Intellectual Property 4 Sample Clauses

Intellectual Property 4. 1 Title The Licensee acknowledges that MLA is the owner of the Licensed Mark and thx XXA Materials and that it does not acquire any right, title or interest in the Licensed Mark or the XXX Materials by virtue of this Agreement other than the rights expressly set out in this Agreement. (e) 법이 허용하는 한도 내에서, MLA의 소유권이나 사용 허가된 상표의 등록 가능성 또는 유효성을 침해하는 이의의 제기나 기타 행위; (f) 사용 허가된 상표와 연관된 영업권을 침해하는 행위를 하거나 그러한 행위에 대하여 어떠한 것도 하지 않는 행위. 3.3 사용 방식 MLA는 사용권자가 사용 허가된 상표를 사용하는 방식을 제어할 권한을 갖는다. 사용 허가된 상표가 포함된 모든 서면이나 광고 또는 기타 통신은 브랜드 표준을 완전히 준수해야 한다. MLA의 요청이 있는 경우, 사용권자는 그러한 자료의 샘플을 MLA에 제출해야 한다. MLA가 사용권자가 사용 허가된 상표의 사용이나 사용되도록 허용하는 방식을 반대할 경우, MLA는 사용권자에게 이를 통보하고 사용권자는 MLA가 만족할 때까지 그 상황을 신속하게 시정하는 데 동의 한다. 3.4 MLA 자료의제공 MLA는 재량에 따라 사용권자가 수시로 MLA 자료를 무료로 이용하도록 할 수 있다. 사용권자는 그러한 MLA 자료에 사용권자 상표를 삽입하는 것 외에는 MLA의 사전 서면 동의 없이 MLA 자료의 전체 또는 부분을 수정, 조정하거나 파생물을 생성해서는 안된다. 사용권자는 MLA 자료를 상품상 또는 그와 관련하여 사용권자와 승인된 재사용권자에 의해서만 재생산할 수 있다. MLA 자료의 모든 사용은 브랜드 표준을 완전히 준수해야 한다. 4. 지적 재산 4.1 소유권 사용권자는 MLA가 사용 허가된 상표와 MLA 자료의 소유자이며, 본 계약에서 명시적으로 정해진 권리 이외에 본 계약에 의거하여 사용 허가된 상표나 MLA 자료에 대한 어떠한 권리, 명칭 또는 이권도 획득하지 않음을 확인한다.
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Intellectual Property 4. Duševné vlastníctvo
Intellectual Property 4. 1 Pre-existing Intellectual Property Ownership of inventions, discoveries, works of authorship and other developments existing as of the Effective Date and all patents, copyrights, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights therein (collectively, “Pre-existing Intellectual Property”), is not affected by this Agreement, and no Party or Sponsor shall have any claims to or rights in any Pre-existing Intellectual Property of another, except as may be otherwise expressly provided in any other written agreement between them. 4.2
Intellectual Property 4. 1 Pre-existing Intellectual Property Ownership of inventions, discoveries, works of authorship and other developments existing as of the Effective Date and all patents, copyrights, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights therein (collectively, “Pre-existing Intellectual Property”), is not affected by this Agreement, and no Party or Sponsor shall have any claims to or rights in any Pre-existing Intellectual Property of another, except as may be otherwise expressly provided in any other written agreement between them. 4.2Inventions For purposes hereof, the term “Inventions” means all inventions, discoveries and developments derived from, conceived, first reduced to practice or otherwise discovered or developed by a Party or Sponsor or any of such entity’s personnel on the basis of Confidential Information and/or in performance of the Study. Sponsor shall own all Inventions, that are conceived, first reduced to practice or otherwise discovered or developed by the Institution or Study Staff in performance of the Study and no royalty or other payment will be due to the Institution, the Investigator or any Study Staff. 4.3Assignment of Inventions Institution shall, and shall cause Study Staff to, disclose all Inventions promptly and fully to Sponsor in writing, and Institution, on behalf of itself and its Study Staff, will assign to Sponsor all of its rights, title and interest in and to Inventions, including all patents, zařízení uchovat tyto Důvěrné informace podle příslušných zákonů a předpisů. 3.5
