Franchise Fee.
(1) For the term of this Contract, the Concessioner shall pay to the Director for the privileges granted under this Contract a franchise fee equal to [Franchise Fee alpha number] percent ([Franchise Fee numeric number]%) of the Concessioner's gross receipts for the preceding year or portion of a year.
(2) Neither the Concessioner nor the Director shall have a right to an adjustment of the fees except as provided below. The Concessioner has no right to waiver of the fee under any circumstances.
Franchise Fee. (a) A Grantee shall pay to the Village a franchise fee of not less than five percent of the Grantee's gross revenues or such other maximum amount as allowed by law.
(b) The franchise fee payment shall be in addition to any other tax or payment owed to the Village by the Grantee and shall not be construed as payment in lieu of municipal property taxes or other state, county or local taxes.
(c) The franchise fee and any other costs or penalties assessed shall be payable quarterly on a calendar year basis to the Village within 30 days after the end of each quarter. The Grantee shall also file a complete and accurate verified statement of all gross receipts as previously defined within said 30 days.
(d) The Village shall have the right to inspect and copy the Grantee's income records and the right to audit and to recompute any amounts determined to be payable under this chapter. Any additional amount due the Village as a result of an audit shall be paid within 30 days following written notice to the Grantee by the Village, which notice shall include a copy of the audit report. If any audit discloses an underpayment of a franchise fee by an amount in excess of five percent of the applicable fee, then the Grantee shall pay the full cost of the audit. The Grantee shall maintain books and records of its operations within and related to the Village and the Grantee's cable system in sufficient detail to show gross revenue, by service category, consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Said books and records shall be retained in accordance with the Grantee's document retention policies, but in no event less than five years.
(e) If any franchise payment or re-computed amount, cost or penalty, is not made on or before the applicable dates heretofore specified, interest shall be charged daily from such date at an annual rate of 12 percent.
(f) The acceptance by the Village of any franchise fee payment shall not in any way be construed as an accord that the amount paid is in fact the correct amount, nor shall such acceptance of any payment be construed as a release of any claim the Village may have for further or additional sums payable under the provisions of the franchise. All franchise fee payments shall be subject to audit and re-computation by the Village in accordance with this Section.
(g) The Grantee shall acknowledge as follows:
(1) The franchise fee is not a tax; and
(2) The franchise fee shall be in addition to any and all taxes, other fees or ...
Franchise Fee.
(1) The Concessioner must pay a franchise fee to the Director as follows:
(2) The Concessioner has no right to waiver of the fee under any circumstances.
Franchise Fee. The fee that Comcast remits to the Township pursuant to Section 622 of the Xxxxx Xxx, 00 X.X.X. §000, and Section 6.1 of this Agreement.
Franchise Fee. (a) Grantee shall pay to Grantor a Franchise Fee which shall be calculated pursuant to this Section. It is understood that Grantee has or will enter into Franchise agreements with the City of Salem ("Salem") and the Town of Vinton ("Vinton") (Grantor, Salem, and Vinton being hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as the "localities") with fee provisions identical to this one, and that the total annual Franchise Fee to be paid to the three localities in aggregate is $56,000 for calendar year 1996 ("base year total annual Franchise Fee"). Grantor's Franchise Fee shall be a percentage share of the base year total annual Franchise Fee, which shall be determined on a pro rata basis according to its percentage share of the total dollar value of Grantee's gas sales occurring within the localities during the calendar year. For each calendar year of the Franchise, each locality's percentage share shall be determined by the following formula: total dollar value of Grantee's gas sales Locality's percentage share =within the Territorial Limits of the locality --------------------------------------------- total dollar value of Grantee's gas sales in the three localities For calendar year 1996, the Franchise Fee shall be paid to Grantor on or before March 31, 1997.
(b) For each succeeding calendar year during the term of this Franchise, the total annual Franchise Fee paid by Grantee to the localities shall be the base year total annual Franchise Fee increased by three (3) percent compounded annually over the term of the Franchise. For each calendar year during the term of this Franchise, Grantor's percentage share shall be determined pursuant to this Section, and paid to Grantor on or before March 31 of the succeeding calendar year.
