Laundry Room. There is a laundry room located on the first floor and is available to residents in the dorms. Washer and dryer filters are to be cleaned by the user after each use. Students need to be present when the washer or dryer has completed its cycle and empty the appliance for others to use. Irons and ironing boards are available in the laundry room for students use. Do not remove them from the laundry room. Toilet plungers are located in every dorm room of the Residence Dorm Building, clean them after each use.
Laundry Room. The company and the Union had discussion surrounding the workload of the laundry room and has agreed to the following: The company will implement a part-time evening laundry room attendant. The primary role for this position will be for the purpose of completing the work load of the outgoing day shift. In addition to the newly implemented evening shift, the company will ensure that a second laundry room attendant is on shift when necessary to keep up the demands of the day. It is agreed that, in the event that work load is heavy on a particular day that housekeepers needing supplies will approach the supervisor for assistance and will not go directly to the laundry room attendant. It will be the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure proper staffing is provided with the clear understanding that in no circumstance will any employee forfeit any negotiated break or meal periods and such breaks will be taken into consideration when developing the additional needs of the laundry room. It is further agreed that any employee who is performing work for the company beyond their normal scheduled shift will be paid overtime for all work performed as per Article 34 of the CBA. Co-op Students During 2016 Negotiations, the parties had extensive discussion surrounding the use of Co- Op students. It is agreed that utilizing Co-Op students will not at any time reduce the hours or shifts, or result in a lay-off of regular employees. There will be no use of any Co-Op students at any time of a lay-off of regular employees. The company will notify the Union Chairperson in writing when contemplating utilizing a Co- Op student. Co-Op students will be restricted to “shadowing” regular employees and a list of Co-Op students will be provided to the Union Chairperson along with start dates and expected length of the particular program as well as the anticipated end date. For clarity, and in particular in Guest Services, the “shadowing” of a Co-Op student will not be considered as a required employee for the department. If for example there is to be two
Laundry Room. Articles left in laundry rooms or other Building Common Areas for more than 12 hours may be disposed of by Owner. Residents are responsible for safeguarding their laundry cards. In the event of a lost or stolen laundry card, replacement cards can be issued by Owner for a fee of
Laundry Room. Laundry facilities are available for the exclusive use of our residents during the hours posted. For safety reasons, residents are requested not to permit their children to go to the laundry room unless attended by an adult. Clothes, laundry baskets, detergents, etc. should not be left unattended in the laundry area. Please remove your laundry as soon as the machine shuts off. Management cannot be responsible for loss or damage of these articles. Please help us in maintaining your laundry room by disposing of lint, empty containers, softening sheets, etc., in a trash receptacle. At no time should facilities be used as a playroom or storage area.
Laundry Room. Dryer lint trap is to be emptied BEFORE removing items from the dryer! Daily: Sweep floor; wipe down machines, and empty trash. Weekly: Sweep and mop floor; empty trash; and wipe down machines.
Laundry Room. Coin operated laundry is available on the first floor of the residence. Please make sure the lint tray is clean before using a dryer to ensure maximum efficiency. A change machine is located in the main lobby for your convenience. Students are NOT PERMITTED to bring into or keep pets in the resi‐ dence.
Laundry Room. Coin-operated washing and drying machines are available on the first floor of the Tower. Tenant assumes all risks associated with operation of the machines, including risk of loss or damage to personal property. Individual apartments are not equipped with individual washers and dryers. Laundry Locker is also on site to provide dry cleaning and wash-and-fold services.
Laundry Room. 3.1. The laundry facilities at Villa Polonia are for the sole use of the tenants.
3.2. The Tenant shall be responsible for cleaning out the washer and the lint trap of the dryer after every use. The Tenant shall leave the laundry room in a clean condition after use. The laundry room shall be kept locked when not in use.
3.3. The Tenant is responsible to report any problems with the machines to Property Management staff to ensure prompt repair. If the staff are not in the Building, the Tenant agrees to place a note on the appliance: "NOT IN SERVICE".
3.4. If a problem occurs on the weekend, the Tenant shall wait until the first working day to submit a request for repair.
Laundry Room. Not all the residents of the home in the SDCU have been assessed capable of recognizing and using poisons safely. On May 16, 2023, the Business Office Manager removed the 32 fl oz. bottle of Ecolab Virasept "One-step" Detergent and a 20 fl oz. bottle of Ecolab Lemon Lift Heavy Duty Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaner with Bleach and secured the keypad locked door to the laundry room in the Secure Dementia Care Unit. A sweep was completed on May 16, 2023 of the Secure Dementia Care Unit by the Direct Care staff member for any poisonous materials. The Executive Director audited areas in the Secured Dementia Care Unit were found to be in compliance on May 17, 2023. May 16, 2023, and May 24, 2023, - The Executive Director and the Health and Wellness Director retrained the direct care staff regarding the community policy on storage of poisonous materials in the Secure Dementia Care Unit. The Medication Technician, Clare Bridge Coordinator or designee will round 5 times a week, starting May 17, 2023 for 3 months in the Secure Dementia Care Unit, to verify the secured storage of poisonous materials using the Clare Bridge Common and Room Audit form. To assist with ongoing compliance, the Health and Wellness Director or designee will review the audit results weekly starting May 31, 2023 and conducted continuously in the SDCU at least once a week to verify the secured storage of poisonous materials using the Clare Bridge Common and Room Audit form.
Laundry Room. Laundry rooms located on the Premises may be used by Licensee and their guests only. Licensee must observe the hours of use for the laundry room as posted by Licensor. All posted laundry room signs must be observed by Licensee. All laundry machines must be cleaned by Licensee after use, including, but not limited to, wiping the outside and inside of such machine, removing any soap residue, and emptying the lint trays. Licensee may not use any dyes in the laundry machines nor shall Licensee overload or abuse such machines. Pet bedding may not be cleaned or dried using laundry machines provided on the Premises. Licensor is not responsible for Licensee’s lost, damaged, or stolen articles.