Fixes. Each Fix is licensed under the same terms as the Product to which it applies. If a Fix is not provided for a specific Product, any use rights Microsoft provides with the Fix will apply.
Fixes. Use of any Fixes is defined by the Product use rights for the affected Products or, if the Fix is not provided for specific Products, any other use terms Microsoft provides. All Fixes are licensed, not sold.
Fixes. Each Fix is licensed under the same terms as the Product to which it applies. If the Fix is not provided for a specific Product, any use terms Microsoft provides with the Fix will apply. If no use terms are provided, Enrolled Affiliate shall have a non-exclusive, perpetual, fully paid- up license to use and reproduce the Fix solely for its internal business use. Enrolled Affiliate may not modify, change the file name or combine any Fix with any non-Microsoft computer code, except as expressly permitted in another agreement.
Fixes. Itron shall provide Fixes in accordance with the Service Levels. Itron’s obligations with respect to Service Levels are contingent upon Customer (i) devoting the same level of effort to resolving the Error as is required of Itron, (ii) responding to requests made by Itron within the applicable Response Time, (iii) assigning only qualified personnel to help Itron address the Error, and
Fixes. If the Supplier maintains a database containing information on known program defects, defect corrections, restrictions and bypasses in respect of the Supplier Software, it shall provide the Licensee with access to such database at no additional charge.
Fixes. If the Supplier maintains a database containing information on known program defects, defect corrections, restrictions and bypasses in respect of the [Supplier Software, the Third Party Software and the Supplier’s Pre-Existing IPR] it shall provide the Customer with access to such database at no additional charge.
Fixes. Fixes are licensed according to the license terms applicable to the Product to which those Fixes relate. If the Fixes are not provided for a specific Product, any other use terms Microsoft provides with the Fixes will apply, and if no use terms are provided, Customer shall have a non-exclusive, perpetual, fully paid-up license to use and reproduce the Fixes solely for its internal use. Customer may not modify, change the file name of, or combine any Fixes with any non-Microsoft computer code, except as expressly permitted in a Supplemental Agreement or Statement of Services.
Fixes. If any portion of the Shape Security Software becomes, or in SHAPE’s opinion is likely to become, the subject of a claim of infringement, SHAPE may, at its option, (i) procure for CUSTOMER the right to continue using the Shape Security Software, (ii) replace or modify the Shape Security Software to make it non-infringing or reduce the likelihood of infringement, such that the replacement or modification provides substantially the functionality of the Shape Security Software that is replaced or modified, or
Fixes. Absolute may from time to time provide patches, bug fixes, updates, and maintenance and service packs (collectively, “Fixes”) reasonably necessary for the proper function and security of the Products. If Customer enables automatic updates supported by the Products, then Customer acknowledges that Fixes will be automatically installed. Absolute reserves the right to automatically install Fixes to address security vulnerabilities or critical issues, as determined by Absolute in its sole reasonable discretion.
Fixes. RichRelevance shall exercise commercially reasonable efforts to correct any reproducible malfunction of the SaaS Services or Software reported to RichRelevance by Partner that prevents the SaaS Services or Software from performing in accordance with the operating specifications described in the Documentation.