Horizontal Sample Clauses
Horizontal. Wiring Landlord shall provide and install, at its expense, a horizontal subsystem that will provide a cable route from the TR’s and computer room to each station on the floor. The subsystem should be made up of one of the following:
(i) Under floor duct system (e.g., xxxxxx duct system).
(ii) Suspended ceilings.
(iii) Raised flooring. (iv) Conduit.
Horizontal. The top of wall shall be within 4 inches of the plan location. However, the Contractor shall ensure that all blocks are installed and located on City Property or City Right of Way.
Horizontal. No change of job classification but a new assignment within the classification in a higher pay bracket. Example: Salad Maker, Senior High in Classification II, moves to Xxxxx, Senior High also in Classification II. Although remaining in the same classification, a salary increase results.
Horizontal. The combined dimensions of the paved shoulder and the roadway surface remaining outside the Work Zone should be no less than sixteen feet (≥ 16’) in width at any location. Vertical: The overhead clearance should not be reduced to less than fifteen feet (≥ 15’) at any location. The restrictions above apply to all shifts, lane closures, on-site detours and off-site detours whether shown in the Contract or proposed by the Contractor. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify that these minimum requirements have been met before proceeding with any phase of the Work. Two-lane, two-way roadways may have temporary horizontal restrictions of less than sixteen feet (≥ 16’) during flagging operations. The minimum horizontal clearance should be restored before the flagging operation is removed. At the end of the workday, all equipment, materials, and TTC devices not in use should be moved out of the clear zone or behind positive protection. The clear zone is defined by Georgia Standard 4000W “Lengths of Advancement, Clear Zone Distances, Fill Height Embankment”. For urban roadway with curb, the minimum set back is six (6’) feet from the curb face. If stored behind positive protection, proper lengths of advancement should be maintained. If stored behind guardrail the items shall be a minimum five feet (≥ 5’) from the face of the guardrail and not in the recovery zone of the anchor. The WTCS shall monitor the Work to ensure that all the rocks, boulders, construction debris, stockpiled materials, equipment, tools and other potential hazards are kept clear of the travel lane. Prior approval of the Engineer shall be obtained before any construction traffic is allowed to travel in a reverse direction. If the Contractor’s submittal is approved, the construction traffic shall be separated from normal traffic by appropriate traffic control devices. The parking of Contractor’s and/or workers’ personal vehicles within the work area or adjacent to traffic is prohibited. It shall be the responsibility of the WTCS to ensure that any vehicle present at the worksite is necessary for the completion of the Work. In accordance with MUTCD (6D.03) all workers, within the right-of-way who are exposed either to traffic or to work vehicles and construction equipment within the TTC zone, shall wear high-visibility safety apparel that meets the Performance Class 2 or better. The Contractor shall make every effort to eliminate the use of interim signs as soon as the Work allow...
Horizontal. Projected Coordinate System Name: NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_NewJersey_FIPS_2900_Ft_US Projection: Transverse Mercator False_Easting: 492125.00000000 False_Northing: 0 Central_Meridian: -74.50000000 Latitude_of_Origin: 38.83333333 Linear Unit: Foot_US Geographic Coordinate System Name: GCS_NAD_1983_2011 Angular Unit: Degree Prime Meridian: Greenwich Datum: D_NAD_1983_2011 Spheroid: GRS_1980 Semimajor Axis: 6378137 Semiminor Axis: 6356752.314140356 Inverse Flattening: 298.257222101
Horizontal. WAC 000-000-000 states, “The datum for the horizontal control network in Washington shall be NAD83 (1991) [the North American Datum of 1983] as officially adjusted and published by the National Geodetic Survey of the United States Department of Commerce and as established in accordance with Chapter 58.20
Horizontal. The combined dimensions of the paved shoulder and the roadway surface remaining outside the Work Zone shall be no less than sixteen (16) feet in width at any location. Vertical: The overhead clearance shall not be reduced to less than fifteen (15) feet at any location. The restrictions above apply to all shifts, lane closures, on-site detours and off site detours whether shown in the contract or proposed by the Contractor. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify that these minimum requirements have been met before proceeding with any phase of the Work. Two-lane two-way roadways may have temporary horizontal restrictions of less than sixteen (16) feet provided a flagger operation for one-way traffic is utilized to restrict access to the work area by over-width loads. The minimum horizontal clearance shall be restored before the flagging operation is removed.
Horizontal criteria
1. How will the project contribute to the objectives of the sustainable development strategy? Project will create conditions enabling introduction of the principle, that the information obtained by the Police Corps member is the property of the Police Corps, into the policing routine. Thus enabling sharing and making use of intelligence (operational) information obtained now and in real time also by future generations of operational units of the Police Corps.
2. What are the environmental impacts of the project implementation? What measures are proposed to mitigate the negative environmental impact? The project has an indirect positive impact on the environment by the fact that the readiness of relevant police members and prosecutors in the field of repression will have an impact on reducing the number of cases relating to abuse of environment by RN materials.
3. How are the gender equality and the non-discrimination principles applied in the project implementation? Non-discrimination attitude concerning gender equality will be adopted in implementation of project activities; equal opportunities for participation of males and females would be created. Individual users and trainees will be selected on the basis of work position.
4. How will the project contribute to the enhancement of the bilateral relations with the Swiss Confederation? Implementation of activities aimed at execution of training and workshops led by Swiss experts will create a platform for exchange of know-how and experience between meeting participants from Slovak Republic and Swiss Confederation.
5. What innovative technologies/processes will be applied within the project implementation? All innovative procedures as known from the experience of the Swiss Police Corps will be used in the project implementation. Creation of the new IS, extension of existing IS and realization of educational activities will bring fundamental change in work style, expand cooperation of concerned subjects. Digitized information is an innovation which improves the work efficiency of the Police Corps.
Horizontal. Where a deflection angle of more than ten degrees occurs in the alignment of a street, a curve adhering to the identified centerline radius below shall be required. Arterial 1,125 Collector 825 Non-residential Cul-de-sac 400 Marginal Access 250 Local Street 150 Cul-de-sac 150
Horizontal rate of change should not exceed 3 mm per 9.0 m measured in increments of