ITS Early Deployment Program Sample Clauses

ITS Early Deployment Program. There is potential for heavy southbound cargo traffic from the Delta Port, scheduled for opening in 1997. The GSA and U. S. Customs are acquiring and reconfiguring land for improvements at the Xxxxxx truck crossing. There is a need to identify any special requirements necessary to accommodate future ITS applications. Current volumes at the Xxxxxx truck crossing are approximately 100 trucks per day; however, this crossing is forecasted to reach saturation in approximately 20 years. Options include expansion of the Lynden crossing or construction of a new crossing. Currently, trucks must have a permit to use the Lynden crossing. Problems identified with truck crossings at the border include inadequate holding lanes, passenger cars using the truck crossing, lack of adequate signage, and an increasing volume of trucks. Consider operating the truck crossing as an exclusive facility for trucks. This approach would need to address the associated political problems. Need to try to recapture some of the lost time associated with truck crossings delays.
ITS Early Deployment Program. All rural and urban accidents involving hazardous materials are shown by milepost in Tables D- 5 and D-6. Table D-6 XXXXXXXXXXXX
ITS Early Deployment Program efforts for the project were initiated during this work element. This effort was intended to stimulate interest and deepen the understanding of the ITS efforts for the corridor through a variety of media.
ITS Early Deployment Program. ⚫ Consider Internet application (web page) for real time travel data and PACE permit information. Currently, WSDOT has an operational web page, U. S. Customs and the BC Ministry of Transportation and Highways (MoTH) are interested in establishing web pages. ⚫ Make better use of both the Canadian and U. S. public information officers ⚫ Look for opportunities to improve the efficient movement of passengers by bus through the provision of advanced passenger information to customs officials, similar to Amtrak and airlines, where manifests are faxed ahead. . City of Surrey has expressed a concern about the potential for cut-through traffic on local streets I-5 Seattle to Vancouver B.C. XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX
ITS Early Deployment Program airport. According to the 1991 Washington Ports and Transportation Systems Study, Bellingham more than doubled air cargo tonnage from 1986 to 1990.
ITS Early Deployment Program. ⚫ Pay attention to how information flows, and how and by whom it is used ⚫ The Internet provides one of the best means for communication for the WSP ⚫ Sharing radio sites between WSP and WSDOT is already happening and is essential, need to continue and expand use of common systems ⚫ There is a need to enable/enhance surveillance and communications for WSP and WSDOT maintenance. Consideration should be given to: + cameras operating with microwave communication technology. + permanent data stations for long-term data collection + variable message signing ⚫ WSDOT’s relationship with cities is important Resources When considering adding or modifying electronic equipment, also need to identify the associated staffing requirements in terms of FTE’s There is a need for an overall systems plan for prioritizing needs, identifying a phasing plan for implementation, cost estimating, conducting cost-benefit analysis, and allocating resources There is a need for WSDOT to coordinate with local jurisdictions such as: + City of Bellingham (mini ATMS system) + Ports + Freight operations + Regional rail planning Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, University of Washington, work on “Transparent Borders” Other WSDOT staff are interested in receiving a copy of the Seattle to Portland study The “Great Master List” of project needs was mentioned. A copy was requested by the Consultant Need to address recurrent congestion problems north of Marysville Combine a rail detection system with WSDOT’s GIS system Implement additional signal priority treatments
ITS Early Deployment Program. D.1 INTRODUCTION Various types of accidents were investigated for the stretch of l-5 being studied in this project. WSDOT’s accident data base can generate reports based on whether the accident location is within an urban or rural area. Generally, since traffic volumes tend to be higher in urban locations, total traffic accidents are higher in urban areas than in rural areas. When looking at accident data, it is good to keep in mind that the data is based on reported accidents. Almost all serious accidents are reported, but many minor accidents are not reported, and thus do not get recorded in the accident data base. The following tables reference data in either half mile or mile segments. When a milepost (MP) location is indicated, the reader must understand it covers the following half mile or full mile section of freeway. For example, if MP 206.0 is listed, it is actually referring to the stretch of highway from MP 206.00 to MP 206.49. If MP 204 is listed, it is actually referring to the stretch of highway from MP 204.00 to MP 204.99. The following tables list the freeway segments that have the highest number of accidents in the corridor for rural and urban areas. Comments: The injury and fatality accidents tend to parallel the total accidents. So the higher the total number of accidents, the higher the number of injury and fatality accidents. The following l-5 data is based on 9,818 reported accidents between January 1, 1990, and June 30, 1995 (five and a half years) from MP 177.76 to MP 276.56.

