Living Wage Requirements. Any person employed by Contractor or subcontractor or City financial recipient or any sub recipient whose compensation is attributable to the City’s financial assistance, who meets the following requirements is considered a covered employee. The employee: 1) is not a person who provides volunteer services, that are uncompensated except for reimbursement of expenses such as meals, parking or transportation; 2) spends at least half of his or her time on work for the City [4 hours a day or 20 hours a week]; 3) is at least eighteen (18) years of age; and 4) is not in training for the period of training specified under training standards approved by the City.
Living Wage Requirements. During the term of this Agreement, CONSULTANT understands and agrees that if Living Wages are applicable subject to the provisions of Chapter 2.525 of the San Buenaventura Municipal Code (the “Code”) entitled, “Living Wages and Benefits for City Services” (a copy of which is available upon request), CONSULTANT will pay and/or provide the wages and/or benefits required therein to all of its employees engaged in whole or in part in performing the services provided for by this Agreement. PLEASE NOTE, with respect to Federal contracts, other requirements may apply, in which case, the highest of the federal Prevailing Wage, state Prevailing Wage and local Living Wage prevails.
Living Wage Requirements. During the term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that if Living Wages are applicable subject to the provisions of Chapter 2.525 of the San Buenaventura Municipal Code (the “Code”) entitled, “Living Wages and Benefits for City Services” (a copy of which is available upon request), CONTRACTOR will pay and/or provide the wages and/or benefits required therein to all of its employees engaged in whole or in part in performing the services provided for by this Agreement.
Living Wage Requirements. FIRM understands and agrees that this Agreement is subject to the provisions of Chapter 2.525 of the San Buenaventura Municipal Code, entitled “Living Wages and Benefits for City Services,” a copy of which has been provided to FIRM. By reason thereof, during the term of this Agreement, FIRM will pay and/or provide the wages and/or benefits required therein to all of its employees engaged in whole or in part in performing the services provided for by this Agreement. Moreover, FIRM will require any of its successors, assigns, and subcontractors who receive any compensation or other emoluments arising out of the performance of the services provided for by this Agreement to similarly pay and/or provide such wages and/or benefits to all of their employees engaged in whole or in part in performing such services. In addition, FIRM, and any of its successors, assigns, and sub-consultants who received any compensation or other emoluments arising out of the performance of the services provided for by this Agreement will post the “Notice to Employees” and provide the other information required by Section 2.525.170 of Chapter
Living Wage Requirements. Grantee will be considered a City Financial Assistance Recipient (“CFAR”) and must comply with the Oakland Living Wage Ordinance if it receives $100,000 or more in financial assistance from the City during a 12-month period. The Living Wage Ordinance requires that nothing less than a prescribed minimum level of compensation (a living wage) be paid to employees of CFARs (OMC 2.28, Ord. 1250 § 1, 1998). The Ordinance also requires submission of the Declaration of Compliance attached and incorporated herein as Schedule N and made part of this Agreement, and, unless specific exemptions apply or a waiver is granted, that Grantee provide the following to its employees who perform services under or related to this Agreement:
a. Minimum compensation – Said employees shall be paid an initial hourly wage rate of $14.98 with health benefits and $17.19 without health benefits. These initial rates shall be upwardly adjusted each year no later than April 1 in proportion to the increase at the immediately preceding December 31 over the year earlier level of the Bay Region Consumer Price Index as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. . Grantee agrees to pay adjusted living wage rates effective July 1st of each year during which this Agreement, as well as any amendment to this Agreement, is in effect.
b. Health benefits – Said full-time and part-time employees paid at the lower living wage rate shall be provided health benefits of at least $2.21 per hour. Grantee shall provide proof that health benefits are in effect for those employees no later than 30 days after execution of the contract or receipt of City financial assistance.
c. Compensated days off – Said employees shall be entitled to twelve compensated days off per year for sick leave, vacation or personal necessity at the employee's request, and ten uncompensated days off per year for sick leave. Employees shall accrue one compensated day off per month of full time employment. Part-time employees shall accrue compensated days off in increments proportional to that accrued by full-time employees. The employees shall be eligible to use accrued days off after the first six months of employment or consistent with company policy, whichever is sooner. Paid holidays, consistent with established employer policy, may be counted toward provision of the required 12 compensated days off. Ten uncompensated days off shall be made available, as needed, for personal or immediate family illness afte...
Living Wage Requirements. If the amount of this agreement is $15,713.00 or more, and if the Grantee has ten or more employees, then Grantee is required to pay a living wage, as defined in Ashland Municipal Code Chapter 3.12, to all employees and subcontractors who spend 50% or more of their time within a month performing work under this agreement. Grantees required to pay a living wage are also required to post the attached notice predominantly in areas where it will be seen by all employees.
Living Wage Requirements. (1) This agreement is subject to the City of Bloomington Living Wage Ordinance, Chapter 2.28 of the Bloomington Municipal Code and any implementing regulations. The Living Wage Ordinance requires among other things, that unless specific exemptions apply, all beneficiaries of City subsidies, as defined, shall provide payment of a minimum level of compensation to employees which may include the cost of health benefits. Such rate shall be adjusted annually pursuant to the terms of the Bloomington Living Wage Ordinance.
(2) Under the provisions of the Bloomington Living Wage Ordinance, the City shall have the authority, under appropriate circumstances, to terminate this contract and to seek other remedies as set forth therein, for violations of the Ordinance.
Living Wage Requirements. A. Applicability of Living Wage Requirements This section shall apply and the Consultant shall comply with the requirements of Section 8A-18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rochester, known as the Rochester Living Wage Ordinance, whenever payments by the City to the Consultant under this Agreement shall equal or be greater than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) during a period of one year. If this Agreement is amended to increase the amount payable hereunder to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more during a period of one year, then any such amendment shall be subject to Section 8A-18.
Living Wage Requirements. Grantee will be considered a City Financial Assistance Recipient (“CFAR”) and must comply with the Oakland Living Wage Ordinance if it receives $100,000 or more in financial assistance from the City during a 12-month period. The Living Wage Ordinance requires that nothing less than a prescribed minimum level of compensation (a living wage) be paid to employees of CFARs (OMC 2.28, Ord. 1250 § 1, 1998). If applicable, Grantee certifies that is has submitted a completed Declaration of Compliance with the Living Wage Ordinance (Schedule N) to secure this Agreement, which is incorporated herein, and, unless specific exemptions apply or a waiver is granted, Grantee agrees that it must provide the following to its employees who perform services under or related to this Agreement:
Living Wage Requirements. Living Wage requirements are not required for this procurement