File review definition

File review means time spent looking at case files in the category and identifying any issues, corrective action or training needs that may arise. A Supervisor must conduct file reviews for each Caseworker they supervise. The files reviewed should be representative, and must reflect the skills, knowledge and experience of the individual. The Supervisor must record the outcome of files reviews, together with the details of any corrective action taken.
File review means the review of documents contained in a policyholder’s file maintained by the Company or its affiliate to verify that the information to support a claim is accurate based on information required to be obtained under the applicable procedures and that supporting documents, including actuarial materials, have been properly used in document completion.
File review means a review of documents contained in a policyholder’s file maintained by the Company or an affiliate to verify that the information to support that a claim’s approval or denial is appropriate and accurate based on information required to be obtained under the applicable procedures and that supporting documents, including actuarial materials, have been properly used in document completion. Inspection means the examination as applicable of the insured livestock, the information or data recorded on documents submitted to establish the premium, liability, indemnity or any other information that may be necessary to determine whether the livestock price insurance contract constitutes an "eligible livestock price insurance contract" or the agent or loss adjuster has complied with procedures. At a minimum, the review process entails the verification of the information or data to determine whether the information was timely submitted and accurate. New agent means a person, licensed by the State in which the person does business under contract with Company or an affiliate to sell and service eligible livestock price insurance contracts on behalf of the Company, who has not: (1) previously sold or serviced an eligible livestock price insurance contract; or (2) completed one full calendar year of sales and service. New loss adjuster means a person who has not previously adjusted claims for losses on eligible livestock price insurance contracts in any coverage periods.

Examples of File review in a sentence

  • File review shall normally take place at the location of the personnel file and during the Employer's normal work hours.

  • File review shall normally take place at the location of the personnel file and during the employee’s normal work hours.

  • File review will be in the presence of the Executive Director of Human Resources or a member of the Human Resources staff.

  • Since 1995, when India signed WTO, the Indian pharmaceutical companies had been adapting themselves in response to the institutional changes and the product patent regime that came into place in 2005.

  • Credentialing staff will present Practitioners to the CMO/AMD for Clean File review, CMO for Administrative review and CC for those meeting threshold for review.

More Definitions of File review

File review. Each faculty member shall have the right to review the entire contents of his/her personnel file, with the exception of confidential placement recommendations and any other material excluded under RCW Chapter 42.56 as currently enacted and hereafter amended. Examinations of personnel files shall occur only following a previously arranged appointment with the human resources office.
File review means a review of documents contained in a policyholder’s file maintained by the Company or an affiliate to verify that the information to support that a claim’s approval or denial is appropriate and accurate based on information required to be obtained under the applicable procedures and that supporting documents, including actuarial materials, have been properly used in document completion. Inspection means the examination as applicable of the insured crop, the information or data recorded on documents submitted to establish the premium, liability, indemnity or prevented planting or replant payment or any other information that may be necessary to determine whether the crop insurance contract constitutes an "eligible crop insurance contract" or the agent or loss adjuster has complied with procedures. At a minimum, the review process entails the verification of the information or data to determine whether the information was timely submitted and accurate. New agent means a person, licensed by the State in which the person does business under contract with Company or an affiliate to sell and service eligible crop insurance contracts on behalf of the Company, who has not: (1) previously sold or serviced an eligible crop insurance contract; or (2) completed one full calendar year of sales and service. New loss adjuster means a person who has not: (1) previously adjusted claims for losses on an eligible crop insurance contract; or (2) completed one full calendar year of loss adjustment.
File review means release consideration that takes place outside the presence of the inmate.
File review means a review of documents contained in a policyholder’s file maintained by the Company or an affiliate. When a file review is performed, appropriate documents will be reviewed to determine whether the information or data was timely submitted and accurate and to verify that information to support a claim’s approval or denial is appropriate and accurate based on information required to be obtained under the applicable procedures and that supporting documents have been properly used in document completion.
File review. Nothing contained in this Article X will limit an employee’s right, to the extent provided by applicable law, to inspect his/her personnel file.
File review means time spent looking at case files in the category and identifying any issues, corrective action or training needs that may arise. A Supervisor must conduct file reviews for each Caseworker they supervise. The files reviewed should be representative, and must reflect the skills, knowledge, and experience of the
File review. As needed, the Consultant Team will submit Freedom of Information Act (or similar) requests to obtain relevant site records from federal, state, or local agencies. To the extent feasible, based on the timing for completion of this project and the approved project budget, WSP will review such federal, state, or local records as are made available and that are reasonably ascertainable. • Report Preparation: Consultant Team will prepare a draft Phase I 1 environmental site assessment report that provides a description of the subject property and discusses the findings of the previous tasks. Based on comments provided by the client, the report will be revised, and a final version will be provided. Consultant Team assumes that only one revision to the draft reports will be made before it is finalized. Draft Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Final Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment • Estimate of hours: 334 • Labor: $51,493 • Subconsultants: $31,800 • Total: $83,293 • Include updates for the 60% plans not previously included to at 90% level for review and approval by the City and Riverside County. Address review comments and progress the plans, calculations, and H&H Report to the 100% final level for review. Address comments from the City and County to achieve 100% approval. • Anticipated deliverables: o Title – 1 sheet o Plan and profile – 13 sheets o Lateral profiles – 2 sheets o Basin detail sheets – 2 sheets o H&H Drainage Report • Estimate of hours: 155 • Fee: $22,511