FROM LAYOFF Sample Clauses

FROM LAYOFF. Any employees within the bargaining unit who have worked for an Employer on a project for ten working days or more must be recalled before new employees are hired on the same project provided that, at the time of recall, the said employee is not working for another Employer and has not worked since the time of layoff and provided that they are capable of performing the available work.
FROM LAYOFFAn employee who returns from layoff to a position other than the position laid off from, where such position is compensated at a lower level, shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions for “reduction” as set forth above. An employee who returns from layoff to a position other than the position laid off from, where such position is compensated at the same level (i.e., xxxxx 0, 00 xx 00), xxxxx xx compensated in accordance with the provisions for “lateral move” as set forth above.
FROM LAYOFF any full or regular part time work becomes available which a laid off is qualified, the Company agrees to re- engage, inorder seniority. Re-engagedemployees must meet the qualifications and abilities set for the position by the Company. Definition: "re-engage" means to return to work in a full or regular part lime position. Where any other part time or temporary bargaining unit work becomes available for which a is the Company agreesto in order of Company seniority. However, shall exclude all hours offered to the employee at the time of lay-off and rejected. Re-engaged employees must meet the and set for the positionby the Company. Definition: means to be called to work for any part time or temporary work available. Full time employeeslaid off under or shall be entitled When an employeeon lay-off has more than regular hours over any consecutive day window, the employee shall beconsideredto have revertedto full time status. For the purposes of this Article "regular hours" shall exclude However, hours work on a day off (Article30) to a of eight (8) shall be included. The Company's responsibility will be considered fulfilled if the Company notice of either by personal contact by telephone or by registered mail to the employee's last known address. The employee must notify the of or letter. the employee is required to give notice to an company, prior to xxxxxxxxxxxxx recall, or is requiredto back from out of town andthat cannotbe accomplishedin to meetthe date of recallindicatedin the notice of re-engagement, the and the employee may mutually agree to an appropriate alternate date.
FROM LAYOFFA teacher on layoff shall be recalled to a vacancy for which the employee is qualified in order of District-wide seniority. A teacher shall be offered such assignment and shall only have the right to refuse such assignment without waiving recall rights as defined in D. 7.
FROM LAYOFFEmployees laid off shall be recalled in order of seniority provided such has the skill, ability and qualifications to do the work in question. Laid off Employees shall retain their right of recall to the Bargaining Unit for a period of thirty (30) months. Employees recalled for work of a temporary nature may decline the recall without loss of seniority or recall rights. The Employer shall then contact the next laid off Employee and offering the temporary assignment and so on down the list until all laid off Employees from the Bargaining Unit have had the opportunity for the temporary assignment. It is understood as per Article above that the Employees must have the skill, ability and qualifications to do the work in question in order to be recalled for the temporary assignment. Employees who change position as the result of the recall procedure above shall be paid according to the rate for the position to which they are being recalled. No persons including students, temporary Employees or government project Employees will be hired until Employees on lay-off have been given an opportunity to work through recall procedure, provided each has the necessary skill, ability and the qualifications to do the work available. Notice from recall other than Christmas Break, March Break, Summer Break or Intercession (alternate school year), shall be by Registered Mail or Priority Post and Employees recalled will be allowed seven (7) calendar days from delivery of the notice to report for work. The recall notice will be sent to the last known address of which the Employer has record. Employees are responsible for notifying the Employer in writing regarding changes in the Employee’s mailing address. The Employee must within two (2) working days of receipt of such notice contact Human Resource Services and advise them of their intent to accept or decline the
FROM LAYOFFThe Company will identify itself initially when telephoning an employee or leaving a message on the answering machine. The following procedure will be when employees are being called in from layoff: The employee(s) that are on the call-in list should be telephoned only once.

