LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS. (a) Employees who have been elected or appointed by the Union to attend International, National or local gatherings will be granted leave of absence without pay for this purpose. Not more than two (2) employees may take such leave at one time and they must give the Company notice in writing at their earliest opportunity but no later than ten (10) working days notice in writing. This notice must be confirmed by the Union. Leave will not exceed three (3) weeks, plus reasonable travel time.
(b) Leave of absence will be granted on request to not more than two (2) employees who have been selected by the Union to attend collective bargaining sessions or emergency gatherings of the Union.
LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS. Employees who have been elected or appointed by the Union to attend International, National or Local gatherings will be granted leave of absence without pay for this purpose. Not more than two (2) employees may take such leave at one time and they must give the Company ten (10) working days’ notice in writing. This notice must be confirmed by the Union. Leave will not exceed three (3) weeks plus reasonable travel time.
LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS. The Company will be reimbursed for the Company contributions from the employee's first pay cheque after the leave of absence.
LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS. Conferences may be held between the Company and bargaining or negotiating groups of the Union at such mutually convenient times. During regular working hours employees who are members of such bargaining or negotiating groups will be allowed time from their regular jobs at straight time payment to attend such conferences.
LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS a) Employees who have been elected or appointed by the USW to attend International, National or Local gatherings, subject to operational requirements will be granted leave of absence without pay for this purpose. Employees must give the Employer ten (10) working days’ notice in writing. This notice must be confirmed by the Union. Leave will not exceed three (3) weeks, plus reasonable travel time. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied.
b) Leave of absence without pay will be granted on request to not more than two (2) employees who have been selected by the USW to attend collective bargaining sessions or emergency gatherings of the Union.
LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS. 1. Employees who have been elected or appointed by the Union to attend
2. In accordance with Article 1.04(b), leave of absence will be granted on request to not more than two (2) employees who have been selected by the Union to attend emergency gatherings of the Union. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld, subject to operational requirements.
LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS. An employee who has been elected or appointed by the Union to attend national or local gatherings may get a leave of absence without pay for this purpose. Not more than two
LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS a) Employees who have been elected or appointed by the Union to attend International, National or Local gatherings will be granted leave of absence for this purpose. Not more than one (1) employee may take such leave at one time and they must give the Employer ten (10) working days notice in writing. This notice must be confirmed by the Union. Leave will not exceed three (3) weeks, plus reasonable travel time.
b) Leave of absence will be granted on request to not more than two (2) employees who have been selected by the Union to attend collective bargaining sessions or emergency gatherings of the Union.
16.03 a) The Employer agrees to recognize and deal with a Negotiating Committee of not more than two (2) employees, who will be regular employees of the Employer, along with representatives of the International Union.
LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS. (a) Employees who have been elected or appointed by the Union to attend International, National or local gatherings will be granted leave of absence without pay for this purpose. Not more than two
LEAVE TO ATTEND UNION GATHERINGS. (a) Provided the leave of absence does not unduly interfere with operations and further provided the Company is given at least ten (10) calendar days notice in writing, a leave of absence without pay will be granted to employees who have been elected or appointed by the Union, to attend Union labour seminars, courses or conferences. Such leave shall not be granted to more than one (1) employee from each of the trades or progressions per operating site location, to a maximum of four (4) employees per tour of work, combined between the operating site locations, and shall not exceed seven (7) working days.
(b) Subject to the conditions set forth in Article 10.02 (a), the Local Union President or the Local Vice-President shall be granted a leave without pay for the purposes stated in the said Article
(a) to a maximum of seven (7) working days. Where such leave is granted, the leave shall be in addition to the maximum of four (4) employees set forth above.