Lead Custodian. When the administration determines that there is a need to designate a lead custodian, the lead custodian duties will adhere to a job description. The lead custodian will receive an additional $2.00 per hour of pay over and above his/her regular wages for any hours worked in this role, as recorded and approved on his/her timesheet.
Lead Custodian. Lead custodians designated by the District Maintenance Director who are employed for the second shift shall receive a stipend of $.20 per hour. It is noted that such payment is only applicable during the school year. 180 are the maximum number of days applicable to such differential pay in any given fiscal year.
Lead Custodian. An employee responsible for the care and cleaning of one or more buildings and grounds under the direction of the Building Principal and the Director of Buildings and Grounds. This person may “lead” or direct the work of other employees, but he/she cannot discipline other employees.
Lead Custodian. In addition to the duties outlined in the custodial job description, an individual selected to serve as Lead Custodian qualifies for an hourly stipend as shown in Article 10 for all hours served as Lead Custodian in addition to any base wage or overtime pay.
1. The Lead Custodian duties shall be voluntary, except for the training rotation addressed below. In the event that there are no volunteers, physical plant management may assign duties to an employee for up to thirty (30) work days before rotating the work to the other employees in the unit.
2. Lead custodian duties shall be assigned by physical plant management based on the employee’s qualifications for the position and experience. When these factors are equal, the position shall be offered to the most seniored employee.
3. The additional responsibilities assumed as a Lead Custodian are defined in the Lead Custodian job description.
4. The Lead Custodian shall not participate in the evaluation or discipline of other employees. The employee’s performance of the Lead Custodian duties will be evaluated separately from the employee’s custodial duties and unsatisfactory performance of Lead Custodian duties does not translate into unsatisfactory performance of custodial duties.
5. The administrator responsible for physical plant management may rotate the assignment of Lead Custodian duties to each custodial employee so that each employee may serve up to a total of three (3) weeks in the position in order to familiarize each employee with lead custodial duties.
Lead Custodian. In addition to the present lead custodians located in other schools, a lead custodian shall be assigned as follows: Alpena High School 1 Thunder Bay Junior High 1 Nothing herein shall prevent more lead custodians from being assigned.
Lead Custodian. (a) Lead custodians shall be paid the following additional hourly rate of pay during the hours that they have lead responsibility over at least one other custodian. $1.00
(b) The position of lead custodian shall be posted. The Administration may appoint from inside or outside candidates and may reject all applicants. Anything contained in this agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the appointment decision of the Administration shall not be subject to challenge.
Lead Custodian. A custodial employee who is appointed by the Superintendent-Director and who works a regularly scheduled work week. He/She shall have the authority to assign and/or adjust work loads of bargaining unit members under his/her supervision. Said employee is entitled to all the benefits of this Agreement. Contract shall be effective as of July 1, 2021, and continues in effect until midnight on June 30, 2024.
Lead Custodian. At the option of the Board, there will be one (1) lead custodian for the school district. The lead custodian shall be responsible for all supply/material ordering and inventory for all buildings. The lead custodian shall be compensated on an hourly basis as follows:
Lead Custodian. In order to provide professionally responsible coverage for each school, in absence of the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, the Board shall annually select a Lead Custodian for the Cherry Hill and Roosevelt schools. When notified of the potential need for his/her service, a Lead Custodian will willingly assume professional responsibility for the well being of the school, staff and students on an emergency, short-term basis. Issues which would ordinarily be directed to the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds for immediate action will be directed to the Lead Custodian. Each Lead Custodian will be remunerated $400.00 for the school year.
Lead Custodian. The Lead Custodian position is defined as the senior day custodian at each elementary, where more than one permanent custodian is assigned. The Lead Custodian will receive a differential of ten percent (10%).