General Instructions. Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
General Instructions. The PUR 1001, The General Instructions to Bidders, is incorporated by reference and provided via the link below: In the event any conflict exists between the Special Instructions and General Instructions to Bidders, the Special Instructions shall prevail.
General Instructions. Potential respondents to the solicitation are encouraged to carefully review all the materials contained herein and prepare responses accordingly.
General Instructions. 1. It is important that you completely read and understand the Notice of (I) Pendency of Class Action, Certification of Settlement Class, and Proposed Settlement; (II) Settlement Fairness Hearing; and (III) Motion for an Award of Attorneys’ Fees and Reimbursement of Litigation Expenses (the “Notice”) that accompanies this Claim Form, including the Plan of Allocation of the Net Settlement Fund set forth in the Notice. The Notice describes the proposed Settlement, how Settlement Class Members are affected by the Settlement, and the manner in which the Net Settlement Fund will be distributed if the Settlement and Plan of Allocation are approved by the Court. The Notice also contains the definitions of many of the defined terms (which are indicated by initial capital letters) used in this Claim Form. By signing and submitting this Claim Form, you will be certifying that you have read and that you understand the Notice, including the terms of the releases described therein and provided for herein.
2. By submitting this Claim Form, you will be making a request to share in the proceeds of the Settlement described in the Notice. IF YOU ARE NOT A SETTLEMENT CLASS MEMBER (see the definition of the Settlement Class on page of the Notice, which sets forth who is included in and who is excluded from the Settlement Class), OR IF YOU, OR SOMEONE ACTING ON YOUR BEHALF, SUBMITTED A REQUEST FOR EXCLUSION FROM THE SETTLEMENT CLASS, DO NOT SUBMIT A CLAIM FORM. YOU MAY NOT, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, PARTICIPATE IN THE SETTLEMENT IF YOU ARE NOT A SETTLEMENT CLASS MEMBER. THUS, IF YOU ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE SETTLEMENT CLASS, ANY CLAIM FORM THAT YOU SUBMIT, OR THAT MAY BE SUBMITTED ON YOUR BEHALF, WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
3. Submission of this Claim Form does not guarantee that you will share in the proceeds of the Settlement. The distribution of the Net Settlement Fund will be governed by the Plan of Allocation set forth in the Notice, if it is approved by the Court, or by such other plan of allocation as the Court approves.
4. Use the Schedule of Transactions in Part III of this Claim Form to supply all required details of your transaction(s) (including free transfers and deliveries) in and holdings of Dropbox Inc. (“Dropbox”) common stock. On this schedule, please provide all of the requested information with respect to your holdings, purchases, acquisitions, and sales of Dropbox common stock, whether such transactions resulted in a profit or a loss. Failure to report all transactio...
General Instructions. 3.1 The Bidders who are interested in participating in the Tender must read and comply with the instructions and the Terms & Conditions contained in the Tender Document.
3.2 The Bids shall be filled in by the Bidders clearly, neatly and accurately. Any alteration, erasures or overwriting shall be liable to make the tender invalid unless the same is neatly carried out and attested over the full signature of Bidder. The decision of the Company to interpret the information and rates filled in by the Bidder shall be final and binding on the Bidder.
3.3 The Bidders are requested to make themselves fully conversant with the General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, Site conditions, Safety & Health Aspects and Norms to be observed etc. before submitting their bids so that no ambiguity arises in these respects subsequent to submission of the Bids.
3.4 Before quoting the rates, the Bidder should go through the specifications, scope of work etc. and get himself fully conversant with them. The Bid should include cost of mobilization and cost to adhere to all Safety Norms as described in the Tender. No relaxation or request for revision of quoted / accepted rates shall be entertained subsequent to the opening of Bid on account of mobilization or Safety costs.
3.5 Splitting of work is not advisable as the purpose of SoR method will not be fulfilled.
3.6 Bidder has to submit all the information as per required Bid document. Failure to furnish all the information as per required Bid documents or submission of a Bid containing deviations from the contractual terms and conditions, specifications and requirements, shall be rejected.
3.7 The Bids shall be submitted within the time frames set out in the Notice Inviting Tender (‘NIT’) and Bids submitted thereafter shall not be accepted and considered.
3.8 The Tender Document shall not be transferable.
3.9 The Bidders are expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms & specifications in the Bid documents and to get fully acquainted themselves with all the conditions and matters which may affect the subject matter of the work/tender or the cost thereof. If any Bidder finds any discrepancies or omissions in the specifications and documents or any doubt in true meaning or interpretation of any part, he shall seek necessary clarifications in writing if required.
3.10 Conditional offers shall not be considered and liable to be rejected.
3.11 The Company reserves the right to exten...
General Instructions. The work force utilization is to be submitted on a quarterly basis during the life of the contract to report the actual work force utilized in the performance of the contract broken down by the specified categories. When the work force utilized in the performance of the contract can be separated out from the contractor’s and/or subcontractor’s total work force, the contractor and/or subcontractor shall submit a Utilization Report of the work force utilized on the contract. When the work force to be utilized on the contract cannot be separated out from the contractor’s and/or subcontractor’s total work force, information on the total work force shall be included in the Utilization Report. Utilization reports are to be completed for the quarters ended 3/31, 6/30, 9/30 and 12/31 and submitted to the M/WBE Program Management Unit within 15 days of the end of each quarter. If there are no changes to the work force utilized on the contract during the reporting period, the contractor can submit a copy of the previously submitted report indicating no change with the date and reporting period updated.
