LAND TRANSACTIONS. 2.1 The RMOW agrees to purchase the Emerald Lands from the Nominee in fee simple, subject to the Permitted Encumbrances, in exchange for the RMOW transferring the Kadenwood Lands to the FN Corporation on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. 2.2 The First Nations agree to cause the FN Corporation to purchase the Kadenwood Lands from the RMOW in fee simple for and on behalf of the First Nations, subject to the Permitted Encumbrances, in exchange for the Nominee transferring the Emerald Lands to the RMOW on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. 2.3 The RMOW agrees, at its cost, to release the RMOW Restrictive Covenant, grant the ROFR to the First Nations and cause the ROFR to be registered against title to Emerald Lands in accordance with Article 5.
LAND TRANSACTIONS. 10.1 Acquisition of land by the County. Nothing in this agreement, the MSCP, or the permit limits the County's right to acquire additional lands, including additional mitigation land interests. Any activities on acquired land will be covered by the permit if it meets the requirements of covered activities in the MSCP and is located in the Permit Area. 10.2 Disposal of mitigation land by the County. The County's transfer of ownership or control of mitigation land will require prior approval by the Service except that transfers of mitigation land may be processed as minor modifications in accordance with subsection 11.2 if the Service concurs that: (a) The land will be transferred to an agency of the Federal government and, prior to transfer, the Service has determined that transfer will not compromise the effectiveness of the MSCP based on adequate commitments by that agency regarding management of such land; or (b) The land will be transferred to a non-Federal entity that has entered into an agreement acceptable to the Service (e.g., an easement held by the state fish and wildlife agency with the Service as third-party beneficiary) to ensure that the lands will be managed in such a manner and for such duration so as not to compromise the effectiveness of the MSCP; or (c) The land will be transferred to a non-Federal entity that, prior to completion of the land transaction, has agreed to be bound by the MSCP as it applies to the transferred land and has obtained an incidental take permit following normal permit procedures covering all species then covered by the County's permit.
LAND TRANSACTIONS. 10.1 Acquisition of Land by Permittee 10.2 Disposal of Land by Permittee 10.3 Yreka Phlox
LAND TRANSACTIONS. Provide advice at the request of the Company’s President regarding certain land purchase and fee deal transactions, including maintenance and transition of relationships with land owners.
LAND TRANSACTIONS. The HCP provides for the continuation of DNR’s management program for state owned aquatic lands. DNR may sell, acquire, or exchange aquatic lands during the term of the HCP. Acquisition and conveyance of land is a Changed Circumstance addressed in Section 1-2.4 of the HCP which describes the specific conservation and mitigation measures that DNR agrees to implement where, pursuant to the HCP they are deemed necessary to respond to Changed Circumstances. As set forth in Section 1-2.4 of the HCP, DNR will not transfer to others aquatic lands ascertained to be a conservation priority under the HCP’s land planning process described in Section 5-2.2 of the HCP unless the entity to which the lands are transferred commits to continued management in conformance with the HCP, or unless DNR otherwise offsets the conservation value likely to be lost as a result of such transfer. DNR will apply the appropriate HCP standards, strategies, and measures to the newly acquired lands and the Permits shall apply to such newly acquired lands.
LAND TRANSACTIONS. X. Xxxxxxxxx must acquire Lots 4 and 6 from Northfield Lots LLC (“Northfield Lots”). City will consent to those acquisitions (as required under the former Supplemental Development Agreement). Closing must occur no later than July 12, 2016. B. City will sell the so-called “Sliver Lot” (P)D 2236479011) and Lot 5 (PID 223647909) to Developer, under these terms:  Purchase price is $11,500 for Sliver Lot and $130,000 for Lot 5 (but because proceeds are returned as assistance, the technical price will be $1.00; see below)  Closing contingent on typical real estate contingencies, plus: o Developer having demonstrated that financing for hotel development is secure and funded, or reasonably committed to City’s satisfaction. o Highland Bank consents to the sale (as required under the former Supplemental Agreement) o Satisfaction of city charter land sale requirements (public hearing, approval by 5 votes). o Closing occurs by December 1, 2016  Both parcels subject to right of reverter in favor of City, which City may exercise (1) for Sliver Lot, if Developer fails to timely commence the hotel development; and (2) for Lot 5, if Developer fails to timely commence development of that lot.  Lot 5 must remain unencumbered by debt until financing is put in place for development of that lot.
LAND TRANSACTIONS. 11.1 Acquisition of land by Plum Creek. Nothing in this Agreement, the NFHCP, or the Permits limits Plum Creek's right to acquire additional lands or interests in lands. It is within Plum Creek's sole discretion whether it will seek to add the acquired lands to the NFHCP and have them become Covered Lands. Transfers of Covered Lands between the Plum Creek entities identified in Section 1.0 of this Agreement (which entities are named on the Permits) are expressly permitted and shall not be treated as an acquisition or disposition of land subject to this Section 11.0. Such intra-Plum Creek transactions involving Covered Lands shall have no effect whatsoever on the continued applicability of the NFHCP, this Agreement and the Permits to the transferred Covered Lands or on Plum Creek's obligations thereunder. 11.1.1 Acquisition of land outside the Planning Area. Lands Plum Creek acquires outside of the Planning Area will not become Covered Lands under the Permits except upon amendment of the Permits as provided in section 12.2 of this Agreement. 11.1.2 Acquisition of land within the Planning Area, except non-private lands acquired through exchange. This subparagraph shall apply to all lands acquired by Plum Creek within the Planning Area, except lands acquired from a non-private entity through a land exchange. If Plum Creek wishes to have acquired lands within the Planning Area covered by the Permits, Plum Creek shall give the Services notice of that desire and shall provide the following information pertaining to the lands Plum Creek wishes to become Covered Lands: (a) identification of the location and acreage of the acquired lands; (b) a statement that since acquisition of the lands by Plum Creek, the lands have been managed in a manner consistent with the NFHCP; (c) delineation of the watercourses running through or abutting the acquired lands; (d) identification of whether the lands are within a Tier I watershed (as delineated in the NFHCP; if not delineated, whether the watershed is Tier I will be determined considering the same criteria used by Plum Creek and the Services in establishing Tier I watershed in the initial NFHCP); (e) identification of any watercourses running through or abutting the acquired lands that contain a Native Fish Assemblage (such to be determined considering the same criteria used by Plum Creek and the Services in establishing the Native Fish Assemblages in the initial NFHCP); (f) identification of any the watercourses running th...