Proposed Scope of Services Sample Clauses
Proposed Scope of Services. Following award, SDA and City staff will visit each candidate roadway together and jointly discuss the planned fix for each. Pre-design estimates will be prepared and the roads to be included in the project will be finalized. Once the roads to be included in the project have been selected, SDA will solicit three quotes from geotechnical service firms and provide the received information to the City. The City will select a firm to perform pavement cores and soil borings, as well provide input on the proposed rehabilitation methods, and pavement design for any potential full reconstruction segments. The selected geotechnical firm will contract directly with the City and the cost is not included in our design fee. Limited topographic survey for use during design will be performed for any ADA sidewalk ramp upgrades, and potential long segments of reconstruction. Storm water catch basins will be individually inspected and the condition detailed on evaluation logs. Any repairs needed to storm catch basins will be specified on the plans. Plans will be prepared from a combination of available aerial mapping, survey, City-provided GIS linework, SDA obtained private utility information, and measurements and observations from field reviews. In addition to showing the roadway and proposed repair locations, the plans will show driveways, trees, mailbox locations, utility structures, approximate utility locations, and house addresses by parcel. City of Novi 2014 Neighborhood Road Program Project Scope If required based on the selected roads, permits will be applied for from either the Wayne County Department of Public Services (WCDPS) or Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) to place construction signing within the right-of-way for roads under the jurisdiction of either agency. Preliminary Plans will be submitted at approximately 50-75% completion, showing existing and proposed typical cross sections; plan view of areas to be patched with summary tables; and supporting details and notes (ADA, repair types, tree protection, maintaining traffic, etc). Preliminary estimates with contingency will also be submitted for each project. Comments received will be used in preparing the final review plans. Final Review Plans will be submitted at 95% completion and will include complete specifications / contract documents as well as final estimates. Any comments will be incorporated into the final plans and specifications, which will be prepared for advertising. During the Biddi...
Proposed Scope of Services. To exceed the desired outcome of the service requested, ECHO AFC Transportation is positioned to provide municipalities, counties, school districts and other agencies with the services listed below: Specific service offerings include but are not limited to routine daily school bus route transportation, day trips, overnight trips, multi-day trips.
Proposed Scope of Services. On Point Surveying Inc. will perform a Boundary Survey within the area identified as A, B, C, D, E and F in Exhibit “A” above. • The survey will include any visible water, Storm, and Sanitary sewer connections around the survey perimeter. • No underground utilities will be located. • Ponds will not be located past the water’s edge. • The survey will extend 10 feet outside the property line in each direction. • On Point Surveying, Inc. is not responsible for resolving any boundary conflicts found during the course of the survey. • Any services requested, not defined, or included in this scope of work, will be considered additional services, and billed on a time and material basis. • After the first preliminary submittal, just one round of comments will be addressed. Additional changes or comments to address will be charged in a time and material basis.
Proposed Scope of Services. Please prepare a description of the services you are offering. This will be accomplished by taking the Scope of Services found in Section 4 of this RFP and modifying it to the extent necessary to reflect the services you are offering in your proposal.
Proposed Scope of Services. The tasks included in RMC’s proposed scope of services are described below. All work shall be completed by December 31, 2014.
Proposed Scope of Services. The scope of our services for this project includes providing the Aviation Authority with OAR design phase services in accordance with the Continuing Program and Project Management Services for Airfield, Roadway, and Horizontal Construction Projects. Our services may include, but are not limited to, the following: - Management of design from planning and conceptual design phase through Permitted design. - Document support, technical support, and review of documents prepared by others. - Evaluation and documentation of existing conditions. - Assistance with the Bid and Award phase. - Assistance with permitting coordination, as requested. We will perform the services for this project in accordance with the provisions of the Aviation Authority’s standard agreement for professional services and proposed staffing levels. Our proposed labor and applicable unit rates are attached as Exhibit A. A summary of our proposed fees is as follows: Not to Exceed Fee $31,637.00 Lump Sum Fees $0.00 Not to Exceed Reimbursable Expenses $0.00 Schedule A Total $31,637.00 In addition, we are enclosing a Truth in Negotiation Certification as Exhibit B. Small Business Participation: There is no small business participation in this proposed service. However, Xxxxxxxxx remains committed to incorporating meaningful small business participation in future assignments. We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal and look forward to working with the Aviation Authority on this project. Should you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xx. Vice President, Aviation and Program Management The Xxxxxxxxx Group, Inc. Encl.
