Grading Plans Sample Clauses
Grading Plans. When filling or grading is contemplated by the subdivider, prior to final plat approval, the owner shall submit plans showing existing and finished grades for the approval of the Community Development Director. In reviewing these plans, the Community Development Director shall consider the need for drainage and effect of filling on adjacent property. Grading shall be finished in such a manner as not to create steep banks or unsightly areas to adjacent property.
Grading Plans. CSU has provided the City with On-Site Grading Plans depicting CSU’s proposed development within any floodplain on the CSU Property and the River Park Property. The City has provided review comments on the On-Site Grading Plans. Before CSU issues a grading permit or commences any construction activity within any floodplain on the CSU Property or the River Park Property, CSU will submit to DSD and TSW for review, revised On-Site Grading Plans and CSU will respond to DSD and TSW comments and consult with DSD and TSW. This review and consultation is intended to ensure CSU’s plans do not materially conflict with: (i) MS4 storm water requirements, understanding that CSU will issue its own grading permit complying with storm water requirements; and (ii) applicable City requirements, which include the Land Development Code (including Chapter 14, Article 2, Divisions 1 and 2, and Chapter 14, Article 3, Divisions 1 and 3) and the Land Development Manual (including Appendixes B – Drainage Design Manual, H – Standard Drawings, O – Storm Water Standards Manual, and S – FEMA Definitions). CSU shall make a good faith e fort to incorporate all comments received from DSD and TSW into the final On-Site Grading Plans. CSU shall provide a written explanation to DSD and TSW if any of their comments are not incorporated, but further consultation will not be required before CSU may proceed with issuance of its grading permit or construction activities. CSU shall ensure that all grading associated with the establishment and implementation of water quality best management practices achieves a hydraulic disconnection between the basin areas and the adjacent San Diego River 100-year floodplain. CSU shall bear all costs and expenses associated with the performance of any grading activities within any floodplain on the CSU Property and the River Park Property and all costs associated with obtaining the necessary Approvals for such grading activities.
Grading Plans. (Applicable to Segments A & B only) Grading plans will be developed for the area of bridge and roadway construction. These plans will include cross-sections of the creek consistent with the channel grading plans including maintenance roads and trails. They will show the specific details required to grade the approach roadway up to the bridge abutments and any transition work needed to tie-in with the general channel section. The anticipate sheet list is as follows:
1 Grading Plan No. 1 2 Grading Plan No. 2 3 Grading Sections 4 Grading Details
Grading Plans. The Property shall be graded in accordance with the Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plans, the “Preliminary Plans”, as prepared by dated , 2021 on file with the City. The Developer agrees to maintain existing drainage patterns and will construct temporary drainage xxxxxx and other measures as necessary to maintain the existing drainage patterns until such time that culverts and/or storm sewer is installed. The Developer acknowledges that the Preliminary Plans have not been approved by the City and expressly agrees that all work performed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be at the Developer’s sole risk and expense.
Grading Plans. Preliminary grading including approximate contours, critical slopes, drainage basins, cut/fill, calculations as required for permit needs. Grading plans will display ADA compliance for pavements, trails, and access to facilities in the park.
Grading Plans. Underdrain and Misc. Details.
Grading Plans. The grading plans for the Project shall be prepared by a qualified engineer. Developer shall cause to be prepared and submitted to Owner for its written approval, preliminary and final grading plans for the Project, within a schedule consistent with the Business Plan.
Grading Plans. Misc. Details.
Grading Plans. Grading plans shall be prepared and signed by a registered civil engineer licensed by the State of California. Grading plans shall be prepared and implemented in conformance with the Uniform Building Code and Chapter 15.32 of the Municipal Code. Grading plans shall demonstrate that grading will complement surrounding topography, minimize habitat disturbance and utilize landform grading techniques to the greatest extent feasible and shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director and the Building Official prior to commencement of grading or site preparation activities. (MM 9)
Grading Plans. This item consists of final design and drafting of grading and surface-related items. This includes finalizing the proposed surface and preparation of any special details wherever plans and typical details do not adequately convey the design intent of a particular element.