Park Improvements Sample Clauses
Park Improvements. The park system improvements (collectively, the “Park Improvements”) are described and depicted on Exhibit H which includes a conceptual plan for the location of the Park Improvements (the “Park Improvements Map”), and includes the “Park Improvements Table,” which details the Park Improvements and specifies the timing of when said Improvements must be constructed.
Park Improvements. Tract B of the Infrastructure Land will be landscaped and improved with a softball diamond, soccer field, golf putting area and other similar improvements.
Park Improvements. The City would coordinate with the Developer and the City’s Park Board and obtain public comment on the design of the Park improvements and enhancements. In addition, the City would discuss with Developer the acquisition, from the Developer or other current owner, one or more buildings immediately east of the Park at a mutually agreeable price, and after such acquisition, the demolishment of such structure(s) for additional Park expansion. Costs for acquisition, demolition and Park improvements and enhancements would be financed by tax increment revenues generated within the TIF District from increased valuation in the District from the Project and potential other development. The Park would be owned and operated by the City with Developer’s ability to provide funds to enhance the improvements and operations.
Park Improvements. The Park Site shall be improved by the Developer in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 19.12.050(C) (Parkland Dedication) and all other applicable provisions of the Code.
4.1 Developer is herein authorized to enter the Park Site at any time for the purpose of completing said improvements as otherwise permitted in the City Code. The improvements must be completed in accordance with the Schedule of Improvements attached hereto as Exhibit “C”, which is incorporated for all purposes, and in accordance with the City’s Subdivision Ordinance and all directives of the City’s Parks and Recreation Department (the “Department”).
4.2 Upon completion of the improvements, which shall be considered to be accomplished when the last such improvement listed on Exhibit “C” is installed or planted in accordance with the Park Design Guidelines and Standards of the City’s Parks and Recreation #31433 v1 - PARKS/1/MESQUITE TRAILS DEV. AGMT Document Author: JFLO 2 Department at the Park Site. Developer shall provide a copy of the release of lien from the Developer. Developer’s books and other records related to the improvements shall be available for inspection by the City upon written request.
Park Improvements. CPAH shall design, construct and install improvements for the portion of the Real Property that lies between SW Boones Ferry Road and the Public Easement Area, as depicted in Exhibit E, to create a park with a trail and bench seating if the City provides sufficient funds to CPAH to allow CPAH to conduct such work. If these conditions are met, CPAH will conduct such work concurrent with the remainder of the Development.
Park Improvements. Within nine (9) months of the Effective Date, Owner shall submit to City a complete Park Improvement Plan package consistent with the City’s submittal requirements and the requirements of Section 3.5.
Park Improvements. In consideration of the conveyance of the Property from the District, within two years of the Effective Date, the County shall undertake the construction of the Playground, public access to the Property and a parking area serving the Property, the design, materials, time, and manner of which shall be determined by the County acting in its sole discretion and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The County will construct the Playground, related park and recreational facilities, access and parking area on the Property at its sole cost and expense, and the District will not be required to contribute funds to the construction of such improvements and facilities. Further, the County will assume full responsibility for operating and maintaining the Property, the Playground and any improvements or facilities on the Property from and after the Effective Date, and the District will have no obligation to operate or maintain the Property, the Playground or any improvements or facilities on the Property from and after the Effective Date.
Park Improvements. For and in consideration of the Port’s grant of a Temporary Construction Easement to the City, attached hereto as Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, the City has agreed to complete certain improvements at Xxxxxxx Bay Park as provided below. The Park areas and locations associated with the improvements required under this Section B are depicted in Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
Park Improvements. The Project includes certain park improvements to be constructed pursuant to the New Park Parkland Agreement (as described in Attachment No. 3 attached hereto) on the New Park Site (as defined below) (“New Park Improvements”) and the construction of park improvements to the Pellier Park Expansion Site (as defined in Section 112 below) (“Pellier Park Improvements”) (collectively, the “Park Improvements”). The costs for the construction of the Park Improvements and payment of certain park fees are referred to herein as the “Park Improvement Costs”. The New Park Site shall be defined herein to include The North San Xxxxx Xxxx and Xxxxxxx Park as shown on Attachment No. 1 attached hereto.
Park Improvements. Subject to the provisions of this Section 3.5.5, Owner shall construct or cause to be constructed at its own cost, expense and liability the Park Improvements on Lot K in accordance with park concept, landscape and building plans and specifications providing for a turn-key park (“Park Improvement Plan”) which will be prepared by or on behalf of Owner and submitted for review and recommendation by the City’s Park’s Commission and to the City Council for final approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.6.1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Owner’s financial responsibility for the construction of the Park Improvements consistent with the park Improvement Plan shall not exceed Dollars ( ). Owner has submitted documentation demonstrating that the existing structures, including the main stables, located on Lot K are not structurally suitable for conversion to residential uses or other public gathering uses fit for human occupancy under existing Building Codes and that rehabilitation of the structures is economically and practically infeasible without demolition. Owner shall to the extent commercially feasible, preserve, restore and reuse building components and architectural features from the existing main stable structure and integrate those building components and architectural features in a newly constructed replica of the main stable on Lot K as a tribute recognizing the previous use of the Owner Property as an equestrian center. The replica structure may be oriented on Lot K so as to preserve the historical character of the Owner Property and in order to accommodate the open space uses and parking necessary and appropriate for the completion of the Park Improvements consistent with the Park Improvement Plan. Owner shall perform all of its obligations hereunder and shall conduct all operations with respect to the construction of the Park Improvements in a good, workmanlike and commercially reasonable manner, with the standard of diligence and care normally employed by duly qualified persons utilizing commercially reasonable efforts in the performance of comparable work and in accordance with generally accepted practices appropriate to the activities undertaken. Upon substantial completion of the Park Improvements, City shall inspect and approve such improvements subject to a punch list itemizing any additional work which shall be reasonably required for final completion of such improvements. Owner shall use commercially reasonable efforts to comp...