General Instructions. Complete and sign the Xxxxxxxxx ESA Adoption Agreement. Refer to the Xxxxxxxxx ESA Summary Disclosure or IRS Publication 970 for eligibility requirements and contribution restrictions. Contributions may be made to the Xxxxxxxxx ESA Account for a Designated Beneficiary under the age of 18 by one or more individuals, but the total contributions made to all Xxxxxxxxx ESAs for the Designated Beneficiary cannot exceed $2,000 for any tax year. This rule does not apply to:
General Instructions. Please answer all questions as of the current date. If the yes block for any item is checked, list requested additional information under the Remarks section on page 2, referencing the item number to be continued. If additional space is needed use an attached sheet. Return the original and second and third copies to the State agency; retain the first copy for your files. This form is to be completed annually. Any substantial delay in completing the form should be reported to the State survey agency. These instructions are designed to clarify certain questions on the form. Instructions are listed in question order for easy reference. No instructions have been given for questions considered self-explanatory. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT ALL APPLICABLE QUESTIONS BE ANSWERED ACCURATELY AND THAT ALL INFORMATION BE CURRENT. Controlling interest is defined as the operational direction or management of a disclosing entity which may be maintained by any or all of the following devices: the ability or authority, expressed or reserved, to amend or change the corporate identity (i.e., joint venture agreement, unincorporated business status) of the disclosing entity; the ability or authority to nominate or name members of the Board of Directors or Trustees of the disclosing entity; the ability or authority, expressed or reserved, to amend or change the by-laws, constitution, or other operating or management direction of the disclosing entity; the right to control any or all of the assets or other property of the disclosing entity upon the sale or dissolution of that entity; the ability or authority, expressed or reserved, to control the sale of any or all of the assets, to encumber such assets by way of mortgage or other indebtedness, to dissolve the entity, or to arrange for the sale or transfer of the disclosing entity to new ownership or control. Change in provider status is defined as any change in management control. Examples of such changes would include: a change in Medical or Nursing Director, a new Administrator, contracting the operation of the facility to a management corporation, a change in the composition of the owning partnership which under applicable State law is not considered a change in ownership, or the hiring or dismissing of any employees with 5 percent or more financial interest in the facility or in an owning corporation, or any change of ownership. For Items IV – VII, if the yes box is checked, list additional information requested under Remarks. Clea...
General Instructions. MBE/WBE utilization is based on 40 CFR Part 33. The reporting requirement reflects the class deviation issued on November 8, 2013, clarified on January 9, 2014 and modified on December 2, 2014. EPA Form 5700-52A must be completed annually by recipients of financial assistance agreements where the combined total of funds budgeted for procuring supplies, equipment, construction or services exceeds $150,000.This reporting requirement applies to all new and existing awards and voids all previous reporting requirements. In determining whether the $150,000 threshold is exceeded for a particular assistance agreement, the analysis must focus on funds budgeted for procurement under the supplies, equipment, construction, services or “other” categories, and include funds budgeted for procurement under sub-awards or loans Reporting will also be required in cases where the details of the budgets of sub-awards/loans are not clear at the time of the grant awards and the combined total of the procurement and sub- awards and/or loans exceeds the $150,000 threshold. When reporting is required, all procurement actions are reportable, not just the portion which exceeds $150,000. If at the time of award the budgeted funds exceed $150,000 but actual expenditures fall below, a report is still required. If at the time of award, the combined total of funds budgeted for procurements in any category is less than or equal to $150,000 and is maintained below the threshold, no DBE report is required to be submitted. Recipients are required to report 30 days after the end of each federal year, per the terms and conditions of the financial assistance agreement. Last reports are due October 30th or 90 days after the end of the project period, whichever comes first. MBE/WBE program requirements, including reporting, are material terms and conditions of the financial assistance agreement.
General Instructions. For Respondents bidding on more than one MCO Program, i.e., STAR, STAR+PLUS, or CHIP Program, HHSC has attempted to minimize the need for Respondents to submit multiple copies of the same information. Each bid for participation in the STAR Program, the STAR+PLUS Program, and/or the CHIP Program must include the following two (2) components:
1. Business Specifications; and
2. General Programmatic Proposal. Respondents proposing to participate in multiple MCO Programs do not need to submit multiple copies of the Business Specifications or the General Programmatic Proposal. However, these Respondents will need to carefully read each submission requirement to ensure that they provide specific information for each MCO Program bid and Service Area, as applicable, when completing any element of their Proposals. All Proposal information must be submitted on 8 ½ x 11 inch, white bond paper, three (3)-hole punched, and placed in sturdy three (3) ring binders. Text must be no smaller than 11-point font, single-spaced. Figures may not incorporate text smaller than 8-pt font. All pages must have one-inch margins and page numbering must be sequential per section. Where practical, pages should be double-sided. Each binder must be clearly labeled with the title of this RFP, the Respondent’s legal name, and the title of the document contained in the binder, e.g., Business Proposal or Programmatic Proposal. Proposals must be organized and numbered in a manner that facilitates reference to this RFP and its requirements. Respondents must respond to each item in the order it appears in the RFP. The response must include headings and numbering to match the corresponding section of the RFP. Respondents may place attachments and appendices in a separate section if the RFP provides that such attachments are not included in the section’s specified page limits.