Holiday Celebration. If a recognized holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be considered the recognized holiday for eligible employees. When a recognized holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be recognized as the holiday.
Holiday Celebration. The Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx., Coalition- Hawaii reserves the right to update these rules without prior notice.
Holiday Celebration. In the event one of the holidays falls on a Sunday, the following Monday, will be the recognized holiday for eligible employees; if the holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be recognized as a holiday. If consecutive holidays fall on Friday and Saturday, Thursday and Friday will be recognized as the holidays in the same holiday order. If consecutive holidays fall on Sunday and Monday, Monday and Tuesday will be recognized as the holidays in the same holiday order. The preceding two (2) paragraphs shall apply only to those eligible employees whose normal work week consists of forty (40) hours of work performed from Monday through Friday. For employees working other than a Monday through Friday schedule, the actual date of the holiday will be observed.
Holiday Celebration. When any of the above holidays falls on Saturday, Friday shall be considered as the holiday. Should a holiday fall on Sunday, Monday shall be considered as the holiday. When Christmas Eve falls on a Friday, it shall be celebrated on the preceding Thursday or the following Monday, at the option of the Employer.
Holiday Celebration. When Christmas falls on Sunday, the three (3) days would be taken on Friday, Monday and Tuesday. When Christmas falls on Monday, the three (3) days would be taken on Friday, Monday and Tuesday. When Christmas falls on Friday, the three (3) days would be taken on Thursday, Friday and Monday. When Christmas falls on Saturday, the three (3) days would be taken on Friday, Monday and Tuesday. Should any other holiday fall on a Saturday, Friday shall be considered as the holiday. Should the holiday fall on a Sunday, Monday will be considered as a holiday except as noted.
Holiday Celebration. Whenever New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veteran's Day, or Christmas Day fall on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be recognized as a holiday. Whenever New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veteran's Day, or Christmas Day fall on a Sunday, the following Monday will be recognized as a holiday.
Holiday Celebration. When Christmas Day and New Year's Day fall on a Saturday, they shall be celebrated on the preceding Friday and Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve will be celebrated on the preceding Thursday. Whenever Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve ·or Fourth of July fall on a Saturday, they shall be celebrated on the preceding Friday. When Christmas Day, New Year's Day or Fourth of July fall on a Sunday, they shall be celebrated on the following Monday. When Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve fall on Sunday, they will be celebrated on the following Monday and Christmas Day and New Year's Day will be celebrated on the following Tuesday.
Holiday Celebration. When a recognized holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be celebrated on the preceding Friday. When a recognized holiday falls on a Sunday, it shall be celebrated on the following Monday.
Holiday Celebration. Ifa recognized holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be considered the recognized holiday for eligible employees. When a recognized holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be recognized as the holiday.
Holiday Celebration. Whenever one of the above designated in Section 1 falls on a Sunday, the Monday following shall be considered the official holiday and whenever one of the above designated holidays falls on a Saturday, the immediate preceding Friday shall be considered as the official holiday. This Section shall apply only to employees who normal schedule of work is Monday through Friday, and those employees working on other schedules will celebrate the holiday on its actual date.