Intellectual Property 4. 1 Pre-existing Intellectual Property minimální cílový počet zařazení a očekávaný počet zařazených Subjektů studie. Dále nepodléhají zveřejnění osobní údaje jednotlivých osob. Verze této smlouvy určená ke zveřejnění je přiložena níže jako Příloha X. Xxxxxxxxxxxx má povinnost zveřejnit tuto smlouvu v souladu s výše uvedeným článkem. Pokud Poskytovatel tuto smlouvu nezveřejní do třiceti (30) dnů od uzavření smlouvy, může být zveřejněna Zadavatelem nebo Quintiles. Předpokládaná hodnota finančního plnění dle podmínek této Smlouvy činí přibližně 561.128 Kč. 3.3 Zákonem uložené odhalení V případě, že Poskytovatel obdrží oznámení či výzvu od třetí strany, která bude požadovat odhalení, sdělení či zpřístupnění jakékoli Důvěrné informace, příjemce takové výzvy Zadavateli tuto skutečnost neprodleně oznámí, aby měl Zadavatel možnost uplatnit předběžné/ochranné opatření či jakýkoli jiný vhodný ochranný či nápravný prostředek. V případě, že takové předběžné/ochranné opatření či jiný vhodný ochranný či nápravný prostředek není vydán či dosažen, příjemce výzvy poskytne pouze takovou část Důvěrných informací, a to v rozsahu, v jakém je jejich odhalení, sdělení či zpřístupnění požadováno, přičemž bude vyžadovat uplatňování důvěrného režimu ve vztahu k těmto Důvěrným informacím. 3.4 Vrácení či likvidace V návaznosti na ukončení platnosti této Smlouvy či v kterýkoli dřívější okamžik na základě písemného požadavku Zadavatele Poskytovatel Zadavateli vrátí, případně dle požadavku Zadavatele zlikviduje, veškeré Důvěrné informace, odlišné od Studijních dat a údajů. 3.5
Intellectual Property 4. 1. All intellectual property, (including without limitation, invention, discovery, ideas, know-how, trade secret, technology, trade mark, design trade dress, copyright, work of authorship, specification, formula, device, system, method, solution, process,) result, material, documents, reports, data, advice conceived, invented, made, produced, developed or reduced to practice by CONSULTANT as a result of or in connection with the Services or based on or incorporating ADCT intellectual property or Confidential Information, including all embodiments thereof and improvements thereto, (“Work Product”) shall be and remain the exclusive property of ADCT or its designee, who shall be entitled exclusively to use and commercially exploit at its sole discretion, the Work Product. 4.2. CONSULTANT shall, to the extent required for the above purpose, and at no additional cost to ADCT:
Intellectual Property 4. 1. In signing or electronically accepting the Award Agreement, the Participant hereby assigns and shall assign to the Company all of his or her rights, title and interest in and to all inventions, discoveries, improvements, ideas, mask works, computer or other apparatus programs and related documentation, and other works of authorship (hereinafter each designatedIntellectual Property”), whether or not patentable, copyrightable or subject to other forms of protection, made, created, developed, written or conceived by the Participant during the period of his or her relationship with the Company, whether during or outside of regular working hours, either solely or jointly with another, in whole or in part, either: (a) in the course of such relationship, (b) relating to the actual or anticipated business or research development of the Company, or (c) with the use of Company time, material, private or proprietary information, or facilities, except as provided in Section 4.5 below. 4.2. The Participant will, without charge to the Company, but at its expense, execute a specific assignment of title to the Company and do anything else reasonably necessary to enable the Company to secure a patent, copyright or other form of protection for said Intellectual Property anywhere in the world. 4.3. The Participant acknowledges that the copyrights in Intellectual Property created with the scope of his or her relationship with the Company belong to the Company by operation of law. 4.4. The Participant has previously provided to the Company a list (the “Prior Invention List”) describing all inventions, original works of authorship, developments, improvements, and trade secrets which were made by the Participant prior to his or her relationship with the Company, which belong to the Participant and which are not assigned to the Company hereunder (collectively referred to as “Prior Inventions”); and, if no Prior Invention List was previously provided, the Participant represents and warrants that there are no such Prior Inventions. 4.5.
