Interventions. 1. Door to balloon time
2. Door to needle time
3. No interventions b. Discharge status 1. Home
Interventions. Each of the Signatory Parties shall be considered as having sought intervenor status in the 2008 Rate Filing without the necessity of filing an application to intervene and KCPL consents in advance to such interventions. The Signatory Parties expect that the Commission's standard procedures and rules will be applicable to this rate filing including public notice, local public hearings and evidentiary hearings at appropriate times and places, and an opportunity for interested parties other than the Signatory Parties to seek to intervene.
Interventions. Designation of certain locally produced goods for preferential procurement by organs of state is intended to boost local demand. Social partners agreed that current ‘designation’ processes are too slow and cumbersome to be effective. In addition, enforcement of compliance needs to be improved. Social partners agreed to strengthen, expand and fast-track additional local procurement of goods and services by Government through the implementation of the following measures: • Implementation of a set timeframe of 60 days for concluding the designation analysis, • Establishment of a standing list of industry experts to support the designation analysis and to play an advisory role in terms of the percentage local content to be set for designated products, • Implementation of a set timeframe of 30 days for the National Treasury to finalise and issue the circular for designated products; once the final agreed upon circular has been received by NT from the dti. • The dti to improve the capacity of the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) to certify local content and to consider allowing firms’ external auditors to verify local content, and • Establishment of a hotline to receive and deal with complaints on fraudulent claims of local content, claims that a tender specification is flawed, and claims that designations are being ignored or circumvented. through implementing the following measures: • Organised labour commits to train its affiliates on the successful SACTWU tender monitoring system in partnership with Proudly SA, and to proactively identify opportunities for new designations • Proudly SA working with the dti, National Treasury, provincial Treasuries and SALGA will roll out a nation-wide series of workshops and establish public sector procurement fora to educate procurement officials in the public sector including all municipalities on the localisation regulations. This with the intention of improving compliance by public sector procurement officials. • The Auditor-General of SA will specifically include the auditing of Departments’ procurement practices in its audit scope; this with the intention of enforcing compliance by public sector procurement officials. • Organised labour, Community and Business to support and communicate the details of the hotline to its members and constituency for tenders that seek to bypass local procurement regulations.
Interventions. These interventions may be required for more serious compliance or performance issues:
Interventions. These interventions may be required for minor compliance or performance issues:
Interventions. If MDEQ determines that SUBRECIPIENT is not in compliance with this Agreement, MDEQ may initiate an intervention, in accordance with 2 C.F.R. § 200.208 and 2 C.F.R. § 200.339. The degree of SUBRECIPIENT’s performance or compliance deficiency will determine the degree of intervention. All possible interventions are listed below and will depend on the degree of deficiency in SUBRECIPIENT’s performance or compliance deficiency. If MDEQ determines that an intervention is warranted, it shall provide written notice to SUBRECIPIENT of the intervention within thirty (30) days of the completion of a report review, desk review, onsite review, audit review, or procedures engagement review, or as soon as possible after MDEQ otherwise learns of a compliance or performance deficiency related to the execution of this Agreement. The written notice shall notify SUBRECIPIENT of the following related to the intervention:
(1) The nature of the additional requirements;
(2) The reason why the additional requirements are being imposed;
(3) The nature of the action needed to remove the additional requirement, if applicable;
(4) The time allowed for completing the actions if applicable; and
(5) The method for requesting reconsideration of the additional requirements imposed. MDEQ may impose, but is not limited to, the following interventions on SUBRECIPIENT, based on the level of the compliance or performance deficiency that MDEQ determines:
Interventions. The Contractor must provide interventions, advice and guidance to people through a range of delivery mediums including; workshops; telephone facilities;
Interventions. Business has committed to a range of projects for the beneficial use of waste and will explore further opportunities in this regard.
Interventions. Government will prioritise the establishment of 9 Agri-Parks and circulated the draft business plans to Business; • The DRDLR is in the process of finalising the Agri-Park policy, which will determine critical information such as the make-up of the governing entity, possible incentives and the developmental prerequisites for shareholding arrangements and investment opportunities; • Business has undertaken to review all 9 business plans and highlight additional information which need to be included in the business plans to enable potential investors to assess the investment opportunities; and, • The dti will commission a strategic research partner to assist with the refinement of the 9 business plans. • The framework policy for the Agri-Parks must be published. • Government will refine the 9 business plans to enable potential investors to make informed decisions.
Interventions. Promote local procurement of office furniture across the agro-processing and agri-business sectors; and • Investigate the feasibility of making commitments for local procurement of fencing, tools, implements, irrigation fittings, protective clothing, paper and packaging, certain chemicals, and corporate clothing.