Related to FROM LAYOFF

  • Recall from Layoff Full-time and regular part-time nurses shall be recalled in the order of seniority unless otherwise agreed between the Hospital and the local Union, subject to the following provisions, provided that a nurse recalled is qualified to perform the available work: (a) Full-time and regular part-time nurses on layoff may notify the Hospital of their interest in accepting occasional vacancies and/or temporary vacancies which may arise and for which they are qualified. Such notification of interest shall state any restrictions on the type of assignment which a nurse is willing to accept, and shall remain valid for six weeks. However if a nurse declines an occasional or temporary vacancy the Hospital shall not be obliged to call upon the nurse again during the balance of such six-week period. (b) For the purposes of this article, an "occasional vacancy" shall mean an assignment which is anticipated not to exceed five shifts (37.5 hours). Occasional vacancies shall be offered first to regular part-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such part-time nurse accepts then to full-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such full-time nurse accepts then to casual part-time nurses. (c) For the purposes of this article, a "temporary vacancy" shall mean an assignment which is anticipated to exceed five shifts (37.5 hours). Temporary vacancies which arise in the full-time bargaining unit shall be offered by seniority first to full-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such full-time nurse accepts then by seniority to regular part-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such part-time nurse accepts then to casual part-time nurses. Temporary vacancies which arise in the part-time unit shall be offered by seniority first to regular part-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such part-time nurse accepts then by seniority to full-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such full-time nurse accepts then to casual part-time nurses. (d) A nurse to whom an occasional or temporary vacancy is offered may accept or decline such vacancy and in either case shall maintain her or his position on the recall list. The acceptance of a temporary vacancy that is anticipated to exceed sixty (60) calendar days shall be considered a recall from layoff for purposes of Article 10.06(c). No new notice of layoff will be required and the nurse will be deemed to be laid off at the conclusion of the temporary vacancy. A full-time nurse on layoff who accepts a temporary full-time vacancy within thirty (30) days of the effective day of layoff will continue to receive benefit coverage for the duration of the temporary vacancy. A full-time nurse who has worked for more than 600 hours in 140 calendar days as the result of accepting one or more temporary vacancies shall thereafter be eligible for benefit coverage as a full-time nurse and shall be paid accordingly, and shall continue to receive benefit coverage so long as she or he continues to fill a temporary vacancy and such full-time employee shall accrue seniority in the manner prescribed for full-time employees throughout the period of employment. Otherwise, a full-time employee who accepts a temporary or occasional vacancy shall be paid her or his regular full-time rate of pay together with a percentage payment in lieu of benefits at the rate specified for part-time nurses. A full-time employee who accepts a temporary part-time vacancy or occasional vacancies as provided herein will accrue seniority throughout the period of such employment in the manner prescribed for part-time nurses. A part-time employee who accepts a temporary or occasional vacancy will accrue seniority throughout the period of such employment in the manner prescribed for part-time nurses.

  • Approved Leave of Absence During Vacation Where it can be established by the employee through a doctor's certificate that an illness or accident occurred, or where an employee qualifies for bereavement or any other approved leave during his/her period of vacation, there shall be no deduction from vacation credits for such absence. The period of vacation so displaced shall either be added to the vacation or reinstated for use at a later date, at the employee's option, as mutually agreed.

  • Return from Leave of Absence (a) Before a Nurse may return to work from a leave granted under Article 9.00, she or he must provide a minimum of four (4) weeks written notice of the specific date of his or her return to work, or such shorter time as mutually agreed. (b) Upon return from an approved Unpaid Leave of Absence, a Nurse shall be reinstated to her or his former position unless the position has been discontinued, in which case the Nurse shall be appointed to an equivalent position. (c) This clause requiring four (4) weeks written notice, does not apply to other leaves granted by an express provision of this Collective Agreement with different requirements for written notice.

