Park Improvements. The park system improvements (collectively, the “Park Improvements”) are described and depicted on Exhibit H which includes a conceptual plan for the location of the Park Improvements (the “Park Improvements Map”), and includes the “Park Improvements Table,” which details the Park Improvements and specifies the timing of when said Improvements must be constructed.
Park Improvements. Tract B of the Infrastructure Land will be landscaped and improved with a softball diamond, soccer field, golf putting area and other similar improvements.
Park Improvements. The City would coordinate with the Developer and the City’s Park Board and obtain public comment on the design of the Park improvements and enhancements. In addition, the City would discuss with Developer the acquisition, from the Developer or other current owner, one or more buildings immediately east of the Park at a mutually agreeable price, and after such acquisition, the demolishment of such structure(s) for additional Park expansion. Costs for acquisition, demolition and Park improvements and enhancements would be financed by tax increment revenues generated within the TIF District from increased valuation in the District from the Project and potential other development. The Park would be owned and operated by the City with Developer’s ability to provide funds to enhance the improvements and operations.
Park Improvements. The Park Site shall be improved by the Developer in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 19.12.050(C) (Parkland Dedication) and all other applicable provisions of the Code.
4.1 Developer is herein authorized to enter the Park Site at any time for the purpose of completing said improvements as otherwise permitted in the City Code. The improvements must be completed in accordance with the Schedule of Improvements attached hereto as Exhibit “C”, which is incorporated for all purposes, and in accordance with the City’s Subdivision Ordinance and all directives of the City’s Parks and Recreation Department (the “Department”).
4.2 Upon completion of the improvements, which shall be considered to be accomplished when the last such improvement listed on Exhibit “C” is installed or planted in accordance with the Park Design Guidelines and Standards of the City’s Parks and Recreation Department at the Park Site. Developer shall provide a copy of the release of lien from the Developer. Developer’s books and other records related to the improvements shall be available for inspection by the City upon written request.
Park Improvements. SHP hereby agrees to install the Waterfront Park and other park facilities shown on the Phase 1 Master Plan substantially at the location and with the configuration identified on the Phase 1 Master Plan. The installation of the Waterfront Park and other park facilities located on the Phase 1 Master Plan shall be consistent with the Phase 1 Master Plan and City building requirements.
Park Improvements. The Developer will grade the dedicated park area in the Plat to the City’s specifications and approval, including adding xxxxxx to tree lines on the unpaved parking area in the park. The Developer shall also construct at its sole expense to the City’s specifications a storm drain system in the dedicated park area.
Park Improvements. In consideration of the conveyance of the Property from the District, within two years of the Effective Date, the County shall undertake the construction of the Playground, public access to the Property and a parking area serving the Property, the design, materials, time, and manner of which shall be determined by the County acting in its sole discretion and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The County will construct the Playground, related park and recreational facilities, access and parking area on the Property at its sole cost and expense, and the District will not be required to contribute funds to the construction of such improvements and facilities. Further, the County will assume full responsibility for operating and maintaining the Property, the Playground and any improvements or facilities on the Property from and after the Effective Date, and the District will have no obligation to operate or maintain the Property, the Playground or any improvements or facilities on the Property from and after the Effective Date.
Park Improvements. The Project includes certain park improvements to be constructed pursuant to the New Park Parkland Agreement (as described in Attachment No. 3 attached hereto) on the New Park Site (as defined below) (“New Park Improvements”) and the construction of park improvements to the Pellier Park Expansion Site (as defined in Section 112 below) (“Pellier Park Improvements”) (collectively, the “Park Improvements”). The costs for the construction of the Park Improvements and payment of certain park fees are referred to herein as the “Park Improvement Costs”. The New Park Site shall be defined herein to include The North San Xxxxx Xxxx and Xxxxxxx Park as shown on Attachment No. 1 attached hereto.
Park Improvements. Developer shall comply with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance set forth in the City of San Xxxx Municipal Code. Developer acknowledges that pursuant to the Final Map the Successor Agency will dedicate the New Park Site and the Pellier Park Expansion Site to the City for public park purposes. The Developer shall not seek any credit under the Parkland Dedication Ordinance for the dedication of the New Park Site or the Pellier Park Expansion Site, provided that to the extent the Affordable Housing Project has a requirement under the Parkland dedication Ordinance, any credit available for the dedication of the New Park Site or the Pellier Park Expansion Site may be used to satisfy any parkland requirement for the Affordable Housing Project. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Developer shall not be responsible for any park improvements or park fees in excess of the requirements of the Parkland Dedication Ordinance for each Phase of the Project developed by Developer. Developer shall complete the work to be performed on Pellier Park which is an obligation of Developer under an existing agreement with the City of San arising out of the City heights project (“Existing Pellier Park Obligation”). Developer shall commence 976166v3 - 3 - 6/20/2013 Attachment No. 3 and complete the Existing Pellier Park Obligation concurrently with the development and construction of the Pellier Park Expansion Improvements by NSPT.
Park Improvements. In accordance with Driggs City Ordinance 374-16 Effective 9/29/16 new subdivisions that would result in 10 or more dwelling units must mitigate impact through the city park system by setting aside .028 acres of land per lot (0.672 acres) in the vicinity of the subdivision for park space and improving it as such. The Shoshoni Plains Master Plan was designed in accordance with this ordinance and is attached as Exhibit “D”. The City made a request during the master planning of the Shoshoni Plains Development that the park requirement for 150 dwelling units be combined into 1 park at the southwest side of Shoshoni Plains Phase IV. Thus a 4.2 acre park was established. The acreage of the park accounts for all 40 dwelling units constructed as part of Shoshoni Plains Phase IV and the 24 dwelling units proposed for Shoshoni Plains Phase IV-B. The large 4.2 acre park was transferred to the City of Xxxxxx in a land transfer agreement. In that agreement the City agreed to finish construction of the park infrastructure improvements, landscaping, and maintenance in exchange for being released from its obligation to reimburse the Developer for oversizing costs related to the Water Main and Sewer Line.