Internal Monitoring Sample Clauses
Internal Monitoring. SUBRECIPIENT shall conduct internal monitoring of all programs funded under this CONTRACT at least on a monthly basis to ensure compliance with legislation, regulations, bulletins, directives and local policies and procedures. Internal monitoring procedures must be in writing. SUBRECIPIENT shall establish and follow a standardized review methodology that will result in written reports to record findings, any needed corrective action, and due dates for the accomplishment of corrective actions. W r i tt e n results of the monthly internal monitoring and corrective action taken as a result of the internal monitoring must be available to County of OrangeCOUNTY OCDB staff, upon request. Internal monitoring will include, but is not limited to the following:
1. Review of all files to determine that eligibility criteria have been met and supporting documents have been secured.
2. Random file review for ISP updates; case note documentation; attendance verification; ITA/WEF documentation; placement verification; supportive service documentation and delivery; post placement follow- up and post-exit services.
3. Verification of participant’s attendance and employment information.
4. Verification of proper documentation for performance outcomes, including, but not limited to pre- and post- testing for literacy/numeracy, credentials, employment verification, supplemental data, and gaps in service delivery.
Internal Monitoring. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for internal monitoring of their fiscal/procurement and program operations (including all special projects) which includes, but is not limited to, a quality assurance system to review case files, including CalJOBs electronic files, participant’s WIOA eligibility determination and documentation, IEPs, Crystal report rosters, gaps in service delivery, provision and documentation of substantial services, timely participant exit, performance outcomes, follow-up activities, property management (including maintenance of up-to-date equipment inventory lists in each service location, purchases, expenditures and invoices, federal and state requirements for universal programmatic and physical access to services and activities (including access for individuals with disabilities). Quality and consistency of services among One-Stop Center locations, programs and staff (i.e. Center Managers, Career Planners, Job Developers, etc.) is essential.
1. CONTRACTOR shall establish and follow a standardized review methodology that:
a. Includes procedures for monitoring programs and sub-contractors at least once each program year;
b. Requires the review of a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the active caseload and five percent (5%) of exited caseload;
c. Results in written reports to record findings, any needed corrective action, and due dates for the accomplishment of corrective actions;
d. Requires systematic follow-up to ensure that necessary corrective action has been taken; and
e. Requires that following the completion of each internal monitoring, completed reviews are verified and a list of files reviewed is maintained. CONTRACTOR shall be able to produce all internal monitoring documentation upon request by the OCWIB administrative office.
2. In addition to Item #1 above, the CONTRACTOR shall follow their regular (day-to- day) internal review processes to support high standards of service provision and documentation. This shall include periodic file review.
3. CONTRACTOR shall conduct an analysis of customer flow, program delivery, case management strategies and tools, business process and service improvement. Documentation of the process followed and the results of the analysis shall be made available upon request by the OCWIB administrative office.
4. CONTRACTOR shall take timely corrective action measures as a result of findings identified through federal, state and COUNTY monitoring. Repeat and systemic findings identified in any federal,...
Internal Monitoring. 19.1 The Authority shall set up, maintain and implement documented internal monitoring procedures in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EC) 882/2004 (Official Feed and Food Controls), the relevant Codes of Practice and centrally issued guidance.
19.2 The Authority shall verify its conformance with this Standard, relevant legislation, the relevant Codes of Practice, relevant centrally issued guidance and the Authority’s own documented policies and procedures.
19.3 A record shall be made of all internal monitoring. This should be kept for at least 2 years.
Internal Monitoring. Within ninety (90) days of the Effective Date, Advocate shall develop, and the Contact Person shall submit to HHS, a written description of Advocate's plan to monitor internally its compliance with this CAP ("Internal Monitoring Plan"). Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the submission, HHS shall inform the Contact Person of its approval or disapproval of the proposed Internal Monitoring Plan. If HHS does not approve the proposed Internal Monitoring Plan, HHS shall set forth in writing the reasons for its disapproval and recommendations for the necessary modifications to the proposed Internal Monitoring Plan. If the proposed Internal Monitoring Plan is not approved by HHS, Advocate shall submit a revised Internal Monitoring Plan to HHS, incorporating HHS' comments and requested revisions, within thirty (30) days of HHS' issuance of its disapproval of the proposed Internal Monitoring Plan. While this CAP is in effect, Advocate may wish, or be required by changes in the law, technology, or otherwise, to update, revise or prepare a new Internal Monitoring Plan. Advocate shall be permitted to do so provided that Advocate first submit any updated, revised, or new Internal Monitoring Plan to the Assessor, the appointment of whom is provided for in section V.I.2 below, and obtain the Assessor's approval before Advocate implements the revised version of the Internal Monitoring Plan; and, further provided, that Advocate also submits any updated, revised, or new Internal Monitoring Plan to HHS for its review and comment, and obtain HHS' approval, not to be unreasonably withheld, before Advocate implements the revised Internal Monitoring Plan. Whenever the existing Internal Monitoring Plan is updated or revised and the updated or revised version has been approved by both the Assessor and HHS and has then gone into effect, the updated or revised Internal Monitoring Plan shall be deemed to have superseded the prior Internal Monitoring Plan.