Proposed Scope of Services. The City of Xxxxxxxxx will consider proposed uses that maximize the usage of the full facility. Proposals are welcomed from professional baseball organizations, considering that the following criteria are addressed:
i. Annual lease rate- Proposers should specify the annual/seasonal lease rate that a full season can be reasonably expected to sustain. The lease rate should reflect the bidder’s estimation of the fair market value of an annual lease for a similar facility.
ii. Grounds maintenance obligation/commitment- Proposers should describe the amount of annual organizational commitment to maintaining the grounds to IAW professional standards.
iii. Capital expense contribution- Proposers should specify the amount of capital investment the organization is willing to make in the facility over the term of the lease. If the proposer wishes to specify projects or describe improvements they would make, use this item for that purpose.
iv. Community commitment- Proposer should define the organization’s commitment to the Frederick community, including examples of community outreach in other places.
v. Financial stability of the organization/franchise- Proposer should provide any information defining/detailing the financial stability of the organization necessary to demonstrate the ability to carry out this proposal.
vi. Facility availability and non-game day usage
1. Availability for use by local organizations a. American Legion
Proposed Scope of Services. The following proposed scope of services is based on the information supplied and our experience in the area with similar projects. We propose to perform the following: ▼ Locate the borings at the site. ▼ Clear registered utilities at the site with the Sunshine Network, if applicable. Non-registered or private utilities are the responsibility of the client to clear. ▼ Site visit and gully trek by engineering staff. Mosquito repellent is included in cost. ▼ Mobilize drill team and truck mounted drilling rig to the site. ▼ Soil data collection fieldwork consisting of hand auger/probe borings, collection of soil samples along gully walls, and possible portable tripod mounted Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings if accessible. Note that the hand auger/probe borings cannot extend substantially below the groundwater table in xxxxx soils. ▼ Perform a visual classification and laboratory testing of the soil samples obtained during our exploration. Our proposal includes an allowance for basic laboratory properties testing, such as moisture content and percent passing a number 200 sieve. Geotechnical Exploration Proposal Motley Court Gully Restoration Project May 14, 2018 ▼ Analyze the field and laboratory data to provide geotechnical recommendations for the lift station. A professional geotechnical engineer licensed in the state of Florida will manage the project, and the results of the exploration will be presented in a report that will address the following: ▼ Existing site characteristics. ▼ Exploration, testing, and sampling methods. ▼ Subsurface soils encountered and soil classifications. ▼ Depth to groundwater at the time of drilling. ▼ A discussion of the basic laboratory test results. ▼ A discussion of existing soils encountered in the borings and gully area for reuse in the berm construction. ▼ A discussion of site preparation techniques and construction considerations including general comments, subgrade preparation, fill placement, and compaction of the berms. ▼ A discussion of bedding/backfill of piping and structures. We propose to provide the scope of services in this proposal for an estimated cost of $7,157.00. For a detailed cost breakdown, please see the attached Figure #1. This proposal assumes that boring locations are accessible to our drill crew, we have right of entry to the site, and that we will not experience excessive delays due to debris at borehole locations or for other reasons outside of our control. If such conditions are encounter...
Proposed Scope of Services. Green Island Road Reconstruction and Widening Project (Project) This scope of work has been prepared to assist the City of American Canyon with Project Management Services for the Green Island Road Reconstruction and Widening Project. The Project will have a design phase and potentially two construction phases. Engineering Design and Construction Management Services will be provided by a separate firm. The City desires Project Management Services requested under this RFP covering both the design and construction management phases. The first construction phase may consist of rough grading a portion of Green Island Road to the north and relocating and undergrounding existing utilities within a utility trench north of the existing Green Island Road. This approach has not yet been decided but may be desired by the City. The potential second construction phase would then consist of the widening and reconstruction of Green Island Road as well as the reconstruction of Xxx Xxxxxx Way, Mezzetta Court, Commerce Boulevard and Xxxxx Drive using Full Depth Reclamation techniques. The scope of work to be provided by Xxxxxx and Associates is defined by the following tasks and subtasks:
Proposed Scope of Services. The City of Costa Mesa currently allows for commercial cannabis manufacturers, distributors, processors and testing laboratories. The City has so far issued 25 Conditional Use Permits for cannabis manufacturers and distributors, of which 9 are currently in operation. The City’s voters recently passed Measure Q, which was an advisory measure to allow for both storefront and non-storefront (delivery) cannabis retailers. The measure also authorized the City to impose a tax on cannabis retailers of between 4% and 7%. Pursuant to Measure Q, the City is now seeking to develop a regulatory ordinance and a business license process for cannabis retailers, to be in place by April of 2021. To assist with this process, the City is requesting that HdL provide a proposal with a scope of services that includes the following objectives: □ Review and evaluate cannabis business applications □ Provide supplemental background checks of all owners, managers and employees associated with cannabis business applications □ Conduct pre-license site inspections prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy □ Provide additional hours of general consulting in the form of technical assistance and subject matter expertise, including best practices for cash handling and attendance and presentation meetings of the City Council, Planning Commission or cannabis ad-hoc committee These service objectives are each described in greater detail below. HdL staff will conduct an initial screening of all applications for completeness based upon an objective checklist of required documentation. This initial screening shall allow for some limited discretion in determining whether submitted documents are substantively complete but shall not otherwise consider the quality of the submissions. If an application is deemed incomplete, the applicant shall be given an opportunity to submit supplemental information to address any deficiencies. HdL’s cost for this objective includes one supplemental review per applicant. Review of any additional supplemental materials would be billed at HdL’s hourly rate. Applications which have been deemed complete will move forward for a full quality-assurance review. An applicant’s evaluation shall be based on their demonstrated ability to meet or exceed minimum requirements in each of the following categories: □ Ownership verification and eligibility □ Business plan □ Neighborhood compatibility □ Labor and employment □ Security plan Reviews shall include narrative comment...