PAY CHEQUE Sample Clauses

PAY CHEQUE. 26.01 Effective the date of ratification of this Collective Agreement, all employees will be paid every second Friday via direct deposit. 26.02 The payment shall include all earnings up to and including the previous Sunday. Pay slips will be available on epost prior to pay day. 26.03 Pay slips will include a statement of all wages and deductions made for the pay period. The Employee’s statement shall include the number of hours worked and the overtime pay shall be listed separately from straight time. 26.04 Errors in pay cheques shall be handled in the following manner: In the event of an error on a pay cheque, the employee will advise the Company as soon as possible. If the error is verified, it shall be corrected and paid the next pay period.
PAY CHEQUE. 25.01 Effective the date of ratification of this Collective Agreement, all employees will be paid every second Thursday via direct deposit. 25.02 The payment shall include all earnings up to and including the previous Saturday. Pay slips (electronic or otherwise) will be available on payday. 25.03 Pay slips will include a statement of all wages and deductions made for the pay period. The Employee’s statement shall include the number of hours worked and the overtime pay shall be listed separately from straight time. 25.04 Errors in pay cheques shall be handled in the following manner: Forms are available for errors on pay cheques. Employees are to complete the form as soon as possible and submit it to the office. In the event an error of fifty dollars ($50.00) or more is made to an employee’s pay, it shall be promptly corrected by issuing a separate electronic wire transfer to cover any such error. Such payment shall be issued within three business days. The Company will reimburse any fees charged to the employee that is caused by Company error, once documentation is provided. For employees who fail to scan in or out or both, this is not considered a Company error.
PAY CHEQUE. 15.01 Employees will be paid via Direct Deposit. 15.02 Underpayments in a pay cheque due to a Company error which is in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) “gross”, will be reimbursed within five (5) business days of the Company becoming aware of the underpayment. 15.03 The Company will provide, on each employee’s pay cheque, the Pension contributions that have been submitted on their behalf for the pay period. 15.04 Overpayments that the Company discovers within one (1) year can be recovered by payroll deduction to a maximum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) ”net” per month for a full-time employee, and one hundred dollars ($100.00) “net” per month for a part-time employee. Any remaining balances can be collected in full on final pay cheque. 15.05 Should an employee fail to return RAIC or Parking Decal to the Company or Airport Authority upon termination of employment, the total cost shall be deducted from the employee’s final cheque.
PAY CHEQUE. On the pay cheque stub, the Employer shall record in particular:  name of the Employer;  employee’s first and last names;  job title;  date of the pay period and the date of payment;  number of hours paid at the regular rate;  overtime hours worked during this period;  nature and amount of premiums, if applicable;  benefits, allowances or supplements paid, if applicable;  rate of pay;  gross pay;  nature and amount of deductions made;  net pay;  adjustment of remuneration for the National Holiday, if applicable. The cheque stub shall also include the following information:  date of hiring;  cost centre;  employee number;  echelon;  number of days of sick leave accumulated;  accumulated seniority;  accumulated vacation time;  accumulated time owing. This latter list of information may be renegotiated by the parties if changes are made to the payroll system.
PAY CHEQUE. 15.01 Employees will be paid via Direct Deposit. 15.02 Underpayments in a pay cheque due to a Company error which is in excess of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) "gross", will be reimbursed within seven (7) business days of the Company becoming aware of the underpayment. 15.03 The Company will provide, on each employee's pay cheque, the RRSP contributions that have been submitted on their behalf for the pay 15.04 Overpayments that the Company discovers within one (1) year may be recovered in accordance with the Company's regular practices.
PAY CHEQUE. Employees hired after ratification of this Collective Agreement will be paid via direct deposit.
PAY CHEQUEThe company shall issue pay cheque in such a manner that all employees shall have at least thirty-six (36) complete hours prior to a Saturday or a general holiday. Minor shortages will be paid the following pay period when brought to the attention of the company. Shortages in excess of fifty dollars ($50.00) (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and general holidays) will be paid immediately. The employer agrees to pay his employees on a weekly basis, that is,every week, and also agrees not to keep more than two (2) weeks in back wages. The pay of the employee will be remitted to him in a sealed envelop or direct deposit.
PAY CHEQUE. 25.01 Effective the date of ratification of this Collective Agreement, all employees will be paid every second Thursday via direct deposit. 25.02 The payment shall include all earnings up to and including the previous Saturday. Pay slips (electronic or otherwise) will be available on payday. 25.03 Pay slips will include a statement of all wages and deductions made for the pay period. The Employee’s statement shall include the number of hours worked and the overtime pay shall be listed separately from straight time. 25.04 Errors in pay cheques shall be handled in the following manner: Forms are available for errors on pay cheques. Employees are to complete the form as soon as possible and submit it to the office. If the error is verified as the Company's mistake, the Company will make every reasonable effort to reimburse the employee prior to the next pay period. The parties agree to discuss this at the Shop Committee level to develop a process that suits the Company payroll system.
PAY CHEQUE. 28.01 Employees hired after ratification of this Collective Agreement will be paid via direct deposit. 28.02 Underpayments in a pay cheque due to a Company error which is in excess of One hundred Dollars ($100.00 dollars)”gross”, will be 74 28.03 Overpayments that the Company discovers within one year can be recovered by payroll deduction to a maximum of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00 dollars )”net” per month for a Full Time employee, and seventy five dollars ($75.00 dollars) “net” per month for a Part Time employee. Any remaining balances can be collected in full on final pay cheque.
PAY CHEQUEPay cheques are dated and distributed Wednesday morning, except if the banks are closed Monday.