MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. 5.1. Xxxx Xxxxx, Head of Finance and Transactional Services is responsible for the overall management and delivery of the support service functions and will (under delegated responsibility) in practice fulfil the role of the Treasurer for the Joint Committee. Any queries arising from financial and other relevant reports and any general day to day enquiries about the service should be addressed to the Head of Finance and Transactional Services.  In person at Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx  E-mail:  Telephone 00000 000000 5.2. The Head of Finance and Transactional Services will report to the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services and to the Corporate Director of Resources and Treasurer to the Joint Committee and to the Mountsett Crematorium Joint Committee. 5.3. The Head of Finance and Transactional Services and the Bereavement Services Manager will meet periodically to review performance on delivering agreed services and agree any changes to the delivery of the Service. Such meetings may be attended by other such persons as either party may wish. 5.4. The Corporate Director of Resources at the Council is ultimately responsible for the performance and effectiveness of services provided to the Joint Committee under this agreement. Any issues concerning any aspect of the delivery of the service or terms of this agreement that can not be satisfactorily resolved with Head of Finance and Transactional Services should be referred to the Council’s Corporate Director: Resources. Contact details are: Xxxx Xxxxxx, Corporate Director: Resources Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Telephone 00000 000000 5.5. The Principal Accountant: Environmental Services (under delegated responsibility) will meet with the Bereavement Services Manager each financial year to consider the support service fee for the following financial year. Such meetings will be scheduled in line with the Joint Committee’s annual budget timetable (final confirmation of the support service fee provision must be agreed no later than the 31st January in each year) and be attended by such other persons as either party may wish. 5.6. The Bereavement Services Manager is responsible for ensuring:-  Responses to reports are received within timescales specified  Information is provided to substantiate the implementation of any recommendations when requested  Co-operation with Support Services staff when required  T...
MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. 5.1. The Finance Manager: Neighbourhoods and Climate Change is responsible for the overall management and delivery of the support service functions and will (under delegated responsibility) in practice fulfil the role of the Treasurer for the Joint Committee. Any queries arising from financial and other relevant reports and any general day to day enquiries about the service should be addressed to the Finance Manager: Neighbourhoods and Climate Change. Contact details are: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Finance Manager: Neighbourhoods & Climate Change Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham E-mail: Telephone 00000 000000 5.2. The Finance Manager: Neighbourhoods and Climate Change will report to the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods & Climate Change and to the Corporate Director of Resources and Treasurer to the Joint Committee and to the Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee. 5.3. The Finance Manager: Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and the Bereavement Services Manager will meet periodically to review performance on delivering agreed services and agree any changes to the delivery of the Service. Such meetings may be attended by other such persons as either party may wish. 5.4. The Corporate Director of Resources at the Council is ultimately responsible for the performance and effectiveness of services provided to the Joint Committee under this agreement. Any issues concerning any aspect of the delivery of the service or terms of this agreement that can not be satisfactorily resolved with Finance Manager: Neighbourhoods and Climate Change should be referred to the Council’s Corporate Director: Resources. Contact details are: Xxxx Xxxxx, Corporate Director: Resources Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham E-mail: Telephone 00000 000000
MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. 5.1. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, (Audit Manager), is responsible for the management and delivery of the service and will in practice fulfil the role of the Head of Internal Audit for the Joint Committee. Any queries arising from specific audit reports and general day to day enquiries about the service should be addressed to the Audit Manager: • In person at Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx • E-mail: • Telephone 0000 000 0000 5.2. The Audit Manager will report to the Crematorium Superintendent, the Head of Finance, HR and Business Support and to the Mountsett Crematorium Joint Committee. . 5.3. The Audit Manager and the Crematorium Superintendent will meet periodically to review performance on delivering agreed services and agree any changes to the delivery of the Service. Such meetings may be attended by other such persons as either party may wish. 5.4. The Head of Internal Audit & Risk at the Council is ultimately responsible for the performance and effectiveness of services provided to the Joint Committee under this agreement. Any issues concerning any aspect of the delivery of the service or terms of this agreement that can not be satisfactory resolved with the Audit Manager should be referred to the Council’s Head of Internal Audit & Risk. Contact details are: Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Head of internal Audit & Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Telephone 0000 000 0000
MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. 5.1 Day to day management of the Service will be coordinated through nominated Council and 3GS representatives; • The 3GS Site Administrator will be based at: [Ty Glantaf, Taff’s Falls estate. RCT]. • All Press & Media releases concerning the initiative will be agreed between the Parties before release/publication. • Both Parties agree to meet to discuss strategic and operational issues on a monthly basis unless agreed otherwise. • Targets will not be set with regard the number of FPNs to be issued, with the agreed proviso that 3GS expect its officers to issue sufficient FPNs to make this arrangement financially viable. • 3GS are prohibited under the terms of this SLA from paying its employees ( Enforcement Officers and Administrators) any form of commission and or bonus that is linked in any way to the number of FPNs issued. • 3GS staff a r e salaried following completion of their trial period 5.2 3GS staff will be reviewed quarterly and receive 12 monthly appraisals of which the key factors will include; • Personal Conduct • Attendance [sickness management] • Punctuality • Appearance
MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. The day to day running of the Service shall be the responsibility of the Head of Service, reporting to the Chief Officer of Older Persons and Long Term Conditions, Adult Social Care & Health. The Head of Service can be contacted on 01344 786 512. Each Unitary Authority needs to provide an on call rota for children and adult services of on call managers that can be contacted if there is a significant issue outside office hours. A detailed Protocol is attached (Appendix 1) for contacting Emergency Duty Service on call managers, Unitary Authority on call managers children/adults, the Emergency Duty Service Chief Officer & Director. The Head of the Emergency Duty Service will provide an Annual Report to Unitary Authorities each August and will undertake 6 weekly meetings with designated Unitary Authority managers in children and adults plus twice annually meetings whereby all designated Unitary Authority managers are invited. This meeting will be of a strategic nature. Any Director of one of the Unitary Authorities can invoke a Strategic Review of the Emergency Duty Service.
MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. Rackspace will provision your initial mail environment, but you are otherwise responsible for managing your mail service, including adding mailboxes, adding wireless or other service components, adding storage capacity, managing settings, and configuring spam filters.
MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. 5.1. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, (Audit Manager), is responsible for the management and delivery of the service and will in practice fulfil the role of the Head of Internal Audit for the Joint Committee. Any queries arising from specific audit reports and general day to day enquiries about the service should be addressed to the Audit Manager: • In person at Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham • E-mail: • Telephone 0000 000 0000 5.2. The Audit Manager will report to the Crematorium Superintendent, the Head of Finance, HR and Business Support and to the Mountsett Crematorium Joint Committee. . 5.3. The Audit Manager and the Crematorium Superintendent will meet periodically to review performance on delivering agreed services and agree any changes to the delivery of the Service. Such meetings may be attended by other such persons as either party may wish. 5.4. The Head of Internal Audit & Risk at the Council is ultimately responsible for the performance and effectiveness of services provided to the Joint Committee under this agreement. Any issues concerning any aspect of the delivery of the service or terms of this agreement that can not be satisfactory resolved with the Audit Manager should be referred to the Council’s Head of Internal Audit & Risk. Contact details are: Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Head of internal Audit & Risk, Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham Telephone 0000 000 0000
MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. Atiba will provision your initial mail environment, but you are otherwise responsible for managing your mail service, including adding mailboxes, adding wireless or other service components, adding storage capacity, managing settings, and configuring spam filters.
MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. 10.1 The Service shall be managed on a day to day basis on behalf of WDC by the Contracts Supervisor and all contact and correspondence regarding operational matters should be directed to them. 10.2 WDC may notify BDC of an alternative point of contact in writing at any time. 10.3 Any concerns should be raised with the Operations Manager in the first instance. In circumstances where it is inappropriate to raise concerns with the Operations Manager then contact should be made with the Head of Service at WDC. If either party has formal concerns it wishes to raise with the other, it shall give written notice in accordance with this agreement. 10.4 The parties shall meet at least quarterly or as frequently as they may otherwise agree for the purposes of monitoring the provision of the Services under this agreement. Each party shall: a) ensure that such meetings are attended by staff with sufficient seniority to enable meaningful discussion of the Services; and b) make available to the other such information as is reasonably necessary to evaluate the provision of the Services.
MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE. Novus will provision your initial mail environment, but you are otherwise responsible for managing your mail service, including adding mailboxes, adding wireless or other service components, adding storage capacity, managing settings, and configuring spam filters unless otherwise specified via separate agreement with Novus.