresponding date. The changes in text from original proposal submission shall be identified by tracked changes in the electronic files provided on CD. A note/comment identifying the associated question from discussions shall be included in both, the hard copies and the electronic files provided on CD. Offerors are not required to resubmit the full responses provided during discussions. The Offeror’s responses to the questions asked during discussions shall be incorporated by updated text in the FPR submission as applicable, and incorporated by reference using a note/comment to reference the applicable response(s) provided during discussions. References to applicable discussion questions shall be identified in all applicable sections of your FPR. The hard copies (original and copies) shall reflect the revision markings and dates on the pages, but shall display only the final text after accepting all tracked changes. It is acceptable to replace excel files in their entirety and explain any changes in the word document text. In the event of any inconsistencies between the FPR and discussion question responses, the FPR shall take precedence. The page count shall include all material with printed matter and figures except cover pages, title pages, Table of Contents (TOC), lists of illustrations, tab pages, cross reference matrix, glossary of abbreviations and acronyms, index, and lists of tables which may be combined with illustrations. Pages excluded from the page count must contain only material pertinent to the page heading or be blank and marked "Intentionally Left Blank." Index pages and Tabs are required and shall be cross-referenced to the TOC. Every page, except those marked as blank, shall be numbered. If the proposal exceeds the page limit identified, the Government will remove all pages exceeding the specified page...
File Naming Convention. (a) All files must be submitted in the following formats:
(1) Offer_Letter_Company Name_ Volume ##
(2) Technical_Company Name_Document Name_Volume #
(3) Cost_Company Name_Document Name_Vol #(or Attachment Number)
File Naming Convention. All files must be submitted in the following formats: N0016420RWM27_NGC_Technical_Document Name_Volume I N0016420RWM27_NGC_Cost_Document Name_Volume II
File Naming Convention. All files must be submitted in the following formats: • Technical_Company Name_Document Name_Volume # Example: Technical_Company X_Technical and Management_Volume I • Past Performance_Company Name_Document Name/Attachment #_Volume # Example: Past Performance_Company X_Previous Contracting Efforts_Volume II • Cost_Company Name_Document Name_Vol # (or Attachment Number) Example: Cost_Company X_Cost Narrative_Volume III Example: Cost_Company X_Cost Summary_Attachment 1