Subsurface Investigation. When test holes, if any, have been excavated to indicate subsurface materials at particular locations, Owner assumes no responsibility whatsoever in respect to the sufficiency or accuracy of borings made, or of the log of test borings, or of other investigations, or of the interpretations made thereof, and there is no warranty or guarantee, either express or implied, that the conditions indicated by such investigations are representative of those existing throughout such area, or any part thereof, or that unforeseen developments may not occur. A log of test borings, if any, showing a record of the data obtained on subsurface conditions may be examined upon request. XXXX may make arrangements with Owner for permission to conduct such additional subsurface investigation as may be necessary to verify existing conditions. XXXX shall examine the site and may make arrangements with Owner to conduct XXXX'x own subsurface investigation.
Subsurface Investigation. When test holes, if any, have been excavated to indicate subsurface materials at particular locations, County assumes no responsibility whatsoever in respect to the sufficiency or accuracy of borings made, or of the log of test borings, or of other investigations, or of the interpretations made thereof, and there is no warranty or guarantee, either express or implied, that the conditions indicated by such investigations are representative of those existing throughout such area, or any part thereof, or that unforeseen developments may not occur. A log of test borings, if any, showing a record of the data obtained on subsurface conditions may be examined upon request. Contractor may make arrangements with County for permission to conduct such additional subsurface investigation as may be necessary to verify existing conditions. Contractor shall examine the site and may make arrangements with County to conduct Contractor's own subsurface investigation.
Subsurface Investigation. When test holes, if any, have been excavated to indicate subsurface materials at particular locations, neither County nor the County PM, assume any responsibility whatever in respect to the sufficiency or accuracy of borings made, or of the log of test borings, or of other investigations, or of the interpretations made thereof, and there is no warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied, that the conditions indicated by such investigations are representative of those existing throughout such area, or any part thereof, or that unforeseen developments may not occur. A log of test borings, if any, showing a record of the data obtained on subsurface conditions may be examined upon request to the County PM. Contractor may make arrangements with County for permission to conduct such additional subsurface investigation as may be necessary to verify existing conditions. Contractor shall examine the site and may make arrangements with County to conduct Contractor's own subsurface investigation.
Subsurface Investigation. For a Work Assignment calling for a subsurface investigation, the CONSULTANT shall prepare a layout of its proposed boring program to be submitted to the Geotechnical Branch for approval. This layout shall indicate boring locations and tentative termination depths and shall be prepared as soon as possible after the initial horizontal alignment and bridge end abutment locations have been established in the field by MDOT. Borehole spacing along the alignment(s) shall not exceed two hundred (200) feet. If subsurface conditions warrant, and the Work Assignment dictates, the CONSULTANT shall be required to perform additional geotechnical borings to analyze slope stability at bridge approach or roadway embankment locations. These borings shall generally not exceed fifty (50) feet in depth and may only be performed by approval of MDOT. Piezometers (open standpipe or vibrating wire) shall be set in the field along the alignments for monitoring of the groundwater table as the Work Assignment dictates. Piezometer locations shall be noted on the boring program layout submitted for approval. Generally, piezometers shall be necessary only at locations in which footings (pile-supported or spread) or drilled shafts will be utilized or for the determination of liquefaction potential. Soil samples shall be obtained in each boring. These samples shall be taken at intervals necessary to produce a continuous log. The sampling interval shall not exceed five (5) feet to a depth of sixty (60) feet, and ten
Subsurface Investigation. AECOM will perform a subsurface investigation to provide information for estimating material excavation, bedrock elevation, suitability of material reuse for backfilling, and meeting the requirements of the Geotechnical Bridge Foundation Investigation Practice – a previous KDOT BLP practice document originally dated July 8, 2005, has been updated and included in the KDOT LPA Project Development Manual, Section 6.0, Appendix A. Two soil borings, one at each end of the structure, are proposed for the replacement RCB at Site 5A. Borings at Site 5A are anticipated to be approximately 30 feet deep with a minimum extension of 15 feet below the bottom of the culvert or until competent material is encountered, whichever is deeper. Three additional borings drilled approximately 10 feet deep will be completed at Site 1, Site 2 and Site 5D. Site services will include performing the geotechnical investigation, producing boring logs, conducting laboratory testing, and providing a geotechnical report summarizing the test data and design recommendations. This information will be submitted as a draft for the field check and finalized as part of the Preliminary Design submittal. The boring information will be shown on the plans provided to the City.
