Joint Steering Committee [***] following the Effective Date [***], a joint steering committee (the “JSC”) will be established by the Parties to provide oversight and to facilitate information sharing between the Parties with respect to the activities under this Agreement.
Collaboration We believe joint effort toward common goals achieves trust and produces greater impact for L.A. County’s youngest children and their families.
Project Steering Committee 1. For a sound implementation and management of the project, a steering committee shall be set up in line with provisions of the programme manual.
Central Negotiating Team In central bargaining between the Ontario Nurses' Association and the Participating Hospitals, a nurse serving on the Union's Central Negotiating Team shall be paid for time lost from the nurse's regularly scheduled straight time working hours at her or his regular rate of pay, and without loss of leave credits, for attending central negotiating meetings with the Hospitals' Central Negotiating Committee up to, but not including, arbitration. Central Negotiating Team members shall receive unpaid time off for the purpose of preparation for negotiations. The Union will advise the Hospitals concerned, as far in advance as possible, of the dates for which leave is being requested. Upon reference to arbitration, the Central Negotiating Team members shall receive unpaid time off for the purpose of attending arbitration hearings.
Project Team To accomplish Owner’s objectives, Owner intends to employ a team concept in connection with the construction of the Project. The basic roles and general responsibilities of team members are set forth in general terms below but are more fully set forth in the Design Professional Contract with respect to the Design Professional, in the Program Management Agreement with any Program Manager, and in this Contract with respect to the Contractor.
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The Joint Committee 1. A Joint Committee is hereby established in which each Contracting Party shall be represented.