FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS. 52.1. The Contractor accepts that the Authority has made it clear throughout the procurement which led to this Contract that the nature of this Contract is such that flexibility will be key to successfully delivering the Services detailed in the Statement of Service Requirements. The Contractor therefore accepts that given the environment concerned, they will from time to time be asked by the Authority to increase and possibly reduce Staff depending on the security situation/requirements therein.
52.2. Whilst increases or decreases in the Contractor’s Staff levels as detailed in Section 3 - Schedule of Prices & Rates and Section 4 - Statement of Service Requirements will be covered by means of the variation procedure detailed in Condition 40 (Variation), where particular circumstances e.g. changing security situation or other developments, necessitate the removal or scaling back of the Contractor’s Staff, the Contractor agrees to make every effort to mitigate any costs incurred by the Authority therein. The Authority’s Representative and Contractor’s Representative will discuss and agree a remedy to any such issues or situations arising which is reasonable and acceptable to both Parties.
52.3. Within its anticipated manpower provision, the Contractor will exercise rigorous attention to making the most effective use of the Staff to meet the requirements specified in the Statement of Services Requirements to minimise periods of Staff inactivity other than when on standby for imminent deployments.
52.4. The Contractor acknowledges that as part of the Services it provides under this Contract, that it is essential for its Staff to work co-operatively with other Authority contractors and Personnel at all times throughout the period of this Contract. CONTRACT NUMBER: CPG01728 CONTRACT TITLE: PROVISION OF SECURITY GUARDING SERVICES AT THE BRITISH EMBASSY PARIS VARIATION NUMBER: [insert] BETWEEN The Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs (hereinafter called ‘the Authority’ and [INSERT CONTRACTOR NAME] (hereinafter called the Contractor’)
1. The Contract is varied as follows:
2. Words and expressions in this Variation shall have the meanings given to them in the Contract.
3. The Contract, including any previous Variations, shall remain effective and unaltered except as amended by this Variation. For the Authority For the Contractor By: By: Full Name: Full Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: [ ] (To be signed by persons employed in providing the services b...
FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS. 52.1. The Contractor accepts that the Authority has made it clear throughout the procurement which led to this Contract that the nature of this Contract is such that flexibility is key to delivering the Services detailed in the Services Scope successfully. The Contractor therefore accepts that given the environment concerned, they will from time to time be asked by the Authority to increase and possibly reduce Staff depending on the security situation/requirements therein.
52.2. Whilst increases or decreases in the Contractor‟s Staff levels as detailed in Sections 3 and 4 will be covered by means of the variation procedure detailed in Condition 7, where particular circumstances e.g. changing security situation or other developments, necessitate the removal or scaling back of the Contractor‟s Staff from Post, the Contractor agrees to make every effort to mitigate any costs incurred by the Authority therein. The Authority‟s Representative and Contractor‟s Representative will discuss and agree a remedy to any such issues or situations arising which is reasonable and acceptable to both Parties.
52.3. Within its anticipated manpower provision, the Contractor will exercise rigorous attention to making the most effective use of the Staff to meet the requirements specified in the Services Scope to minimise periods of Staff inactivity other than when on standby for imminent deployments.
52.4. The Contractor acknowledges that as part of the Services it provides under this Contract, that it is essential for its Staff to work co-operatively with other Authority contractors and personnel at all times throughout the period of this Contract.
FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS. 48.1 The Contractor accepts that the Authority has made it clear throughout the procurement which led to this Contract that the nature of this Contract is such that flexibility will be key to successfully delivering the Services detailed in the Statement of Service Requirements. The Contractor therefore accepts that given the environment concerned, they will from time to time be asked by the Authority to increase and possibly reduce Staff depending on the security situation/requirements therein.
48.2 Whilst increases or decreases in the Contractor’s Staff levels as detailed in Section 3: Schedule of Prices and rates and Section 4: Statement of Service Requirements will be covered by means of the variation procedure detailed in Condition 36, where particular circumstances e.g. changing security situation or other developments, necessitate the removal or scaling back of the Contractor’s Staff, the Contractor agrees to make every effort to mitigate any costs incurred by the Authority therein. The Authority’s Representative and Contractor’s Representative will discuss and agree a remedy to any such issues or situations arising which is reasonable and acceptable to both Parties.
48.3 Within its anticipated manpower provision, the Contractor will exercise rigorous attention to making the most effective use of the Staff to meet the requirements specified in the Statement of Services Requirements to minimise periods of Staff inactivity other than when on standby for imminent deployments.
48.4 The Contractor acknowledges that as part of the Services it provides under this Contract, that it is essential for its Staff to work co-operatively with other Authority contractors and Personnel at all times throughout the period of this contract.
FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS. The Contractor accepts that the Authority has made it clear throughout the procurement which led to this Contract that the nature of this Contract is such that flexibility will be key to successfully delivering the Services detailed in the Statement of Service Requirements. The Contractor therefore accepts that given the environment concerned, they will from time to time be asked by the Authority to increase and possibly reduce Staff depending on the security situation/requirements therein.
FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS. 52.1 The Contractor accepts that the Authority has made it clear throughout the procurement which led to this Contract that the nature of this Contract is such that flexibility will be key to successfully delivering the Services detailed in the Statement of Service Requirements. The Contractor therefore accepts that given the environment concerned, they will from time to time be asked by the Authority to increase and possibly reduce Staff depending on the security situation/requirements therein.
52.2 Whilst increases or decreases in the Contractor’s Staff levels as detailed in Section 3 - Schedule of Prices and rates and Section 4 - Statement of Service Requirements will be covered by means of the variation procedure detailed in Condition 40 (Variation), where particular circumstances e.g. changing security situation or other developments, necessitate the removal or scaling back of the Contractor’s Staff, the Contractor agrees to make every effort to mitigate any costs incurred by the Authority therein. The Authority’s Representative and Contractor’s Representative will discuss and agree a remedy to any such issues or situations arising which is reasonable and acceptable to both Parties.
52.3 Within its anticipated manpower provision, the Contractor will exercise rigorous attention to making the most effective use of the Staff to meet the requirements specified in the Statement of Services Requirements to minimise periods of Staff inactivity other than when on standby for imminent deployments.
52.4 The Contractor acknowledges that as part of the Services it provides under this Contract, that it is essential for its Staff to work co-operatively with other Authority contractors and Personnel at all times throughout the period of this Contract.
FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS. The concept of Flexible Operations embodies the creation of work teams to function with reduced dependence upon supervision and adapt to meet the needs of the task or job, including, but not limited to:
(a) production employees performing maintenance tasks within their training and capability.
(b) maintenance employees performing production/processing tasks as needed.
(c) production and transport employees working interchangeably in either function.
(d) staff employees performing tasks for which they are trained and capable to assist or replace production, maintenance or transport personnel when needed and practical under the following situations, to effect training, to improve safety and/or to overcome emergencies.
(e) personnel rotation within and between tasks irrespective of normal job assignment.
FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS. In addition to the improvements agreed in the previous enterprise bargaining agreements, the following improved flexibilities have been agreed.
(i) All employees to focus on customer satisfaction including but not limited to:- Duration of customer’s truck in quarry. Complaint of contaminated loads. Accurate Paperwork
(ii) Toolbox meetings to take place at the end of a shift, with no loss of productivity.
(iii) All other provisions in prior EBA’s and site agreements are to remain in place.
(iv) All employees to undertake appropriate training to achieve competency standards.
(v) Employees to temporarily transfer to other Rocla quarry sites with agreement of individuals.
(vi) If the company decides on the need to initiate 24 hour operations due to plant relocation, it will be done so by consultation and agreement with the employees. The company may utilise 24 hour operations by way of casual employees and/or contract workers for a specified period of time.
FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS. 52.1 The Supplier accepts that the Authority has made it clear throughout the procurement which led to this Agreement that the nature of this Agreement and/or any Call-off Contract is such that flexibility will be key to successfully delivering the Services detailed in the Statement of Service Requirements. The Supplier therefore accepts that given the environment concerned, they will from time to time be asked by the Authority to increase and possibly reduce Staff depending on the security situation/requirements therein.
52.2 Whilst increases or decreases in the Supplier’s Staff levels as detailed in Section 3 - Schedule of Prices and rates and Section 4 - Statement of Service Requirements will be covered by means of the variation procedure detailed in Condition 40 (Variation), where particular circumstances e.g. changing security situation or other developments, necessitate the removal or scaling back of the Supplier’s Staff, the Supplier agrees to make every effort to mitigate any costs incurred by the Authority therein. The Authority’s Representative and Supplier’s Representative will discuss and agree a remedy to any such issues or situations arising which is reasonable and acceptable to both Parties.
52.3 Within its anticipated manpower provision, the Supplier will exercise rigorous attention to making the most effective use of the Staff to meet the requirements specified in the Statement of Services Requirements to minimise periods of Staff inactivity other than when on standby for imminent deployments.
52.4 The Supplier acknowledges that as part of the Services it provides under this Agreement and/or any Call- off Contract, that it is essential for its Staff to work co-operatively with other Authority Suppliers and Personnel at all times throughout the period of this Agreement and/or any Call-off Contract.
FLEXIBLE OPERATIONS. 4.1 Under Clause 52 Flexible Operations of the Framework Terms and Conditions, which was signed by the parties on 7 December 2015 the Contractor accepts that this Call-Off contract is subject to its provisions within these clauses therein .