Franchise Fee. 7 Within thirty (30) days after the close of the first full billing month following the 8 effective date of this Franchise Agreement, and each month thereafter during the term of 9 this Franchise Agreement, the Company, its successors or assigns, shall pay to the City, 10 or its successors, a sum of money which is equal to six percent (6%) of the Company’s 11 Gross Revenues as defined in Section 1.E., less any adjustments for uncollectable 12 accounts, from Customers within the corporate limits of the City. The franchise fee 13 payment shall be deemed paid on time if post-marked within thirty (30) days of the close 14 of the preceding billing month.
Franchise Fee. To compensate the County for the cost of administration, supervision and inspection rendered for the effective performance of this Agreement, as well as other costs related to the Collection of Solid Waste and Recycling, the Contractor shall pay to the County a fee of four percent (4%) of the total of all charges invoiced, whether collected or not, arising out of any services or operations conducted in the Service Area pursuant to this Agreement except charges for Commercial Disposal Cost, and Advance Disposal Fees as defined by County Ordinance 07-25. A statement reporting invoiced amounts for services provided under this Agreement shall be prepared by the Contractor in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for each month. This monthly statement shall be submitted no later than thirty days following the last day of the reporting month, and shall be in the format shown in Exhibit VI, or as may be revised by the Department. Solid Waste disposal costs paid by the Contractor to the County under this Agreement shall be deducted from the gross invoiced charges total prior to applying the four (4)% for calculation of the franchise fee owed to the County. Franchise fees shall be payable within thirty (30) days after receiving the County’s invoice for such fees. A late charge of 1% of the amount due for the Franchise fee may be calculated monthly until payment is received. For Service Area Two (2), two separate statements shall be required, one for the unincorporated areas of Lee County, and a second for the Village of Estero for invoiced amounts arising from the services and operations conducted within each boundary.
Franchise Fee. The Franchise Fee for the Franchised Restaurant shall be [$___________]
Franchise Fee. (A) In consideration for the grant of this franchise, the Company agrees to collect from its customers, but not from the City, located within the corporate limits of the City, and pay to the City, and the City agrees to accept as adequate compensation and consideration for the franchise fee as defined herein an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the gross receipts derived from the sale, distribution or transportation of natural gas, including customer service charges.
(B) If at any time during the duration of this agreement, the Company shall provide gas transportation service to ten (10) or more locations within the City, the Company and the City shall mutually agree to amend this ordinance within ninety (90) days of notification of such situation, to provide that the fee structure in (A) above shall be on a volumetric basis.
(C) The Company shall list the local fee collected from consumers within the City as a separate item on bills for utility service issued to consumers. If at any time the Kansas Corporation Commission, or other authority having proper jurisdiction, prohibits such recovery, then the City and Company shall renegotiate this ordinance.
(D) The franchise fee shall be paid monthly, by ACH or electronic transfer to the City, or other method approved by the City and Company. Concurrent with submission of the monthly payment, the Company shall also submit a report that shall detail revenues from specific sources. The Company shall pay the applicable fee to the City within thirty (30) days of the last day of the applicable calendar quarter for which a fee payment is due and owing. Initial and final payments shall be prorated for the portions of the periods at the beginning and end of the term of this Ordinance. Payments received after the due date shall be subject to a late payment charge of one and one-half percent (1 ½ %) per month. Payments due and owing as the result of an audit of franchise fee payments shall be subject to a late payment charge of one and one-half percent (1 ½ %) per month; provided such late payment charges shall 1) begin to accrue forty-five (45) days after notice is mailed to the Company; and 2) the late payment charge shall only apply to audit generated payments agreed to by the City and the Company.
(E) The franchise fee collected and paid by the Company shall be in lieu of, and the Company shall be exempt from, all other licenses, charges, excise or right-of-way permit fees or taxes or impositions (other than the u...
Franchise Fee. (Ord. 8080)
(A) In consideration of the grant of this franchise and the premises herein, the Company agrees to pay and the City of Lawrence, Kansas agrees to accept as adequate compensation and consideration for the franchise hereby granted in lieu of any occupation, license, or privilege tax or any lease or easement charge, five percent (5%) of the total gross receipts from the sale of electrical energy during the term of this franchise to all consumers within the corporate limits of the City. The City may by ordinance modify the franchise fee, without approval of the Company, to an amount not to exceed five percent (5%) of the total gross receipts from the sale of electrical energy during the term of this franchise to all consumers within the corporate limits of the City, such ordinance shall take effect not earlier than ninety