  • Callback from Vacation ‌ (a) Employees who have commenced their annual vacation shall not be called back to work, except in cases of extreme emergency. (b) When, during any vacation period, an employee is recalled to duty, he/she shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred by himself/herself, in proceeding to his/her place of duty and in returning to the place from which he/she was recalled upon resumption of vacation, upon submission of receipts to the Employer. (c) Time necessary for travel in returning to his/her place of duty and returning again to the place from which he/she was recalled shall not be counted against his/her remaining vacation time.

  • Recall from Vacation Leave When during any period of vacation leave an employee is recalled to duty, he shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses, as normally defined by the Employer, that he incurs:

  • Return from Leave (a) On return from leave, an employee will be placed in their former position. (b) Vacation entitlement, not vacation pay, will continue to accrue while an employee is on leave pursuant to Clause 21.1 (Maternity Leave) or Clause 21.2 (Parental Leave).

  • Approved Leave of Absence With Pay During Vacation When an employee is qualified for bereavement leave, sick leave or any other approved leave with pay during her vacation period, there shall be no deduction from the vacation credits for such leave. In the case of sick leave, this section shall only apply when the period of illness or injury is in excess of two (2) days and a note from a physician may be required. The period of vacation so displaced shall be taken at a mutually agreed time. An employee intending to claim displaced vacation leave must advise the Employer and provide necessary documentation within seven (7) days of returning to work.

  • Call Back From Vacation (a) Employees who have commenced their annual vacation shall not be called back to work, except in cases of extreme emergency. (b) When, during any vacation period, an employee is recalled to duty, he/she shall be reimbursed for all expenses incurred thereby by himself/herself, in proceeding to his/her place of duty and in returning to the place from which he/she was recalled upon resumption of vacation, upon submission of receipts (except for meals) to the Employer. (c) Time necessary for travel in returning to his/her place of duty and returning again to the place from which he/she was recalled shall not be counted against his/her remaining vacation entitlement.

  • PAYMENT FROM OUTSIDE AGENCIES CONTRACTOR shall notify LEA when Medi-Cal or any other agency is billed for the costs associated with the provision of special education and/or related services to students. Upon request, CONTRACTOR shall provide to LEA any and all documentation regarding reports, billing, and/or payment by Medi-Cal or any other agency for the costs associated with the provision of special education and/or related services to students.

  • Child Rearing Leave Subd. 1 Child rearing leave of absences shall be available to teachers for a period of time, not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months, for the purpose of caring for a newborn infant or pre-school adopted child for which the applicant has the legal responsibility for the care and/or support of said child. Such leave may be taken subsequent to birth of the teacher's child, or in the case of adoption, when the child is physically turned over to the teacher-parent. a. At least two (2) calendar months prior to the estimated delivery date of the child, the employee shall be required to notify the Employer in writing whether or not the employee intends to take child rearing leave. This election may be changed at any time before the teacher is no longer disabled from working due to childbirth or pregnancy related disability or before the fifteenth (15th) day after the birth of the child, whichever is sooner. b. Upon filing an application for adoption of a pre-school child, the employee shall be required to notify the Employer, in writing, of the teacher's intention to take a child rearing leave. Such notice to include the estimated date when such leave shall become effective. Subd. 3 In connection with the election to take child rearing leave, the teacher shall submit a request for such leave in writing. Such request shall include an estimated commencement date and return date. The estimated commencement date shall be the physician's projected date the teacher will no longer be disabled from teaching due to childbirth or pregnancy related disability, or in the case of an adoption, the agency's estimated date when the child will be turned over to the parent. Subd. 4 In making the final determination under Subd. 3 concerning the duration of a child rearing leave of absence, the Employer shall not be required to grant a leave of absence in excess of two (2) semesters. The actual commencement date of child rearing leave shall be the date on which the teacher is no longer disabled due to childbirth and pregnancy related disability as determined by the physician; or, in the case of an adoption, the date when the child is physically turned over to the teacher-parent. The return date shall be twelve (12) calendar months following the actual commencement of the leave except as may be provided in Subd. 7.