Internal Monitoring. SUBRECIPIENT shall conduct internal monitoring of all programs funded under this CONTRACT at least on a monthly basis to ensure compliance with legislation, regulations, bulletins, directives and local policies and procedures. Internal monitoring procedures must be in writing. SUBRECIPIENT shall establish and follow a standardized review methodology that will result in written reports to record findings, any needed corrective action, and due dates for the accomplishment of corrective actions. W r i tt e n results of the monthly internal monitoring and corrective action taken as a result of the internal monitoring must be available to COUNTY OCDB staff, upon request. Internal monitoring will include, but is not limited to the following:
1. Review of all files to determine that eligibility criteria have been met and supporting documents have been secured.
2. Random file review for ISP updates; case note documentation; attendance verification; ITA/WEF documentation; placement verification; supportive service documentation and delivery; post placement follow- up and post-exit services.
3. Verification of participant’s attendance and employment information.
4. Verification of proper documentation for performance outcomes, including, but not limited to pre- and post- testing for literacy/numeracy, credentials, employment verification, supplemental data, and gaps in service delivery.
Internal Monitoring. A. Leveraging its comprehensive case management system, the Office of Equity will continue to review its open and recently closed case files each semester to determine whether there were any
(i) failures in record keeping practices, (ii) failures in communicating with complaints or respondents, (iii) failures in reporting by mandatory reporters, (iv) failures to follow procedure or protocol by any University department, or (v) delays in the prompt resolution of student and employee complaints alleging sex discrimination. The results of each semester’s review, as well as any remedial action taken, will be recorded and presented to the appropriate senior vice president. The University shall share these results, without redactions, with the Department, which the Department shall keep confidential to the extent possible.
B. The Office of Equity will also analyze its open and recently closed case files each semester to identify any trends. The results of each semester’s review, as well as any remedial action taken, will be recorded, and presented to the appropriate senior vice president. The University shall share these results, without redactions, with the Department.
Internal Monitoring. SUBRECIPIENT shall conduct internal monitoring of all programs funded under this CONTRACT at least on a monthly basis to ensure compliance with legislation, regulations, bulletins, directives and local policies and procedures. Internal monitoring procedures must be in writing. SUBRECIPIENT shall establish and follow a standardized review methodology that will result in written reports to record findings, any needed corrective action, and due dates for the accomplishment of corrective actions. W x x x x x x results of the monthly internal monitoring and corrective action taken as a result of the internal monitoring must be available to OCDB staff, upon request. Internal monitoring will include, but is not limited to the following: 1. Review of all files to determine that eligibility criteria have been met
Internal Monitoring. ❑ Results of internal audit and remedial actions Annually ❑ Results of trend analysis Annually
Internal Monitoring. SLS vendor has internal quality assurance monitoring protocols to evaluate work performance of current staff.
Internal Monitoring. 1. CONTRACTOR SUBRECIPIENT shall be responsible for internal monitoring of their fiscal/procurement and program operations which includes, but is not limited to, a quality assurance system to review case files, including CalJOBS electronic files, participant’s eligibility determination and documentation, Individual Development Plan, Crystal Report rosters, gaps in service delivery, provision and documentation of substantial services, timely participant exit, performance outcomes, follow- up activities, purchases, expenditures and invoices, federal and state requirements for programmatic and physical access to services and activities (including access for individuals with disabilities). Quality and consistency of services among programs and staff is essential. CONTRACTOR SUBRECIPIENT shall establish and follow a standardized review methodology that:
a. Includes procedures for monitoring programs at least once each program year;
b. Requires the review of a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the active caseload and five percent (5%) of exited caseload;
c. Results in written reports to record findings, any needed corrective action, and due dates for the accomplishment of corrective actions;
d. Requires systematic follow-up to ensure that necessary corrective action has been taken; and
e. Requires that following the completion of each internal monitoring, completed reviews are verified and a list of files reviewed is maintained. CONTRACTOR SUBRECIPIENT shall be able to produce all internal monitoring documentation upon request by the OCWIB OCDB administrative office.
2. In addition to Item #1 above, the CONTRACTOR SUBRECIPIENT shall follow their regular (day-to-day) internal review processes to support high standards of service provision and documentation. This shall include periodic file review.
3. CONTRACTOR SUBRECIPIENT shall conduct an analysis of participant flow, program delivery, case management strategies and tools, business process and service improvement. Documentation of the process followed and the results of the analysis shall be made available upon request by the OCWIB administrative office.
4. CONTRACTOR SUBRECIPIENT shall take timely corrective action measures as a result of findings identified through federal, state and COUNTY monitoring. Repeat and systemic findings identified in any federal, state and COUNTY compliance monitoring may result in a possible reduction in funding and/or other sanctions issued by the OCWIB OCDB.