Task 1.4 Storm Sewer Design (H&H)
Subsurface Investigation. DLZ makes no representations concerning soil conditions unless specifically included in writing in this Agreement, and DLZ is not responsible for any liability that may arise out of the making or failure to make soil surveys, or sub-surface soil tests, or general soil testing.
Subsurface Investigation. The initial task in the hydrogeological study is to evaluate the efficiency of the existing groundwater monitoring network. The ENGINEER shall install a minimum of four (4) shallow monitoring xxxxx (20-ft deep) adjacent to the proposed Cell 3 Disposal Area, roughly at the four corners of the disposal area unless it is determined that less than 4 xxxxx are sufficient to effectively evaluate the current efficiency of the groundwater monitoring network. The ENGINEER shall identify the parameters required for the sampling and analysis of the new monitoring xxxxx. The AUTHORITY’s existing environmental monitoring contractor shall be responsible for the sampling and analysis of these parameters during the scheduled period as identified in the Project Schedule in EXHIBIT A. The ENGINEER’s hydrogeological investigation program shall quantify the groundwater component of measurable stream flow in the Beaverdam Branch due to a requirement under the newly-promulgated DRGSW for potential monitoring of surface water into which groundwater flowing from beneath a landfill discharges. A preliminary evaluation shall be made prior to the October 1994 sampling date so that a surface-water sample could be collected if necessary. In order to monitor vertical head gradients along the Beaverdam Branch, the ENGINEER shall install a cluster piezometer at three depth intervals within the uppermost aquifer. After the initial installation and development, the AUTHORITY shall be responsible for the monitoring of the stream flow along the drainage channel of the Beverdam Branch. Drilling and piezometer construction methods shall be consistent with previous site explorations and comply with applicable industry and state standards. At a minimum, water-level measurements shall be made during the routine quarterly groundwater monitoring by the AUTHORITY, and may be increased in frequency to bi-monthly or monthly, depending upon the anticipated degree of seasonal water level fluctuations. The well boreholes shall be drilled by X.X. Xxxxxxx, of Seaford, DE. A continuous observation log of soil lithologies from drill cuttings shall be made by the ENGINEER’s field geologist/engineer. Well materials and completion techniques shall be consistent with previous monitoring well installations. Following completion of the well installation, the ENGINEER shall supervise the development of each monitoring well and piezometers, if required, as performed by the drilling contractor. Xxxxx shall be purged ...
Subsurface Investigation. We propose to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment to perform the work indicated above. For the pavement borings located along Main Street sampling will be performed continuously to a depth of at least 6 feet, followed by an additional sample from 8.5 to 10 feet. For side street borings with permeability testing, sampling and permeability testing will be performed at 2.5 to 3 foot intervals. Standard penetration values will be recorded at each sampling interval. Where cohesive materials are encountered, undisturbed samples will be obtained for appropriate laboratory testing. Bulk samples will be obtained at select locations for laboratory testing. Borings were drilled in 2010 for the portion of the first phase of the project extending from 100 East to 300 East. No additional borings are planned for this project within that stretch. Each boring will be logged in the field and each sample will be classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System. The location at which groundwater is encountered will be noted on the boring logs. Our cost for performing this phase of the work is as follows: B Drill Rig Plus Crew 18 hrs @ $195.00 /hr $3,510.00 C Geologist/Engineer 20 hrs @ $115.00 /hr $2,300.00 D Technician (Bluestaking) 3 hrs @ $55.00 /hr $165.00 E Traffic Control (cost +10%) est. $500.00 $500.00 Subtotal $6,475.00 B Drill Rig Plus Crew 37 hrs @ $195.00 /hr $7,215.00 C Geologist/Engineer 39 hrs @ $115.00 /hr $4,485.00 D Technician (Bluestaking) 3 hrs @ $55.00 /hr $165.00 E Traffic Control (cost +10%) est. $900.00 $900.00 Subtotal $12,765.00 Traffic control costs are estimated with the assumption that lane shifts will be allowed and full lane closures with flaggers will not be required. Traffic control costs could vary significantly depending on city requirements.
Subsurface Investigation a. Review existing subsurface information, provided by DDCM/CUCF and other sources, from projects on or near thesite.
b. Analyze data from all available sources and from site investigations and determine if subsurface investigations are recommended or necessary to meet the requirements of the NYC Construction Codes or those of other regulatory agencies with jurisdiction or to resolve uncertainties about subsurface conditions, rock excavation and ground water conditions.
c. Develop and submit a subsurface investigation plan for DDCM/CUCF approval.
d. Provide and submit bid documents, prepared by a soils engineer, who will provide continuous field inspection during the investigation.
e. Provide a soils report with recommendations.