Flexible Starting Times. To the extent practicable and feasible, the District may implement flexible starting times. The District shall make every attempt to rotate starting times to provide equitability among the schools.
Flexible Starting Times. Shift starting times shall be adjusted by the Contractor as necessary to fulfill Project requirements subject to the notice requirements of paragraph A.
Flexible Starting Times. An employee shall make himself/herself available for flexible starting times provided that he/she has been notified of the starting time prior to or on completion of duty on the working day preceding the next scheduled work period and subject to taking a break in accordance with Clauses 3, 35 and 36 of the award. Where an employee commences earlier than his/her nominated start time, he/she shall be entitled to be paid at applicable overtime rates. Under this clause flexible start time means that an employees start time may be altered up to two (2) hours before his/her nominated start time.
Flexible Starting Times. (a) The parties agree that where the customer's requirements must be adhered to, the need for flexible starting times is important.
(b) An employee's normal starting time may be varied by mutual agreement on a day to day basis. The Company is entitled to utilise the full span of ordinary working hours provided for in the Award i.e. starting times may range between 5.00 am and 9.30am, provided that the starting time of any one employee may not have a span of variation of more than two hours in any working week.
Flexible Starting Times. 15.2.1. Flexible starting times involving staggered starts shall continue to apply as is the current practice.
15.2.2. Normal starting times Monday to Friday shall be no later than 7:00 am other than in exceptional circumstances.