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  • Dollar Limits Per Service Agreement Cost to diagnose, repair and/or replace - Per covered appliance $3,000

  • BUSINESS CONTINUITY/DISASTER RECOVERY In the event of equipment failure, work stoppage, governmental action, communication disruption or other impossibility of performance beyond State Street’s control, State Street shall take reasonable steps to minimize service interruptions. Specifically, State Street shall implement reasonable procedures to prevent the loss of data and to recover from service interruptions caused by equipment failure or other circumstances with resumption of all substantial elements of services in a timeframe sufficient to meet business requirements. State Street shall enter into and shall maintain in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement with appropriate parties one or more agreements making reasonable provision for (i) periodic back-up of the computer files and data with respect to the Trusts; and (ii) emergency use of electronic data processing equipment to provide services under this Agreement. State Street shall test the ability to recover to alternate data processing equipment in accordance with State Street program standards, and provide a high level summary of business continuity test results to the Trusts upon request. State Street will remedy any material deficiencies in accordance with State Street program standards. Upon reasonable advance notice, and at no cost to State Street, the Trusts retain the right to review State Street’s business continuity, crisis management, disaster recovery, and third-party vendor management processes and programs (including discussions with the relevant subject matter experts and an on-site review of the production facilities used) related to delivery of the service no more frequently than an annual basis. Upon reasonable request, the State Street also shall discuss with senior management of the Trusts any business continuity/disaster recovery plan of the State Street and/or provide a high-level presentation summarizing such plan.”

  • STUDENT TUITION RECOVERY FUND You must pay the state-imposed assessment for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) if the following applies to you: 1. You are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all of part of your tuition either by cash, guaranteed student loans, or personal loans, and 2. Your total charges are not paid by any third-party payer such as an employer, government program or other payer unless you have a separate agreement to repay the third party. You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment if either of the following applies: 1. You are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program, or 2. Your total charges are paid by a third party, such as an employer, government program or other payer, and you have no separate agreement to repay the third party. The State of California created the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic losses suffered by students in educational programs who are California residents, or are enrolled in a residency programs attending certain schools regulated by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education. You may be eligible for STRF if you are a California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid the STRF assessment, and suffered an economic loss as a result of any of the following: 1. The school closed before the course of instruction was completed. 2. The school’s failure to pay refunds or charges on behalf of a student to a third party for license fees or any other purpose, or to provide equipment or materials for which a charge was collected within 180 days before the closure of the school. 3. The school’s failure to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federally guaranteed student loan program as required by law or to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the school prior to closure in excess of tuition and other costs. 4. There was a material failure to comply with the Act or this Division within 30 days before the school closed or, if the material failure began earlier than 30 days prior to closure, the period determined by the Bureau. 5. An inability after diligent efforts to prosecute, prove, and collect on a judgment against the institution for a violation of the Act.

  • Underutilization and Early Termination Charges If Customer’s Total Service Charges do not reach the AVC in any Contract Year during the Initial Term, Customer shall pay an “Underutilization Charge” equal to 25% of the unmet AVC. If Customer’s Total Service Charges do not reach the AVC in any Contract Year because the Agreement is terminated early by Customer without Cause or by Company with Cause, Customer shall pay an “Early Termination Charge” equal to 25% of the unmet AVC plus a pro rata portion of any credits received by Customer.

  • Development Program A. Development activities to be undertaken (Please break activities into subunits with the date of completion of major milestones) B. Estimated total development time

  • Quality Control Program Engineer shall have a quality control program in place that ensures that all deliverable work is of high quality. Engineer shall submit a plan detailing its program to the Inspection Branch of the TxDOT Bridge Division for review and approval prior to beginning work. State may review or audit the programs.

  • Disaster Recovery Plan Contractor agrees that upon request of System Agency, Contractor shall provide copies of its most recent business continuity and disaster recovery plans.

  • Emergency Mode Operation Plan Contractor must establish a documented plan to enable continuation of critical business processes and protection of the security of electronic County PHI or PI in the event of an emergency. Emergency means any circumstance or situation that causes normal computer operations to become unavailable for use in performing the work required under this Agreement for more than twenty-four (24) hours.

  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Bank shall maintain and update from time to time business continuation and disaster recovery procedures with respect to its global custody business, which are designed, in the event of a significant business disruption affecting Bank, to be sufficient to enable Bank to resume and continue to perform its duties and obligations under this Agreement without undue delay or disruption. Bank shall test the operability of such procedures at least annually. Bank shall enter into and shall maintain in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement reasonable provision for (i) periodic back-up of the computer files and data with respect to Customer and (ii) use of alternative electronic data processing equipment to provide services under this Agreement. Upon reasonable request, Bank shall discuss with Customer any business continuation and disaster recovery procedures of Bank. Bank represents that its business continuation and disaster recovery procedures are appropriate for its business as a global custodian to investment companies registered under the 1940 Act.

  • CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE AUDIT The Contractor shall allow the Authorized User to assess Contractor’s performance by providing any materials requested in the Authorized User Agreement (e.g., page load times, response times, uptime, and fail over time). The Authorized User may perform this Contractor performance audit with a third party at its discretion, at the Authorized User’s expense. The Contractor shall perform an independent audit of its Data Centers, at least annually, at Contractor expense. The Contractor will provide a data owner facing audit report upon request by the Authorized User. The Contractor shall identify any confidential, trade secret, or proprietary information in accordance with Appendix B, Section 9(a), Confidential/Trade Secret Materials.