Geotechnical Evaluation Sample Clauses
Geotechnical Evaluation. The Borrower shall provide the Lender with a Geotechnical Evaluation prepared by an engineer which is acceptable to Lender, at its reasonable discretion, which report states that the soil is sufficient for the construction of the Project.
Geotechnical Evaluation. A. For this geotechnical exploration, Olsson Associates proposes to perform a site reconnaissance to review the areas of concern identified in the field evaluation report. During this time, we will perform soil borings at retaining wall locations so that geotechnical design parameters can be developed. Access along the trail is limited based on the terrain and the trees. As such, soil borings will be performed using hand augering techniques. We will perform the borings at the retaining wall locations, with intermediate borings located along the alignment as deemed necessary. The hand auger borings will generally be advanced to practical refusal, which would be anticipated to occur within 6 to 8 feet of the ground surface. In several locations, weathered shale or limestone bedrock may be exposed at the surface or be located at a relatively shallow depth. Hand auger borings would not be able to penetrate through the bedrock surface. Samples of the overburden soils would be obtained as necessary to classify the soils and perform laboratory testing (moisture content, Atterberg limits, density and compressive strength).
B. The consultant shall prepare geotechnical recommendations for the primary purpose of developing geotechnical design criteria to use in designing retaining walls, drainage structures, earthwork estimates, and pavement sections for the project.
C. The consultant shall prepare and submit three (3) copies of a geotechnical report to the city’s project manager for review.
Geotechnical Evaluation. Consultant will perform a geotechnical evaluation to characterize surface and subsurface geologic conditions at selected exploration locations, evaluate their impact on the project, and provide geotechnical recommendations for the design and construction of the proposed additional park improvements.
Geotechnical Evaluation. A geotechnical report including laboratory reports shall be submitted at the time of the construction drawings submittal to support the design submitted. This report shall include a geotechnical evaluation for any structures (i.e. Lift Stations, concrete foundations, etc.) and to support the street design.
Geotechnical Evaluation. The CONSULTANT shall contract the services of a professionally licensed geotechnical firm to perform boring / test excavations as necessary to
Geotechnical Evaluation. While preparing this proposal, we reviewed the Utah Geologic Survey Interactive Geology and Hazard Maps for the project site. The native soils at the site are mapped as alluvial-fan deposits consisting of gravel in a matrix of sand, silt, and clay. Cobbles and Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Associates Moab City
Geotechnical Evaluation. During the pre-feasibility phase of the study, a list of needed geotechnical data and analysis will have been identified for each of the alternatives. The feasibility phase will build on work already performed during the pre-feasibility phase and collected additional date needs identified as well as complete the analysis recommended.
Geotechnical Evaluation. The need for a geotechnical investigation or extent of a geotechnical investigation and associated design services are not included in the proposed scope of services.
Geotechnical Evaluation. Our team will provide geotechnical services for the project design plans. The geotechnical work will include: ▪ Review published soils and topographic information. This published information will be obtained from the appropriate Florida Quadrangle Map published by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), as well as the Web Soil Survey of Hillsborough County, Florida, published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). ▪ Execute a program of subsurface exploration consisting of borings, subsurface sampling and field testing.We plan to perform ten (10) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings to a depth of 10 feet below existing site grades along the proposed pipeline (1 Per 500 LF of pipeline). In addition, perform two (2) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings to a depth of 20 feet below existing site grades at the proposed box culvert. In the borings, samples will be collected and SPT resistance values will be recorded virtually continuously to the boring termination depth. ▪ Visually classify the samples in the laboratory using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Identify soil conditions at each boring location. ▪ Collect groundwater level measurements and estimate the seasonal high groundwater table from the USDA Soil information. ▪ Summarize geotechnical soils investigation, field data and subsurface conditions encountered in an engineering report.
Geotechnical Evaluation. Perform a subsurface investigation and soils analysis, including at least 2 borings per culvert replacement (4 total).