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Intellectual Property 4. Duševní vlastnictví The Institution and the Investigator acknowledge and agree that the Sponsor shall have exclusive ownership rights to all Study Data, improvements, developments, discoveries, inventions, work, know-how and other rights (whether or not patentable), created, developed, and/or reduced to practice as a result of or in connection with the conduct of the Study and/or the use of the Study Drug or the Confidential Information, together with all intellectual property rights relating thereto (“Intellectual Property”). The Institution and the Investigator shall promptly disclose in writing to the Sponsor all Intellectual Property made by the Institution, the Investigator and/or the Study Personnel. Such written disclosure shall be dated and witnessed and contain sufficient technical detail to convey a reasonable understanding of the nature, purpose, and characteristics of the Intellectual Property. The Institution represents and warrants to Sponsor that it has, and will have and maintain in full force and effect, written agreements with all Study Personnel assigning to the Institution their respective rights to any and all Intellectual Property conceived or reduced to practice by any of them. The Institution and Investigator hereby assign, convey, and grant to Sponsor all of the Institution’s and/or Investigator right, title, and interest in and to Intellectual Property and to the extent such Intellectual Property is not presently assignable at the Sponsor's request, the Institution and the Investigator shall cause all rights titles and interests in and to any such Intellectual Property to be assigned to the Sponsor without additional compensation and provide reasonable assistance to obtain patents, including causing the execution of any invention assignment or other documents. Zdravotnické zařízení a zkoušející berou na vědomí a souhlasí, že zadavateli náleží výlučná vlastnická práva i další práva ke všem údajům studie, vylepšením, vývoji, objevům, vynálezům, práci, know-how (ať již jsou patentovatelné nebo ne), které byly vytvořeny, vyvinuty a/nebo zavedeny do praxe v důsledku nebo ve spojitosti s prováděním studie a/nebo používáním hodnoceného přípravku nebo důvěrných informací, jakož i všechna práva k duševnímu vlastnictví s nimi související (dále jen „duševní vlastnictví“). Zdravotnické zařízení a zkoušející neprodleně písemně zpřístupní zadavateli veškeré duševní vlastnictví vytvořené zdravotnickým zařízením, zkoušejícím a/nebo personálem stu...
Intellectual Property 4. DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ 4.1 Sponsor’s Ownership of Intellectual Property. The Sponsor shall own all right, title, and interest in and to all data, information, improvements, discoveries, inventions, printed materials, and other works, products, and deliverables that were provided by PSI (on behalf of the Sponsor) to the Investigative Site, the Investigator and/or Study Personnel, as well as all right, title, and interest in and to all data, databases, records, reports, works, products, deliverables, information, improvements, discoveries or inventions that result, are conceived, are reduced to practice or are generated during the performance of the Study and as a result of the Services rendered by the Investigative Site, the Investigator and/or Study Personnel to Sponsor for the Study under this Agreement (collectively, the “Materials”). 4.1 Duševní vlastnictví vlastněné Zadavatelem. Zadavatel má výhradní vlastnická práva ke všem údajům, informacím, vylepšením, objevům, vynálezům, tištěným materiálům a jiným dílům, přípravkům a plněním poskytnutým PSI (jménem Zadavatele) Zdravotnickému zařízení a Hlavnímu zkoušejícímu a dále má výhradní práva ke všem údajům, databázím, xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx, plněním, informacím, vylepšením, objevům nebo vynálezům, které vzniknou, jsou vynalezeny, uvedeny do praxe nebo vytvořeny v průběhu provádění Studie a které jsou výsledkem Služeb poskytovaných Zdravotnickým zařízením, Hlavním zkoušejícím a/nebo Personálem Studie Zadavateli pro účely Studie v ámci Smlouvy (dále jen „Materiály“).
Intellectual Property 4. Duševné vlastníctvo 4.1. Pre-existing Intellectual Property 4.1. Existujúce duševné vlastníctvo Ownership of inventions, discoveries, works of authorship and other developments existing as of the Effective Date and all patents, copyrights, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights therein (collectively, “Pre- existing Intellectual Property”), is not affected by this Agreement, and no Party or Sponsor shall have any claims to or rights in any Pre- existing Intellectual Property of another, except as may be otherwise expressly provided in any other written agreement between them. Vlastníctvo vynálezov, objavov, autorských diel a ďalšieho vývoja existujúceho k dátumu účinnosti zmluvy a všetkých patentov, autorských práv, práv na obchodné tajomstvá a ďalších práv duševného vlastníctva v nich obsiahnutých (spoločne ako „existujúce duševné vlastníctvo“) nie je ovplyvnené touto zmluvou a zmluvná strana ani zadávateľ nebudú mať žiadny nárok ani právo na existujúce duševné vlastníctvo inej zmluvnej strany, okrem prípadov výslovne uvedených v iných písomných zmluvách medzi nimi.
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