Fund Establishment Sample Clauses

Fund Establishment. The District shall establish a separate Professional Development Fund of $77,500 in 2006-2007. Each year thereafter, the Fund amount will increase by the percentage increase in the total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers within the District.
Fund Establishment. The intent of the Donor in making [his][her][their] commitment is to establish an annual scholarship fund held by the Foundation. The Foundation agrees to establish and administer such fund, which shall be a temporary restricted fund subject to all provisions of this Agreement and known as the:
Fund Establishment. A. There is hereby created and established a special pooled fund designated the "Franklin County Emergency Management Fund". It is agreed upon by the parties signatory to this Agreement that said fund shall be administered by the Treasurer of Franklin County. Any and all unexpended Agency monies at year end shall be carried forward into the following fiscal year budget. B. All monies collected and received on account of the Agency, including financial contributions by the parties’ signatory to this Agreement in accordance herewith, shall be deposited into said fund. C. The Director of the Agency shall authorize expenditures from said fund in accordance with the Director's Extent of Administrative Authority approved by the Board.
Fund Establishment. The District shall establish each year, a separate Tuition Reimbursement fund in the amount of $20,000 per year.
Fund Establishment. The District shall establish each year a separate professional development fund of $100,000.
Fund Establishment. The District shall establish each year a separate professional development fund of $50,000.
Fund Establishment. The Organisation will establish a Named Endowment Fund (“the Fund”) with Te Karaka. Purpose(s) of the Fund Date of initial contribution Initial contribution amount Establishment Donation* Minimum fund balance Address Contact Name Contact Position Phone Number Email Financial year end Day: Month: Solicitor’s Details
Fund Establishment. The District shall establish each year, a separate Tuition Reimbursement fund in the amount of $20,000 per year. Disbursement Procedures: 1. Licensed members may apply for reimbursement upon submission of receipts transcripts, or grade cards for tuition, books, registration fees, or other associated expenses directly related to the course (i.e. lab fees). Travel, mileage, lodging, parking, telephone, and other indirect expenses are not eligible for reimbursement. 2. Reimbursement for all courses will be granted only for those courses directly related to the applicant’s assignment, unless approval of the Review Committee is granted. Effective November 8, 2019, the applicable costs of obtaining and maintaining a National Board Certification will be eligible reimbursable expenses. 3. Reimbursement will be provided for coursework completed during the previous Academic Year (Fall-Winter-Spring-Summer terms). 4. No member may be reimbursed more than $2000 during any one school year. 5. Requests for reimbursements must be submitted to the District Personnel Office not earlier than Sept I, and no later than October 15 of each year, with disbursement of funds completed no later than December I of the same year. 6. In order to be eligible for reimbursement the member must be employed by the District during the pervious and current school years. 7. If reimbursement request exceeds the available funds in the program, all requests will be pro-rated by equal percentage factor until the sum of all request in equal to $20,000. 8. The requests for reimbursement will be reviewed by a Review Committee composed of the KFEA President, and Association Designee, and the District Director of Human Resources or Superintendent's designee.
Fund Establishment. The District shall establish a separate Professional Development Fund equal to the dollar amount listed in the cell of the MA+45 column, step 1 of each year’s salary schedule.